Interface Messages

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface Messages
    $Revision: 1.1 $ Copyright Aug 28, 2015
    Ron Sigal
    • Method Detail

      • algorithmOfSharedSymmetricKey

                 value="The algorithm of the shared symmetric key must be AES")
        String algorithmOfSharedSymmetricKey()
      • algorithmWasNull

                 value="Algorithm was null")
        String algorithmWasNull()
      • authenticationTagMustNotBeNull

                 value="The authentication tag must not be null")
        String authenticationTagMustNotBeNull()
      • cekKeyLengthMismatch

                 value="CEK key length mismatch: {0} != {1}",
        String cekKeyLengthMismatch​(int length1,
                                    int length2)
      • cipherTextMustNotBeNull

                 value="The cipher text must not be null")
        String cipherTextMustNotBeNull()
      • contentEncryptionKeyLength

                 value="The Content Encryption Key (CEK) length must be {0} bits for {1} encryption",
        String contentEncryptionKeyLength​(int length,
                                          EncryptionMethod method)
      • couldNotFindMessageBodyReaderForJSON

                 value="Could not find MessageBodyReader for JSON")
        String couldNotFindMessageBodyReaderForJSON()
      • couldNotFindMessageBodyWriterForJSON

                 value="Could not find MessageBodyWriter for JSON")
        String couldNotFindMessageBodyWriterForJSON()
      • couldntCompressPlainText

                 value="Couldn\'t compress plain text: %s")
        String couldntCompressPlainText​(String message)
      • couldntDecompressPlainText

                 value="Couldn\'t decompress plain text: %s")
        String couldntDecompressPlainText​(String message)
      • couldntDecryptCEK

                 value="Couldn\'t decrypt Content Encryption Key (CEK): %s")
        String couldntDecryptCEK​(String message)
      • couldntEncryptCEK

                 value="Couldn\'t encrypt Content Encryption Key (CEK): %s")
        String couldntEncryptCEK​(String message)
      • couldntGenerateGCMAuthentication

                 value="Couldn\'t generate GCM authentication tag: %s")
        String couldntGenerateGCMAuthentication​(String message)
      • couldntValidateGCMAuthentication

                 value="Couldn\'t validate GCM authentication tag: %s")
        String couldntValidateGCMAuthentication​(String message)
      • encryptedKeyMustNotBeNull

                 value="The encrypted key must not be null")
        String encryptedKeyMustNotBeNull()
      • encryptionMethodWasNull

                 value="EncryptionMethod was null")
        String encryptionMethodWasNull()
      • illegalBase64UrlString

                 value="Illegal base64url string!")
        String illegalBase64UrlString()
      • initializationVectorMustNotBeNull

                 value="The initialization vector (IV) must not be null")
        String initializationVectorMustNotBeNull()
      • invalidHMACkey

                 value="Invalid HMAC key: %s")
        String invalidHMACkey​(String message)
      • lengthOfSharedSymmetricKey

                 value="The length of the shared symmetric key must be 128 bits (16 bytes), 256 bits (32 bytes) or 512 bites (64 bytes)")
        String lengthOfSharedSymmetricKey()
      • macCheckFailed

                 value="MAC check failed")
        String macCheckFailed()
      • notAMACalgorithm

                 value="Not a MAC Algorithm")
        String notAMACalgorithm()
      • notAnRSAalgorithm

                 value="Not an RSA Algorithm")
        String notAnRSAalgorithm()
      • notEncryptedWithDirAlgorithm

                 value="Not encrypted with dir algorithm")
        String notEncryptedWithDirAlgorithm()
      • notEncryptedWithRSAalgorithm

                 value="Not encrypted with RSA algorithm")
        String notEncryptedWithRSAalgorithm()
      • parsingError

                 value="Parsing error")
        String parsingError()
      • unableToFindMessageBodyWriter

                 value="Unable to find MessageBodyWriter")
        String unableToFindMessageBodyWriter()
      • unableToFindReaderForContentType

                 value="Unable to find reader for content type")
        String unableToFindReaderForContentType()
      • unexpectedEncryptedKey

                 value="Unexpected encrypted key, must be omitted")
        String unexpectedEncryptedKey()
      • unknownLength

                 value="Unknown length")
        String unknownLength()
      • unsupportedAlgorithm

                 value="Unsupported algorithm, must be \"dir\"")
        String unsupportedAlgorithm()
      • unsupportedCompressionAlgorithm

                 value="Unsupported compression algorithm: %s")
        String unsupportedCompressionAlgorithm​(CompressionAlgorithm algorithm)
      • unsupportedEncryptionMethod

                 value="Unsupported encryption method, must be A128CBC_HS256, A256CBC_HS512, A128GCM or A128GCM")
        String unsupportedEncryptionMethod()
      • unsupportedHMACalgorithm

                 value="Unsupported HMAC algorithm: %s")
        String unsupportedHMACalgorithm​(String message)
      • unsupportedJWEalgorithm

                 value="Unsupported JWE algorithm, must be RSA1_5 or RSA_OAEP")
        String unsupportedJWEalgorithm()
      • unsupportedKeyLength

                 value="Unsupported AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding/HMAC-SHA2 key length, must be 256 or 512 bits")
        String unsupportedKeyLength()