@ThreadSafe public class Inflector extends Object
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
protected class |
Inflector.Rule |
Modifier | Constructor and Description |
Inflector() |
protected |
Inflector(Inflector original) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
addIrregular(String singular,
String plural) |
void |
addPluralize(String rule,
String replacement) |
void |
addSingularize(String rule,
String replacement) |
void |
addUncountable(String... words) |
String |
camelCase(String lowerCaseAndUnderscoredWord,
boolean uppercaseFirstLetter,
char... delimiterChars)
By default, this method converts strings to UpperCamelCase.
String |
capitalize(String words)
Returns a copy of the input with the first character converted to uppercase and the remainder to lowercase.
void |
Completely remove all rules within this inflector.
Inflector |
clone() |
static Inflector |
getInstance() |
Set<String> |
Get the set of words that are not processed by the Inflector.
String |
humanize(String lowerCaseAndUnderscoredWords,
String... removableTokens)
Capitalizes the first word and turns underscores into spaces and strips trailing "_id" and any supplied removable tokens.
protected void |
initialize() |
boolean |
isUncountable(String word)
Determine whether the supplied word is considered uncountable by the
pluralize and
singularize methods. |
String |
lowerCamelCase(String lowerCaseAndUnderscoredWord,
char... delimiterChars)
Converts strings to lowerCamelCase.
String |
ordinalize(int number)
Turns a non-negative number into an ordinal string used to denote the position in an ordered sequence, such as 1st, 2nd,
3rd, 4th.
String |
pluralize(Object word)
Returns the plural form of the word in the string.
String |
pluralize(Object word,
int count) |
protected static String |
replaceAllWithUppercase(String input,
String regex,
int groupNumberToUppercase)
Utility method to replace all occurrences given by the specific backreference with its uppercased form, and remove all
other backreferences.
String |
singularize(Object word)
Returns the singular form of the word in the string.
String |
titleCase(String words,
String... removableTokens)
Capitalizes all the words and replaces some characters in the string to create a nicer looking title.
String |
underscore(String camelCaseWord,
char... delimiterChars)
Makes an underscored form from the expression in the string (the reverse of the
camelCase method. |
String |
upperCamelCase(String lowerCaseAndUnderscoredWord,
char... delimiterChars)
Converts strings to UpperCamelCase.
protected static final Inflector INSTANCE
public Inflector()
protected Inflector(Inflector original)
public static final Inflector getInstance()
public String pluralize(Object word)
inflector.pluralize("post") #=> "posts" inflector.pluralize("octopus") #=> "octopi" inflector.pluralize("sheep") #=> "sheep" inflector.pluralize("words") #=> "words" inflector.pluralize("the blue mailman") #=> "the blue mailmen" inflector.pluralize("CamelOctopus") #=> "CamelOctopi"
Note that if the Object.toString()
is called on the supplied object, so this method works for non-strings, too.
- the word that is to be pluralized.singularize(Object)
public String singularize(Object word)
inflector.singularize("posts") #=> "post" inflector.singularize("octopi") #=> "octopus" inflector.singularize("sheep") #=> "sheep" inflector.singularize("words") #=> "word" inflector.singularize("the blue mailmen") #=> "the blue mailman" inflector.singularize("CamelOctopi") #=> "CamelOctopus"
Note that if the Object.toString()
is called on the supplied object, so this method works for non-strings, too.
- the word that is to be pluralized.pluralize(Object)
public String lowerCamelCase(String lowerCaseAndUnderscoredWord, char... delimiterChars)
inflector.lowerCamelCase("active_record") #=> "activeRecord" inflector.lowerCamelCase("first_name") #=> "firstName" inflector.lowerCamelCase("name") #=> "name" inflector.lowerCamelCase("the-first_name",'-') #=> "theFirstName"
- the word that is to be converted to camel casedelimiterChars
- optional characters that are used to delimit word boundariesunderscore(String, char[])
camelCase(String, boolean, char[])
upperCamelCase(String, char[])
public String upperCamelCase(String lowerCaseAndUnderscoredWord, char... delimiterChars)
inflector.upperCamelCase("active_record") #=> "SctiveRecord" inflector.upperCamelCase("first_name") #=> "FirstName" inflector.upperCamelCase("name") #=> "Name" inflector.lowerCamelCase("the-first_name",'-') #=> "TheFirstName"
- the word that is to be converted to camel casedelimiterChars
- optional characters that are used to delimit word boundariesunderscore(String, char[])
camelCase(String, boolean, char[])
lowerCamelCase(String, char[])
public String camelCase(String lowerCaseAndUnderscoredWord, boolean uppercaseFirstLetter, char... delimiterChars)
argument to false,
then this method produces lowerCamelCase. This method will also use any extra delimiter characters to identify word
inflector.camelCase("active_record",false) #=> "activeRecord" inflector.camelCase("active_record",true) #=> "ActiveRecord" inflector.camelCase("first_name",false) #=> "firstName" inflector.camelCase("first_name",true) #=> "FirstName" inflector.camelCase("name",false) #=> "name" inflector.camelCase("name",true) #=> "Name"
- the word that is to be converted to camel caseuppercaseFirstLetter
- true if the first character is to be uppercased, or false if the first character is to be
- optional characters that are used to delimit word boundariesunderscore(String, char[])
upperCamelCase(String, char[])
lowerCamelCase(String, char[])
public String underscore(String camelCaseWord, char... delimiterChars)
method. Also changes any characters that match the supplied delimiters into underscore.
inflector.underscore("activeRecord") #=> "active_record" inflector.underscore("ActiveRecord") #=> "active_record" inflector.underscore("firstName") #=> "first_name" inflector.underscore("FirstName") #=> "first_name" inflector.underscore("name") #=> "name" inflector.underscore("The.firstName") #=> "the_first_name"
- the camel-cased word that is to be converted;delimiterChars
- optional characters that are used to delimit word boundaries (beyond capitalization)public String capitalize(String words)
- the word to be capitalizedpublic String humanize(String lowerCaseAndUnderscoredWords, String... removableTokens)
titleCase(String, String[])
, this is meant for creating pretty output.
inflector.humanize("employee_salary") #=> "Employee salary" inflector.humanize("author_id") #=> "Author"
- the input to be humanizedremovableTokens
- optional array of tokens that are to be removedtitleCase(String, String[])
public String titleCase(String words, String... removableTokens)
humanize(String, String[])
, this is meant for creating pretty output.
inflector.titleCase("man from the boondocks") #=> "Man From The Boondocks" inflector.titleCase("x-men: the last stand") #=> "X Men: The Last Stand"
- the input to be turned into title caseremovableTokens
- optional array of tokens that are to be removedpublic String ordinalize(int number)
- the non-negative numberpublic boolean isUncountable(String word)
- the wordpublic Set<String> getUncountables()
public void addUncountable(String... words)
protected static String replaceAllWithUppercase(String input, String regex, int groupNumberToUppercase)
The Java regular expression processing
does not use the preprocessing directives \l
, \L
, and \U
. If so, such directives could be used in the replacement string
to uppercase or lowercase the backreferences. For example, \L1
would lowercase the first backreference, and
would uppercase the 3rd backreference.
- regex
- groupNumberToUppercase
- public void clear()
protected void initialize()
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