Interface Messages

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface Messages
    $Revision: 1.1 $ Copyright Aug 13, 2015
    Ron Sigal
    • Method Detail

      • exceptionHasInvalidFormat

                 value="ResteasyViolationException has invalid format: %s")
        String exceptionHasInvalidFormat​(String line)
      • unableToParseException

                 value="Unable to parse ResteasyViolationException")
        String unableToParseException()
      • unexpectedPathNode

                 value="unexpected path node type: %s")
        String unexpectedPathNode​(jakarta.validation.ElementKind kind)
      • unexpectedPathNodeViolation

                 value="unexpected path node type in method violation: %s")
        String unexpectedPathNodeViolation​(jakarta.validation.ElementKind kind)
      • unexpectedViolationType

                 value="unexpected violation type: %s")
        String unexpectedViolationType​(ConstraintType.Type type)
      • unknownObjectPassedAsConstraintViolation

                 value="unknown object passed as constraint violation: %s")
        String unknownObjectPassedAsConstraintViolation​(Object o)
      • alreadyCanceled

                 value="-- already canceled")
        String alreadyCanceled()
      • alreadyDone

                 value="-- already done")
        String alreadyDone()
      • alreadySuspended

                 value="Already suspended")
        String alreadySuspended()
      • cancel

        String cancel()
      • cancellingWith503

                 value="-- cancelling with 503")
        String cancellingWith503()
      • onComplete

        String onComplete()
      • onTimeout

        String onTimeout()
      • requestNotSuspended

                 value="Request not suspended")
        String requestNotSuspended()
      • scheduledTimeout

                 value="scheduled timeout")
        String scheduledTimeout()
      • schedulingTimeout

                 value="scheduling timeout")
        String schedulingTimeout()
      • alwaysMarkedAtIndex0

                 value="SelfExpandingBufferredInputStream is always marked at index 0.")
        String alwaysMarkedAtIndex0()
      • ambiguousInheritedAnnotations

                 value="Ambiguous inherited qualifying annotations applied to method: %s")
        String ambiguousInheritedAnnotations​(Method method)
      • annotationsParamNull

                 value="annotations param was null")
        String annotationsParamNull()
      • applicationParamNull

                 value="application param was null")
        String applicationParamNull()
      • attemptingToCast

                 value="ClassCastException: attempting to cast {0} to {1}",
        String attemptingToCast​(URL from,
                                URL to)
      • badArguments

                 value="Bad arguments passed to %s")
        String badArguments​(String methodName)
      • badBase64Character

                 value="Bad Base64 input character decimal {0} in array position {1}",
        String badBase64Character​(int c,
                                  int pos)
      • base64InputNotProperlyPadded

                 value="Base64 input not properly padded.")
        String base64InputNotProperlyPadded()
      • base64StringMustHaveFourCharacters

                 value="Base64-encoded string must have at least four characters, but length specified was %s")
        String base64StringMustHaveFourCharacters​(int len)
      • baseURINotSetForClientProxy

                 value="You have not set a base URI for the client proxy")
        String baseURINotSetForClientProxy()
      • cacheControlMaxAgeHeader

                 value="CacheControl max-age header does not have a value: %s.")
        String cacheControlMaxAgeHeader​(String value)
      • cacheControlSMaxAgeHeader

                 value="CacheControl s-maxage header does not have a value: %s.")
        String cacheControlSMaxAgeHeader​(String value)
      • cacheControlValueNull

                 value="Cache-Control value is null")
        String cacheControlValueNull()
      • callbackWasNull

                 value="Callback was null")
        String callbackWasNull()
      • cannotConsumeContentType

                 value="Cannot consume content type")
        String cannotConsumeContentType()
      • cannotDecodeNullSourceArray

                 value="Cannot decode null source array.")
        String cannotDecodeNullSourceArray()
      • cannotHaveLengthOffset

                 value="Cannot have length offset: %s")
        String cannotHaveLengthOffset​(int len)
      • cannotHaveNegativeOffset

                 value="Cannot have negative offset: %s")
        String cannotHaveNegativeOffset​(int off)
      • cannotHaveOffset

                 value="Cannot have offset of {0} and length of {1} with array of length {2}",
        String cannotHaveOffset​(int off,
                                int len,
                                int srcLen)
      • cannotInjectAsynchronousResponse

                 value="You cannot inject AsynchronousResponse outside the scope of an HTTP request")
        String cannotInjectAsynchronousResponse()
      • cannotInjectIntoForm

                 value="You cannot inject into a form outside the scope of an HTTP request")
        String cannotInjectIntoForm()
      • cannotSendFormParametersAndEntity

                 value="You cannot send both form parameters and an entity body")
        String cannotSendFormParametersAndEntity()
      • cannotSerializeNullArray

                 value="Cannot serialize a null array.")
        String cannotSerializeNullArray()
      • cannotSerializeNullObject

                 value="Cannot serialize a null object.")
        String cannotSerializeNullObject()
      • canOnlySetLinkHeaderRelOrTitle

