Uses of Interface

Packages that use Serializer.LargeValues The classes that define the "simple" storage model for the JPA connector. The classes that define the utility JPA entities that are not part of any storage model. 

Uses of Serializer.LargeValues in

Classes in that implement Serializer.LargeValues
protected  class SimpleJpaRepository.LargeValueSerializer

Uses of Serializer.LargeValues in

Classes in that implement Serializer.LargeValues
protected static class Serializer.NoLargeValues

Fields in declared as Serializer.LargeValues
static Serializer.LargeValues Serializer.NO_LARGE_VALUES

Methods in with parameters of type Serializer.LargeValues
 void Serializer.deserializeAllProperties(ObjectInputStream stream, Collection<Property> properties, Serializer.LargeValues largeValues)
          Deserialize the serialized properties on the supplied object stream.
 Property Serializer.deserializeProperty(ObjectInputStream stream, Serializer.LargeValues largeValues)
          Deserialize the serialized property on the supplied object stream.
 Object[] Serializer.deserializePropertyValues(ObjectInputStream stream, Name propertyName, boolean skip, Serializer.LargeValues largeValues, Serializer.LargeValues skippedLargeValues, Serializer.ReferenceValues references)
          Deserialize the serialized property on the supplied object stream.
 void Serializer.deserializeSomeProperties(ObjectInputStream stream, Collection<Property> properties, Serializer.LargeValues largeValues, Serializer.LargeValues skippedLargeValues, Name... names)
          Deserialize the serialized properties on the supplied object stream.
 int Serializer.reserializeProperties(ObjectInputStream input, ObjectOutputStream output, Map<Name,Property> updatedProperties, Serializer.LargeValues largeValues, Serializer.LargeValues removedLargeValues, Set<Name> createdProperties, Serializer.ReferenceValues references)
          Deserialize the existing properties from the supplied input stream, update the properties, and then serialize the updated properties to the output stream.
 void Serializer.serializeProperties(ObjectOutputStream stream, int number, Iterable<Property> properties, Serializer.LargeValues largeValues, Serializer.ReferenceValues references)
          Serialize the properties' values to the object stream.
 boolean Serializer.serializeProperty(ObjectOutputStream stream, Property property, Serializer.LargeValues largeValues, Serializer.ReferenceValues references)
          Serialize the property's values to the object stream.

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