ModeShape Distribution 3.0.0.Beta4

Class IdentifierPathSegment

  extended by org.modeshape.jcr.value.basic.BasicPathSegment
      extended by org.modeshape.jcr.value.basic.IdentifierPathSegment
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable, Comparable<Path.Segment>, Path.Segment, Readable

public class IdentifierPathSegment
extends BasicPathSegment

A Path.Segment implementation that represents an identifier segment.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
IdentifierPathSegment(Name name)
Method Summary
 boolean equals(Object obj)
 String getString(NamespaceRegistry namespaceRegistry, TextEncoder encoder, TextEncoder delimiterEncoder)
          Get the encoded string form of the object, using the supplied namespace registry to convert the names' namespace URIs to prefixes and the supplied encoder to encode characters, and using the second delimiter to encode (or convert) the delimiter used between the namespace prefix and the local part of any names.
 String getString(TextEncoder encoder)
          Get the encoded string form of the object, using the supplied encoder to encode characters.
 boolean isIdentifier()
          Return whether this segment is an identifier segment.
 String toString()
Methods inherited from class org.modeshape.jcr.value.basic.BasicPathSegment
compareTo, getIndex, getName, getString, getString, getString, getUnencodedString, hashCode, hasIndex, isParentReference, isSelfReference
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public IdentifierPathSegment(Name name)
Method Detail


public boolean isIdentifier()
Description copied from interface: Path.Segment
Return whether this segment is an identifier segment.

Specified by:
isIdentifier in interface Path.Segment
isIdentifier in class BasicPathSegment
true if the segment is an identifier segment, or false otherwise.


public boolean equals(Object obj)
equals in class BasicPathSegment


public String toString()
toString in class BasicPathSegment


public String getString(TextEncoder encoder)
Description copied from interface: Readable
Get the encoded string form of the object, using the supplied encoder to encode characters.

Specified by:
getString in interface Readable
getString in class BasicPathSegment
encoder - the encoder to use, or null if the default encoder should be used
the encoded string
See Also:


public String getString(NamespaceRegistry namespaceRegistry,
                        TextEncoder encoder,
                        TextEncoder delimiterEncoder)
Description copied from interface: Readable
Get the encoded string form of the object, using the supplied namespace registry to convert the names' namespace URIs to prefixes and the supplied encoder to encode characters, and using the second delimiter to encode (or convert) the delimiter used between the namespace prefix and the local part of any names.

Specified by:
getString in interface Readable
getString in class BasicPathSegment
namespaceRegistry - the namespace registry that should be used to obtain the prefix for the namespace URIs in the segment names
encoder - the encoder to use for encoding the local part and namespace prefix of any names, or null if the default encoder should be used
delimiterEncoder - the encoder to use for encoding the delimiter between the local part and namespace prefix of any names, or null if the standard delimiter should be used
the encoded string
See Also:
Readable.getString(NamespaceRegistry), Readable.getString(NamespaceRegistry, TextEncoder)

ModeShape Distribution 3.0.0.Beta4

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