Package org.modeshape.cnd

Compact Node Definition (CND) defines JCR node types, property definitions, and child node definitions in a concise and easy-to-read form.


Class Summary
CndI18n The internationalized string constants for the org.modeshape.cnd* packages.
CndImporter A class that imports the node types contained in a JCR Compact Node Definition (CND) file into graph content.
CndTokenizer A TokenStream.Tokenizer implementation that adheres to the CND format by ignoring whitespace while including tokens for individual symbols, the period ('.'), single-quoted strings, double-quoted strings, whitespace-delimited words, and optionally comments.

Enum Summary
QueryOperator Enumeration of the query operators allowed in a CND file.

Package org.modeshape.cnd Description

Compact Node Definition (CND) defines JCR node types, property definitions, and child node definitions in a concise and easy-to-read form. The CND format was originally defined by the Apache Jackrabbit project, which is the reference implementation of the JCR 1.0 specification. However, the format has since been adopted as a repository-neutral format and defined as part of the JCR 2.0 specification.

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