ModeShape Distribution 3.0.0.Beta4

Class JcrRepositoryFactory

  extended by org.modeshape.jcr.JcrRepositoryFactory
All Implemented Interfaces:
RepositoryFactory, Repositories

public class JcrRepositoryFactory
extends Object
implements RepositoryFactory

Service provider for the JCR2 RepositoryFactory interface. This class provides a single public method, getRepository(Map), that allows for a runtime link to a ModeShape JCR repository.

The canonical way to get a reference to this class is to use the ServiceLoader:

 String configUrl = ... ; // URL that points to your configuration file
 Map parameters = Collections.singletonMap(JcrRepositoryFactory.URL, configUrl);
 Repository repository;
 for (RepositoryFactory factory : ServiceLoader.load(RepositoryFactory.class)) {
     repository = factory.getRepository(parameters);
     if (repository != null) break;
It is also possible to instantiate this class directly.
 RepositoryFactory repoFactory = new JcrRepositoryFactory();    
 String url = ... ; // URL that points to your configuration file
 Map params = Collections.singletonMap(JcrRepositoryFactory.URL, url);
 Repository repository = repoFactory.getRepository(params);]]>

Several URL formats are supported:

See Also:
getRepository(Map), RepositoryFactory.getRepository(Map)

Field Summary
          The name of the URL parameter that specifies the repository name.
static String URL
          Deprecated. use RepositoryFactory.URL instead
Fields inherited from interface org.modeshape.jcr.api.RepositoryFactory
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 Repository getRepository(Map parameters)
          Returns a reference to the appropriate repository for the given parameter map, if one exists.
 Repository getRepository(String repositoryName)
          Return the JCR Repository with the supplied name.
 Repository getRepository(String jcrUrl, String repositoryName)
          Returns the repository with the given name from the Repositories referenced by jcrUrl if the engine and the named repository exist, null otherwise.
protected  Repository getRepository(URL url, String repositoryName, Map<String,Object> parameters)
protected  String getRepositoryNameFrom(URL url, Map<String,Object> parameters)
 Set<String> getRepositoryNames()
          Get the names of the available repositories.
 Future<Boolean> shutdown()
          Shutdown this engine to stop all repositories created by calls to RepositoryFactory.getRepository(Map), terminate any ongoing background operations (such as sequencing), and reclaim any resources that were acquired by the repositories.
 boolean shutdown(long timeout, TimeUnit unit)
          Shutdown this engine to stop all repositories created by calls to RepositoryFactory.getRepository(Map), terminate any ongoing background operations (such as sequencing), and reclaim any resources that were acquired by the repositories.
static Future<Boolean> shutdownAll()
          Shutdown this engine to stop all repositories created by calls to getRepository(Map), terminate any ongoing background operations (such as sequencing), and reclaim any resources that were acquired by the repositories.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final String URL
Deprecated. use RepositoryFactory.URL instead
The name of the key for the ModeShape JCR URL in the parameter map

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String REPOSITORY_NAME_PARAM
The name of the URL parameter that specifies the repository name.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public JcrRepositoryFactory()
Method Detail


public static Future<Boolean> shutdownAll()
Shutdown this engine to stop all repositories created by calls to getRepository(Map), terminate any ongoing background operations (such as sequencing), and reclaim any resources that were acquired by the repositories. This method may be called multiple times, but only the first time has an effect.

Calling this static method is identical to calling the shutdown() method on any JcrRepositoryFactory instance, and is provided for convenience.

Invoking this method does not preclude creating new Repository instances with future calls to getRepository(Map). Any caller using this method as part of an application shutdown process should take care to cease invocations of getRepository(Map) prior to invoking this method.

This method returns immediately, even before the repositories have been shut down. However, the caller can simply call the get() method on the returned Future to block until all repositories have shut down. Note that the Future.get(long, TimeUnit) method can be called to block for a maximum amount of time.

a future that allows the caller to block until the engine is shutdown; any error during shutdown will be thrown when getting the repository from the future, where the exception is wrapped in a ExecutionException. The value returned from the future will always be true if the engine shutdown (or was not running), or false if the engine is still running.


public Repository getRepository(Map parameters)
Returns a reference to the appropriate repository for the given parameter map, if one exists. Although the parameters map can have any number of entries, this method only considers the entry with the key JcrRepositoryFactory#URL.

The value of this key is treated as a URL with the format PROTOCOL://PATH[?repositoryName=REPOSITORY_NAME] where PROTOCOL is "jndi" or "file", PATH is the JNDI name of the ModeShapeEngine or the path to the configuration file, and REPOSITORY_NAME is the name of the repository to return if there is more than one JCR repository in the given ModeShapeEngine or configuration file.