                 value="You can only set one of LinkHeaderParam.rel() and LinkHeaderParam.title() for on {0}.{1}",
        String canOnlySetLinkHeaderRelOrTitle​(String className,
                                              String methodName)
      • cantSetMethod

                 value="Can\'t set method after match")
        String cantSetMethod()
      • cantSetURI

                 value="Can\'t set URI after match")
        String cantSetURI()
      • classIsNotRootResource

                 value="Class is not a root resource.  It, or one of its interfaces must be annotated with @Path: %s implements: ")
        String classIsNotRootResource​(String className)
      • classMustBeAnnotatedWithPath

                 value="Class must be annotated with @Path to invoke path(Class)")
        String classMustBeAnnotatedWithPath()
      • clientRequestDoesntSupportClonable

                 value="ClientRequest doesn\'t implement Clonable.  Notify the RESTEasy staff right away.")
        String clientRequestDoesntSupportClonable()
      • clientResponseFailureMediaType

                 value="Unable to find a MessageBodyReader of content-type {0} and type {1}",
        String clientResponseFailureMediaType​( mediaType,
                                              Type type)
      • clientResponseFailureStatus

                 value="Error status {0} {1} returned",
        String clientResponseFailureStatus​(int status,
      • constructorMappingInvalid

                 value="Constructor arg paramMapping is invalid")
        String constructorMappingInvalid()
      • controlCharacterInCookieValue

                 value="Control character in cookie value, consider BASE64 encoding your value")
        String controlCharacterInCookieValue()
      • cookieHeaderValueNull

                 value="Cookie header value was null")
        String cookieHeaderValueNull()
      • couldNotCreateEntityFactory

                 value="Could not create a default entity type factory of type {0}",
        String couldNotCreateEntityFactory​(String className)
      • couldNotCreateEntityFactoryMessage

                 value="Could not create a default entity type factory of type {0}. {1}",
        String couldNotCreateEntityFactoryMessage​(String className,
                                                  String message)
      • couldNotCreateURI

                 value="Could not create a URI for {0} in {1}.{2}",
        String couldNotCreateURI​(String uri,
                                 String className,
                                 String methodName)
      • couldNotFindClassJndi

                 value="Could not find class %s provided to JNDI Component Resource")
        String couldNotFindClassJndi​(String className)
      • couldNotFindConstructor

                 value="Could not find constructor for class: %s")
        String couldNotFindConstructor​(String className)
      • couldNotFindGetterForParam

                 value="URITemplateAnnotationResolver could not find a getter for param %s")
        String couldNotFindGetterForParam​(String param)
      • couldNotFindMessageBodyReader

                 value="Could not find message body reader for type: {0} of content type: {1}",
        String couldNotFindMessageBodyReader​(Type type,
      • couldNotFindMethod

                 value="Could not find a method for: %s")
        String couldNotFindMethod​(Method method)
      • couldNotFindResourceForFullPath

                 value="Could not find resource for full path: %s")
        String couldNotFindResourceForFullPath​(URI uri)
      • couldNotFindWriterForContentType

                 value="could not find writer for content-type {0} type: {1}",
        String couldNotFindWriterForContentType​( mediaType,
                                                String className)
      • couldNotGetAValue

                 value="URITemplateAnnotationResolver could not get a value for %s")
        String couldNotGetAValue​(String param)
      • couldNotIntrospectClass

                 value="URITemplateAnnotationResolver could not introspect class %s")
        String couldNotIntrospectClass​(String className)
      • couldNotMatchUpLoggerTypeImplementation

                 value="Could not match up an implementation for LoggerType: %s")
        String couldNotMatchUpLoggerTypeImplementation​(Class<?> loggerType)
      • couldNotProcessMethod

                 value="Could not process method %s")
        String couldNotProcessMethod​(Method method)
      • couldNotReadType

                 value="Could not read type {0} for media type {1}",
        String couldNotReadType​(Type type,
      • dateInstancesNotSupported

                 value="Date instances are not supported by this class.")
        String dateInstancesNotSupported()
      • dateNull

                 value="date is null")
        String dateNull()
      • dataToEncodeNull

                 value="Data to encode was null.")
        String dataToEncodeNull()
      • dateValueNull

                 value="dateValue is null")
        String dateValueNull()
      • destinationArrayCannotStoreThreeBytes

                 value="Destination array with length {0} cannot have offset of {1} and still store three bytes.",
        String destinationArrayCannotStoreThreeBytes​(int len,
                                                     int off)
      • destinationArrayNull

                 value="Destination array was null.")
        String destinationArrayNull()
      • emptyFieldInHeader

                 value="Empty field in: %s.")
        String emptyFieldInHeader​(String header)
      • emptyHostName

                 value="empty host name")
        String emptyHostName()
      • entityAlreadyRead

                 value="The entity was already read, and it was of type %s")
        String entityAlreadyRead​(Class<?> clazz)
      • entityNotBackedByInputStream

