Class PriorityServiceLoader<S>

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class PriorityServiceLoader<S>
    extends Object
    implements Iterable<S>

    A service loader which loads classes aggressively sorting the implementations by the value in the Priority annotation. If the implementation does not include the annotation Integer.MAX_VALUE is used for the priority. The instances themselves are lazily created.


    If a constructor function is used the argument passed to the function is the resolved type. The function is free to construct the type however it sees fit.


     PriorityServiceLoader.load(Service.class, (service) -> {
          try {
              return service.getConstructor(String.class).newInstance("init value");
          } catch (Exception e) {
              throw new RuntimeException(e);

    James R. Perkins
    See Also:
    • Method Detail

      • load

        public static <S> PriorityServiceLoader<S> load​(Class<S> type)
        Creates a new service loader for the type.

        To resolve the class loader this first attempts to get the current threads context class loader. If that is null the services class loader is used. Finally if the class loader from the service is null then the system class loader is used.

        type - the type to load the services for
        a new service loader
        SecurityException - if the security manager is enabled there is a security issue loading the class or retrieving the class loader
      • load

        public static <S> PriorityServiceLoader<S> load​(Class<S> type,
                                                        Function<Class<? extends S>,​S> constructor)
        Creates a new service loader for the type.

        To resolve the class loader this first attempts to get the current threads context class loader. If that is null the services class loader is used. Finally if the class loader from the service is null then the system class loader is used.

        type - the type to load the services for
        constructor - an optional constructor used to construct the type
        a new service loader
        SecurityException - if the security manager is enabled there is a security issue loading the class or retrieving the class loader
      • load

        public static <S> PriorityServiceLoader<S> load​(Class<S> type,
                                                        ClassLoader cl)
        Creates a new service loader for the type and class loader.
        type - the type to load the services for
        cl - the class loader used to load the found services
        a new service loader
        SecurityException - if the security manager is enabled and there is a security issue loading the class
      • load

        public static <S> PriorityServiceLoader<S> load​(Class<S> type,
                                                        ClassLoader cl,
                                                        Function<Class<? extends S>,​S> constructor)
        Creates a new service loader for the type and class loader.
        type - the type to load the services for
        cl - the class loader used to load the found services
        constructor - an optional constructor used to construct the type
        a new service loader
        SecurityException - if the security manager is enabled and there is a security issue loading the class
      • first

        public Optional<S> first()
        If there are services available the first one is returned.
        the first service or an empty optional
        SecurityException - if the security manager is enabled and there is a security error instantiating the object
      • last

        public Optional<S> last()
        If there are services available the last one is returned.
        the last service or an empty optional
        SecurityException - if the security manager is enabled and there is a security error instantiating the object
      • getTypes

        public Set<Class<S>> getTypes()
        Returns the types found for this service.

        Note if accessed before the iterator the types are not actually constructed.

        the types found for this service