Specified by:
getRepository in interface RepositoryFactory
parameters - a map of parameters to use to look up the repository; may be null
the repository specified by the value of the entry with key URL, or null if any of the following are true:
  • the parameters map is empty; or,
  • there is no parameter with the URL; or,
  • the value for the URL key is null or cannot be parsed into a ModeShape JCR URL; or,
  • the ModeShape JCR URL is parseable but does not point to a ModeShapeEngine (in the JNDI tree) or a configuration file (in the classpath or file system); or,
  • or there is an error starting up the ModeShapeEngine with the given configuration information.


protected Repository getRepository(URL url,
                                   String repositoryName,
                                   Map<String,Object> parameters)


protected String getRepositoryNameFrom(URL url,
                                       Map<String,Object> parameters)


public Future<Boolean> shutdown()
Description copied from interface: RepositoryFactory
Shutdown this engine to stop all repositories created by calls to RepositoryFactory.getRepository(Map), terminate any ongoing background operations (such as sequencing), and reclaim any resources that were acquired by the repositories. This method may be called multiple times, but only the first time has an effect.

Invoking this method does not preclude creating new Repository instances with future calls to RepositoryFactory.getRepository(Map). Any caller using this method as part of an application shutdown process should take care to cease invocations of RepositoryFactory.getRepository(Map) prior to invoking this method.

This method returns immediately, even before the repositories have been shut down. However, the caller can simply call the get() method on the returned Future to block until all repositories have shut down. Note that the Future.get(long, TimeUnit) method can be called to block for a maximum amount of time.

a future that allows the caller to block until the engine is shutdown; any error during shutdown will be thrown when getting the repository from the future, where the exception is wrapped in a ExecutionException. The value returned from the future will always be true if the engine shutdown (or was not running), or false if the engine is still running.


public boolean shutdown(long timeout,
                        TimeUnit unit)
                 throws InterruptedException
Description copied from interface: RepositoryFactory
Shutdown this engine to stop all repositories created by calls to RepositoryFactory.getRepository(Map), terminate any ongoing background operations (such as sequencing), and reclaim any resources that were acquired by the repositories. This method may be called multiple times, but only the first time has an effect.

This method is equivalent to calling "shutdown().get(timeout,unit)" on this method.

Invoking this method does not preclude creating new Repository instances with future calls to RepositoryFactory.getRepository(Map). Any caller using this method as part of an application shutdown process should take care to cease invocations of RepositoryFactory.getRepository(Map) prior to invoking this method.

This method returns immediately, even before the repositories have been shut down. However, the caller can simply call the get() method on the returned Future to block until all repositories have shut down. Note that the Future.get(long, TimeUnit) method can be called to block for a maximum amount of time.

timeout - the maximum time per engine to allow for shutdown
unit - the time unit of the timeout argument
true if all engines completely shut down and false if the timeout elapsed before it was shut down completely
InterruptedException - if interrupted while waiting


public Repository getRepository(String jcrUrl,
                                String repositoryName)
                         throws RepositoryException
Returns the repository with the given name from the Repositories referenced by jcrUrl if the engine and the named repository exist, null otherwise.

If the jcrUrl parameter contains a valid, ModeShape-compatible URL for a ModeShapeEngine that has not yet been started, that ModeShapeEngine will be created and started as a side effect of this method.

If the repositoryName parameter is null, the repository name specified in the jcrUrl parameter will be used instead. If no repository name is specified in the jcrUrl parameter and the ModeShapeEngine has exactly one repository, that repository will be used. Otherwise, this method will return null.

jcrUrl - the ModeShape-compatible URL that specifies the Repositories to be used; may not be null
repositoryName - the name of the repository to return; may be null
the Repository with the given name from the Repositories referenced by jcrUrl if the engine exists and can be started (or is already started), and the named repository exists or null is provided as the repositoryName and the given engine has exactly one repository or the jcrUrl specifies a repository. If any of these conditions do not hold, null is returned.
RepositoryException - if the named repository exists but cannot be accessed
See Also:


public Repository getRepository(String repositoryName)
                         throws RepositoryException
Description copied from interface: Repositories
Return the JCR Repository with the supplied name.

Specified by:
getRepository in interface Repositories
repositoryName - the name of the repository to return; may not be null
the repository with the given name; never null
RepositoryException - if no repository exists with the given name or there is an error communicating with the repository


public Set<String> getRepositoryNames()
Description copied from interface: Repositories
Get the names of the available repositories.

Specified by:
getRepositoryNames in interface Repositories
the immutable set of repository names provided by this server; never null

ModeShape Distribution 3.0.0.Beta4

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