JBoss.orgCommunity Documentation
RESTEasy provides the support for validation mandated by the JAX-RS: Java API for RESTful Web Services 2.1 , given the presence of an implementation of the Bean Validation specification such as Hibernate Validator.
Validation provides a declarative way of imposing constraints on fields and properties of beans, bean classes, and the parameters and return values of bean methods. For example, in
@Path("all") @TestClassConstraint(5) public class TestResource { @Size(min=2, max=4) @PathParam("s") String s; private String t; @Size(min=3) public String getT() { return t; } @PathParam("t") public void setT(String t) { this.t = t; } @POST @Path("{s}/{t}/{u}") @Pattern(regexp="[a-c]+") public String post(@PathParam("u") String u) { return u; } }
the field s
is constrained by the Bean Validation built-in annotation @Size
to have between 2 and 4 characters, the property t
is constrained to have at least 3
characters, and the TestResource
object is constrained by the application defined
annotation @TestClassConstraint
to have the combined lengths of s
less than 5:
@Constraint(validatedBy = TestClassValidator.class) @Target({TYPE}) @Retention(RUNTIME) public @interface TestClassConstraint { String message() default "Concatenation of s and t must have length > {value}"; Class<?>[] groups() default {}; Class<? extends Payload>[] payload() default {}; int value(); } public class TestClassValidator implements ConstraintValidator<TestClassConstraint, TestResource> { int length; public void initialize(TestClassConstraint constraintAnnotation) { length = constraintAnnotation.value(); } public boolean isValid(TestResource value, ConstraintValidatorContext context) { boolean b = value.retrieveS().length() + value.getT().length() < length; } }
See the links above for more about how to create validation annotations.
Also, the method parameter u
is constrained to have no more than 5 characters,
and the return value of method post
is constrained by the built-in annotation
to match the regular expression "[a-c]+".
The sequence of validation constraint testing is as follows:
If a validation problem occurs, either a problem with the validation definitions or a constraint violation,
RESTEasy will set the return header org.jboss.resteasy.api.validation.Validation.VALIDATION_HEADER
("validation-exception") to "true".
If RESTEasy detects a structural validation problem, such as a validation annotation with a
missing validator class, it will return a String representation of a
. For example
javax.validation.ValidationException: HV000028: Unexpected exception during isValid call.[org.jboss.resteasy.test.validation.TestValidationExceptions$OtherValidationException]
If any constraint violations are detected, RESTEasy will return a report in one of a variety
of formats. If one of "application/xml" or "application/json" occur in the "Accept" request header,
RESTEasy will return an appropriately marshalled instance of
@XmlRootElement(name="violationReport") @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.FIELD) public class ViolationReport { ... public ArrayList<ResteasyConstraintViolation> getFieldViolations() { return fieldViolations; } public ArrayList<ResteasyConstraintViolation> getPropertyViolations() { return propertyViolations; } public ArrayList<ResteasyConstraintViolation> getClassViolations() { return classViolations; } public ArrayList<ResteasyConstraintViolation> getParameterViolations() { return parameterViolations; } public ArrayList<ResteasyConstraintViolation> getReturnValueViolations() { return returnValueViolations; } ... }
where org.jboss.resteasy.api.validation.ResteasyConstraintViolation
is defined:
@XmlRootElement(name="resteasyConstraintViolation") @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.FIELD) public class ResteasyConstraintViolation implements Serializable { ... /** * @return type of constraint */ public ConstraintType.Type getConstraintType() { return constraintType; } /** * @return description of element violating constraint */ public String getPath() { return path; } /** * @return description of constraint violation */ public String getMessage() { return message; } /** * @return object in violation of constraint */ public String getValue() { return value; } /** * @return String representation of violation */ public String toString() { return "[" + type() + "]\r[" + path + "]\r[" + message + "]\r[" + value + "]\r"; } /** * @return String form of violation type */ public String type() { return constraintType.toString(); } }
and org.jboss.resteasy.api.validation.ConstraintType
is the enumeration
public class ConstraintType { public enum Type {CLASS, FIELD, PROPERTY, PARAMETER, RETURN_VALUE}; }
If both "application/xml" or "application/json" occur in the "Accept" request header, the media type is chosen according to the ranking given by implicit or explicit "q" parameter values. In the case of a tie, the returned media type is indeterminate.
If neither "application/xml" or "application/json" occur in the "Accept" request header,
RESTEasy returns a report with a String representation of each
, where
each field is delimited by '[' and ']', followed by a '\r', with a final '\r' at the end.
