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RESTEasy is able to trigger validation in beans and method invocation. It introduces a new interface - org.jboss.resteasy.spi.validation.ValidatorAdapter - which is intended to decouple RESTEasy from the real validation API. Although the focus is integrate with the Bean Validation (JSR-303), this interface (hopefully ;)) allows us to integrate with any validation framework.
@Provider public class MyValidatorContextResolver implements ContextResolver<ValidatorAdapter> { @Override public ValidatorAdapter getContext(Class<?> type) { return new MyValidator(); } }
@Path("resourcePath") @ValidateRequest public interface Resource { @POST @Path("insert") public String insert(... @GET @Path("list") public String list(... }We can tell it to validate just some methods in an interface:
@Path("resourcePath") public interface Resource { @POST @Path("insert") @ValidateRequest public String insert(... @GET @Path("list") public String list(... }This way RESTEasy will only trigger validation in insert method. It's possible to say what methods you don't want to be validated:
@Path("resourcePath") @ValidateRequest public interface Resource { @POST @Path("insert") public String insert(... @GET @Path("list") @DoNotValidateRequest public String list(... }
By default RESTEasy will not validate any method. To enable validation it's required to annotate the resource or method with ValidateRequest.
The Bean Validation API (JSR-303) defines a meta-data model and API for bean validation based on annotations, with overrides and extended meta-data through the use of XML validation descriptors. There are some implementations of the API, and initially we integrate just with Hibernate Validator, which is the reference implementation to the JSR-303.
The integration between the API implementation and RESTEasy is done through the resteasy-hibernatevalidator-provider component. In order to integrate, we need to add resteasy-hibernatevalidator-provider and hibernate-validator to the classpath. With maven it's just a matter of including the following dependency:
<dependency> <groupId>org.jboss.resteasy</groupId> <artifactId>resteasy-hibernatevalidator-provider</artifactId> <version>2.3.5.Final</version> </dependency>
With this in the classpath, we can use all the infrastructure of the Bean Validation API and Hibernate Validator implementation:
@Path("resourcePath") @ValidateRequest public interface Resource { @POST @Path("insert") public String insert( @FormParam("name") @NotNull @Size(min=1,max=255) String name, @FormParam("version") @Pattern("\\d") String version ); @GET @Path("list") public String list( @QueryParam("keyword") @NotNull String keyword ); }
If a @Form parameter needs to be used, or the parameter represents the body of the request, this parameter needs to be annotated with @Valid from Bean Validation API:
@Path("resourcePath") @ValidateRequest public interface Resource { @POST @Path("insert") public String insert( @Form @Valid FormBean form ); }
The ValidatorAdapter API doesn't define an exception model yet. Each adapter implementation throws its particular implementation exception.
@Path("resourcePath") @ValidateRequest public interface Resource { @POST @Path("insert") public String insert( @Form @Valid FormBean form ); }