Interface RepositoryConnectionFactory

All Known Implementing Classes:
JcrRepository.DelegatingConnectionFactory, RepositoryLibrary

public interface RepositoryConnectionFactory

An interface for a factory of RepositoryConnections using the names of the RepositorySource from which the connections are to be obtained. This interface need not be implemented by a RepositorySource, as implementations are usually provided by the system.

Method Summary
 RepositoryConnection createConnection(String sourceName)
          Create a RepositoryConnection using the given RepositorySource name.

Method Detail


RepositoryConnection createConnection(String sourceName)
                                      throws RepositorySourceException
Create a RepositoryConnection using the given RepositorySource name.

sourceName - the name of the source from which a connection should be obtained
the source, or null if no such source could be found (or created)
RepositorySourceException - if there was an error obtaining the new connection

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