ModeShape Distribution 3.0.0.Beta4

Uses of Interface

Packages that use SessionCache

Uses of SessionCache in org.modeshape.jcr

Methods in org.modeshape.jcr that return SessionCache
 SessionCache SystemContent.cache()

Methods in org.modeshape.jcr with parameters of type SessionCache
 MutableCachedNode SystemContent.recordNewVersion(CachedNode versionableNode, SessionCache cacheForVersionableNode, Path versionHistoryPath, NodeKey originalVersionKey, Collection<Property> versionableProperties, DateTime now, AtomicReference<MutableCachedNode> frozenNodeOutput)
          The method efficiently updates the JCR version history and storage with a new version of a node being checked in.

Uses of SessionCache in org.modeshape.jcr.cache

Methods in org.modeshape.jcr.cache that return SessionCache
 SessionCache RepositoryCache.createSession(ExecutionContext context, String workspaceName, boolean readOnly)
          Create a session for the workspace with the given name, using the supplied ExecutionContext for the session.

Methods in org.modeshape.jcr.cache with parameters of type SessionCache
 void MutableCachedNode.addMixin(SessionCache cache, Name mixinName)
          Add the supplied mixin type if not already an explicitly referenced.
 void MutableCachedNode.addReferrer(SessionCache cache, NodeKey referrerKey, CachedNode.ReferenceType type)
          Adds to this node a reference with the given type from the node with the supplied key to this node.
 MutableCachedNode MutableCachedNode.createChild(SessionCache cache, NodeKey key, Name name, Iterable<Property> properties)
          Create a new node as a child of this node with the supplied name and properties.
 MutableCachedNode MutableCachedNode.createChild(SessionCache cache, NodeKey key, Name name, Property firstProperty, Property... additionalProperties)
          Create a new node as a child of this node with the supplied name and properties.
 void MutableCachedNode.deepClone(SessionCache cache, CachedNode sourceNode, SessionCache sourceCache)
          Clones into this node all the properties and children (deep clone) from the given source node.
 Map<NodeKey,NodeKey> MutableCachedNode.deepCopy(SessionCache cache, CachedNode sourceNode, SessionCache sourceCache)
          Copies into this node all the properties and children (deep copy) from the given source node.
 Set<Name> MutableCachedNode.getAddedMixins(SessionCache cache)
          Get the set of mixin names that were added to this node but not yet saved.
 String MutableCachedNode.getEtag(SessionCache cache)
          Compute an ETag value for this node.
 void RepositoryCache.ContentInitializer.initialize(SessionCache session, MutableCachedNode parent)
 boolean MutableCachedNode.isPropertyModified(SessionCache cache, Name propertyName)
          Return whether the property with the supplied name was modified since the session was last saved.
 boolean MutableCachedNode.isPropertyNew(SessionCache cache, Name propertyName)
          Return whether the property with the supplied name was created since the session was last saved.
 boolean MutableCachedNode.linkChild(SessionCache cache, NodeKey childKey, Name name)
          Link the existing node with the supplied key to be appended as a child of this node.
 void MutableCachedNode.moveChild(SessionCache cache, NodeKey key, MutableCachedNode newParent, Name newName)
          Remove the node from being a child of this node and append it as a child of the supplied node.
 void MutableCachedNode.removeAllProperties(SessionCache cache)
          Remove all of the properties from this node.
 void MutableCachedNode.removeChild(SessionCache cache, NodeKey key)
          Remove the node from being a child of this node.
 void MutableCachedNode.removeMixin(SessionCache cache, Name mixinName)
          Remove the supplied mixin type if already an explicitly referenced.
 void MutableCachedNode.removeProperty(SessionCache cache, Name name)
          Remove the property with the given name.
 void MutableCachedNode.removeReferrer(SessionCache cache, NodeKey referrerKey, CachedNode.ReferenceType type)
          Remove from this node a reference with the given type from the node with the supplied key to this node.
 void MutableCachedNode.renameChild(SessionCache cache, NodeKey key, Name newName)
          Renames the child node.
 void MutableCachedNode.reorderChild(SessionCache cache, NodeKey key, NodeKey nextNode)
          Remove the node from being a child of this node and append it as a child before the supplied node.
 void otherSession, SessionCache.PreSave preSaveOperation)
          Saves all changes made within this session and the supplied session, using a single transaction for both.
 void<NodeKey> toBeSaved, SessionCache otherSession, SessionCache.PreSave preSaveOperation)
          Saves all of this session's changes that were made at or below the specified path.
 void MutableCachedNode.setProperties(SessionCache cache, Iterable<Property> properties)
          Set the properties on this node.
 void MutableCachedNode.setProperties(SessionCache cache, Iterator<Property> properties)
          Set the properties on this node.
 void MutableCachedNode.setProperty(SessionCache cache, Property property)
          Set the property with the given name.
 void MutableCachedNode.setPropertyIfUnchanged(SessionCache cache, Property property)
          Set the given property only if it has not been set previously and therefore appear as changed.

