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2.3.4. DefaultLoginCredentials

The DefaultLoginCredentials bean is provided by PicketLink as a convenience, and is intended to serve as a general purpose Credentials implementation suitable for a variety of use cases. It supports the setting of a userId and credential property, and provides convenience methods for working with text-based passwords. It is a request-scoped bean and is also annotated with @Named so as to make it accessible directly from the view layer.
A view technology with support for EL binding (such as JSF) can access the DefaultLoginCredentials bean directly via its bean name, loginCredentials. The following code snippet shows some JSF markup that binds the controls of a login form to DefaultLoginCredentials:
<div class="loginRow">
  <h:outputLabel for="name" value="Username" styleClass="loginLabel"/>
  <h:inputText id="name" value="#{loginCredentials.userId}"/>

<div class="loginRow">
  <h:outputLabel for="password" value="Password" styleClass="loginLabel"/>
  <h:inputSecret id="password" value="#{loginCredentials.password}" redisplay="true"/>