Annotation Types Summary |
AddLinks |
Use on any JAX-RS method if you want RESTEasy to inject the RESTServiceDiscovery
to every entity in the response. |
LinkELProvider |
Use on your JAX-RS method, resource class or resource class' package to indicate that
you have a custom ELProvider for any links added to this response's entity. |
LinkResource |
Use this to mark JAX-RS methods that should be included in the REST service discovery. |
LinkResources |
Allows you have a list of LinkResource on a single method. |
ParentResource |
Marks an entity's parent which will be used to resolve any parent ID used in path parameters. |
ResourceID |
Marks this property as this resource's ID in URI templates. |
ResourceIDs |
Defines an ordered list of bean properties that defines this resource's ID in
URI templates. |