For example,
[FIELD] [s] [size must be between 2 and 4] [a] [PROPERTY] [t] [size must be between 3 and 5] [z] [CLASS] [] [Concatenation of s and t must have length > 5] [org.jboss.resteasy.validation.TestResource@68467a6f] [PARAMETER] [test.<cross-parameter>] [Parameters must total <= 7] [[5, 7]] [RETURN_VALUE] [g.<return value>] [size must be between 2 and 4] [abcde]
where the four fields are
The ViolationReport
can be reconsititued from the String
as follows:
ResteasyClient client = new ResteasyClientBuilder().build(); Invocation.Builder request = client.target(...).request(); Response response = request.get(); if (Boolean.valueOf(response.getHeaders().getFirst(Validation.VALIDATION_HEADER))) { String s = response.getEntity(String.class); ViolationReport report = new ViolationReport(s); }
If the path field is considered to be too much server side information, it can be surpressed by setting the context parameter "resteasy.validation.suppress.path" to "true". In that case, "*" will be returned in the path fields.
The form of validation mandated by the JAX-RS 2.1 specification, based on Bean Validation 1.1 or greater, is supported by the RESTEasy module resteasy-validator-provider, which produces the artifact resteasy-validator-provider-<version>.jar. Validation is turned on by default (assuming resteasy-validator-provider-<version>.jar is available), though parameter and return value validation can be turned off or modified in the validation.xml configuration file. See the Hibernate Validator documentation for the details.
RESTEasy obtains a bean validation implemenation by looking in the available
META-INF/services/javax.ws.rs.Providers files for an implementation
of ContextResolver<GeneralValidator>
, where
public interface GeneralValidator { /** * Validates all constraints on {@code object}. * * @param object object to validate * @param groups the group or list of groups targeted for validation (defaults to * {@link Default}) * @return constraint violations or an empty set if none * @throws IllegalArgumentException if object is {@code null} * or if {@code null} is passed to the varargs groups * @throws ValidationException if a non recoverable error happens * during the validation process */ public abstract void validate(HttpRequest request, Object object, Class<?>... groups); /** * Validates all constraints placed on the parameters of the given method. * * @param <T> the type hosting the method to validate * @param object the object on which the method to validate is invoked * @param method the method for which the parameter constraints is validated * @param parameterValues the values provided by the caller for the given method's * parameters * @param groups the group or list of groups targeted for validation (defaults to * {@link Default}) * @return a set with the constraint violations caused by this validation; * will be empty if no error occurs, but never {@code null} * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code null} is passed for any of the parameters * or if parameters don't match with each other * @throws ValidationException if a non recoverable error happens during the * validation process */ public abstract void validateAllParameters(HttpRequest request, Object object, Method method, Object[] parameterValues, Class<?>... groups); /** * Validates all return value constraints of the given method. * * @param <T> the type hosting the method to validate * @param object the object on which the method to validate is invoked * @param method the method for which the return value constraints is validated * @param returnValue the value returned by the given method * @param groups the group or list of groups targeted for validation (defaults to * {@link Default}) * @return a set with the constraint violations caused by this validation; * will be empty if no error occurs, but never {@code null} * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code null} is passed for any of the object, * method or groups parameters or if parameters don't match with each other * @throws ValidationException if a non recoverable error happens during the * validation process */ public abstract void validateReturnValue( HttpRequest request, Object object, Method method, Object returnValue, Class<?>... groups); /** * Indicates if validation is turned on for a class. * * @param clazz Class to be examined * @return true if and only if validation is turned on for clazz */ public abstract boolean isValidatable(Class<?> clazz); /** * Indicates if validation is turned on for a method. * * @param method method to be examined * @return true if and only if validation is turned on for method */ public abstract boolean isMethodValidatable(Method method); void checkViolations(HttpRequest request); }
The methods and the javadoc are adapted from the Bean Validation 1.1 classes
RESTEasy module resteasy-validator-provider supplies an implementation
of GeneralValidator
An alternative implementation may be supplied by implementing
A validator intended to function in the presence of CDI must also implement the subinterface
public interface GeneralValidatorCDI extends GeneralValidator { /** * Indicates if validation is turned on for a class. * * This method should be called from the resteasy-jaxrs module. It should * test if injectorFactor is an instance of CdiInjectorFactory, which indicates * that CDI is active. If so, it should return false. Otherwise, it should * return the same value returned by GeneralValidator.isValidatable(). * * @param clazz Class to be examined * @param injectorFactory the InjectorFactory used for clazz * @return true if and only if validation is turned on for clazz */ public boolean isValidatable(Class<?> clazz, InjectorFactory injectorFactory); /** * Indicates if validation is turned on for a class. * This method should be called only from the resteasy-cdi module. * * @param clazz Class to be examined * @return true if and only if validation is turned on for clazz */ public abstract boolean isValidatableFromCDI(Class<?> clazz); /** * Throws a ResteasyViolationException if any validation violations have been detected. * The method should be called only from the resteasy-cdi module. * @param request */ public void checkViolationsfromCDI(HttpRequest request); /** * Throws a ResteasyViolationException if either a ConstraintViolationException or a * ResteasyConstraintViolationException is embedded in the cause hierarchy of e. * * @param request * @param e */ public void checkForConstraintViolations(HttpRequest request, Exception e); }
The validator in resteasy-validator-provider implements GeneralValidatorCDI.