ModeShape Distribution 3.0.0.Beta4
Interface AuthenticationProvider

All Known Implementing Classes:
AnonymousProvider, AuthenticationProviders, JaasProvider, ServletProvider

public interface AuthenticationProvider

An interface used by a ModeShape Repository for authenticating users when they create new sessions using Repository.login(javax.jcr.Credentials, String) and related methods.

Method Summary
 ExecutionContext authenticate(Credentials credentials, String repositoryName, String workspaceName, ExecutionContext repositoryContext, Map<String,Object> sessionAttributes)
          Authenticate the user that is using the supplied credentials.

Method Detail


ExecutionContext authenticate(Credentials credentials,
                              String repositoryName,
                              String workspaceName,
                              ExecutionContext repositoryContext,
                              Map<String,Object> sessionAttributes)
Authenticate the user that is using the supplied credentials. If the supplied credentials are authenticated, this method should construct an ExecutionContext that reflects the authenticated environment, including the context's valid security context that will be used for authorization throughout.

Note that each provider is handed a map into which it can place name-value pairs that will be used in the Session attributes of the Session that results from this authentication attempt. ModeShape will ignore any attributes if this provider does not authenticate the credentials.

credentials - the user's JCR credentials, which may be an AnonymousCredentials if authenticating as an anonymous user
repositoryName - the name of the JCR repository; never null
workspaceName - the name of the JCR workspace; never null
repositoryContext - the execution context of the repository, which may be wrapped by this method
sessionAttributes - the map of name-value pairs that will be placed into the Session attributes; never null
the execution context for the authenticated user, or null if this provider could not authenticate the user

ModeShape Distribution 3.0.0.Beta4

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