Class PathRepositoryConnection

  extended by org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.PathRepositoryConnection
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class PathRepositoryConnection
extends Object
implements RepositoryConnection

Constructor Summary
PathRepositoryConnection(PathRepositorySource source, PathRepository repository)
Method Summary
 void close()
          Close this connection to signal that it is no longer needed and that any accumulated resources are to be released.
 void execute(ExecutionContext context, Request request)
          Execute the supplied commands against this repository source.
 CachePolicy getDefaultCachePolicy()
          Get the default cache policy for this repository.
 String getSourceName()
          Get the name for this repository source.
 XAResource getXAResource()
          Return the transactional resource associated with this connection.
 boolean ping(long time, TimeUnit unit)
          Ping the underlying system to determine if the connection is still valid and alive.
 String toString()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public PathRepositoryConnection(PathRepositorySource source,
                                PathRepository repository)
Method Detail


public String getSourceName()
Get the name for this repository source. This value should be the same as that returned by the same RepositorySource that created this connection.

Specified by:
getSourceName in interface RepositoryConnection
the identifier; never null or empty


public CachePolicy getDefaultCachePolicy()
Get the default cache policy for this repository. If none is provided, a global cache policy will be used.

Specified by:
getDefaultCachePolicy in interface RepositoryConnection
the default cache policy


public XAResource getXAResource()
Return the transactional resource associated with this connection. The transaction manager will use this resource to manage the participation of this connection in a distributed transaction.

Specified by:
getXAResource in interface RepositoryConnection
the XA resource, or null if this connection is not aware of distributed transactions


public boolean ping(long time,
                    TimeUnit unit)
Ping the underlying system to determine if the connection is still valid and alive.

Specified by:
ping in interface RepositoryConnection
time - the length of time to wait before timing out
unit - the time unit to use; may not be null
true if this connection is still valid and can still be used, or false otherwise


public void close()
Close this connection to signal that it is no longer needed and that any accumulated resources are to be released.

Specified by:
close in interface RepositoryConnection


public void execute(ExecutionContext context,
                    Request request)
             throws RepositorySourceException
Execute the supplied commands against this repository source.

Specified by:
execute in interface RepositoryConnection
context - the environment in which the commands are being executed; never null
request - the request to be executed; never null
RepositorySourceException - if there is a problem loading the node data
See Also:
RepositoryConnection.execute(org.modeshape.graph.ExecutionContext, org.modeshape.graph.request.Request)


public String toString()

toString in class Object
See Also:

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