Uses of SessionCache in org.modeshape.jcr.cache.document

Classes in org.modeshape.jcr.cache.document that implement SessionCache
 class AbstractSessionCache
 class ReadOnlySessionCache
          A read-only SessionCache implementation.
 class WritableSessionCache
          A writable SessionCache implementation capable of making transient changes and saving them.

Fields in org.modeshape.jcr.cache.document declared as SessionCache
protected  SessionCache SessionNode.DeepCopy.sourceCache

Methods in org.modeshape.jcr.cache.document with parameters of type SessionCache
 void SessionNode.addMixin(SessionCache cache, Name mixinName)
protected  void SessionNode.addOrRemoveReferrers(SessionCache cache, Property property, boolean add)
 void SessionNode.addReferrer(SessionCache cache, NodeKey referrerKey, CachedNode.ReferenceType type)
 MutableCachedNode SessionNode.createChild(SessionCache cache, NodeKey key, Name name, Iterable<Property> properties)
 MutableCachedNode SessionNode.createChild(SessionCache cache, NodeKey key, Name name, Property firstProperty, Property... additionalProperties)
 void SessionNode.deepClone(SessionCache cache, CachedNode sourceNode, SessionCache sourceCache)
 Map<NodeKey,NodeKey> SessionNode.deepCopy(SessionCache cache, CachedNode sourceNode, SessionCache sourceCache)
 Set<Name> SessionNode.getAddedMixins(SessionCache cache)
 String SessionNode.getEtag(SessionCache cache)
 boolean SessionNode.isPropertyModified(SessionCache cache, Name propertyName)
 boolean SessionNode.isPropertyNew(SessionCache cache, Name propertyName)
 boolean SessionNode.linkChild(SessionCache cache, NodeKey childKey, Name name)
 void SessionNode.moveChild(SessionCache cache, NodeKey key, MutableCachedNode newParent, Name newName)
 void SessionNode.removeAllProperties(SessionCache cache)
protected  void SessionNode.removeAllReferences(SessionCache cache)
 void SessionNode.removeChild(SessionCache cache, NodeKey key)
 void SessionNode.removeMixin(SessionCache cache, Name mixinName)
 void SessionNode.removeProperty(SessionCache cache, Name name)
 void SessionNode.removeReferrer(SessionCache cache, NodeKey referrerKey, CachedNode.ReferenceType type)
 void SessionNode.renameChild(SessionCache cache, NodeKey key, Name newName)
 void SessionNode.reorderChild(SessionCache cache, NodeKey key, NodeKey nextNode)
 void other, SessionCache.PreSave preSaveOperation)
 void otherSession, SessionCache.PreSave preSaveOperation)
 void<NodeKey> toBeSaved, SessionCache other, SessionCache.PreSave preSaveOperation)
          This method saves the changes made by both sessions within a single transaction.
 void<NodeKey> toBeSaved, SessionCache otherSession, SessionCache.PreSave preSaveOperation)
 void SessionNode.setProperties(SessionCache cache, Iterable<Property> properties)
 void SessionNode.setProperties(SessionCache cache, Iterator<Property> properties)
 void SessionNode.setProperty(SessionCache cache, Property property)
 void SessionNode.setPropertyIfUnchanged(SessionCache cache, Property property)

Constructors in org.modeshape.jcr.cache.document with parameters of type SessionCache
SessionNode.DeepClone(SessionNode targetNode, WritableSessionCache cache, CachedNode sourceNode, SessionCache sourceCache)
SessionNode.DeepCopy(SessionNode targetNode, WritableSessionCache cache, CachedNode sourceNode, SessionCache sourceCache)

ModeShape Distribution 3.0.0.Beta4

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