                 value="Entity is not backed by an input stream")
        String entityNotBackedByInputStream()
      • inputStreamWasEmpty

                 value="Input stream was empty, there is no entity")
        String inputStreamWasEmpty()
      • streamIsClosed

                 value="Stream is closed")
        String streamIsClosed()
      • entityNotOfUnderstoodType

                 value="The object you supplied to registerInterceptor is not of an understood type")
        String entityNotOfUnderstoodType()
      • entityTagValueNull

                 value="value of EntityTag is null")
        String entityTagValueNull()
      • errorInBase64Stream

                 value="Error in Base64 code reading stream.")
        String errorInBase64Stream()
      • eTagParamNull

                 value="eTag param null")
        String eTagParamNull()
      • excededMaximumForwards

                 value="You have exceeded your maximum forwards ResteasyProviderFactory allows.  Last good uri: %s")
        String excededMaximumForwards​(String uri)
      • expectedExcapedCharacter

                 value="Expected \'\', \'\n\', or \'\r\', got %s")
        String expectedExcapedCharacter​(int n)
      • expectedStreamModeGeneralOrRaw

                 value="Expected Stream.MODE.GENERAL or Stream.MODE.RAW, got %s")
        String expectedStreamModeGeneralOrRaw​(Stream.MODE mode)
      • expectedStreamOrSseMediaType

                 value="Expected @Stream or @Produces(\"text/event-stream\")")
        String expectedStreamOrSseMediaType()
      • expectedStringOrMediaType

                 value="Expected String or MediaType, got %s")
        String expectedStringOrMediaType​(Object o)
      • failedProcessingArguments

                 value="Failed processing arguments of %s")
        String failedProcessingArguments​(String constructor)
      • failedToConstruct

                 value="Failed to construct %s")
        String failedToConstruct​(String constructor)
      • failedToCreateUri

                 value="Failed to create URI: %s")
        String failedToCreateUri​(String buf)
      • failedToParseCookie

                 value="Failed to parse cookie string \'%s\'")
        String failedToParseCookie​(String value)
      • failureParsingMediaType

                 value="Failure parsing MediaType string: %s")
        String failureParsingMediaType​(String type)
      • fileTooBig

                 value="File is too big for this convenience method (%s bytes).")
        String fileTooBig​(long len)
      • garbageAfterQuotedString

                 value="Garbage after quoted string: %s")
        String garbageAfterQuotedString​(String header)
      • getRequestCannotHaveBody

                 value="A GET request cannot have a body.")
        String getRequestCannotHaveBody()
      • gzipExceedsMaxSize

                 value="GZIP input exceeds max size: %s")
        String gzipExceedsMaxSize​(int size)
      • hasNoStringConstructor

                 value="%s has no String constructor")
        String hasNoStringConstructor​(String className)
      • illegalHexadecimalCharacter

                 value="Illegal hexadecimal character {0} at index {1}",
        String illegalHexadecimalCharacter​(char ch,
                                           int index)
      • illegalResponseMediaType

                 value="Illegal response media type: %s")
        String illegalResponseMediaType​(String mediaType)
      • illegalToInjectCookieParam

                 value="It is illegal to inject a @CookieParam into a singleton")
        String illegalToInjectCookieParam()
      • illegalToInjectFormParam

                 value="It is illegal to inject a @FormParam into a singleton")
        String illegalToInjectFormParam()
      • illegalToInjectHeaderParam

                 value="It is illegal to inject a @HeaderParam into a singleton")
        String illegalToInjectHeaderParam()
      • illegalToInjectMatrixParam

                 value="It is illegal to inject a @MatrixParam into a singleton")
        String illegalToInjectMatrixParam()
      • illegalToInjectMessageBody

                 value="Illegal to inject a message body into a singleton into %s")
        String illegalToInjectMessageBody​(AccessibleObject target)
      • illegalToInjectNonInterfaceType

                 value="Illegal to inject a non-interface type into a singleton")
        String illegalToInjectNonInterfaceType()
      • illegalToInjectPathParam

                 value="It is illegal to inject a @PathParam into a singleton")
        String illegalToInjectPathParam()
      • illegalToInjectQueryParam

                 value="It is illegal to inject a @QueryParam into a singleton")
        String illegalToInjectQueryParam()
      • illegalUriTemplate

                 value="Illegal uri template: %s")
        String illegalUriTemplate​(CharSequence template)
      • improperlyPaddedBase64Input

                 value="Improperly padded Base64 input.")
        String improperlyPaddedBase64Input()
      • incorrectTypeParameterClientExceptionMapper

                 value="Incorrect type parameter. ClientExceptionMapper requires a subclass of java.lang.Throwable as its type parameter.")
        String incorrectTypeParameterClientExceptionMapper()
      • incorrectTypeParameterExceptionMapper

                 value="Incorrect type parameter. ExceptionMapper requires a subclass of java.lang.Throwable as its type parameter.")
        String incorrectTypeParameterExceptionMapper()
      • inputStreamEmpty

                 value="Input stream was empty, there is no entity")
        String inputStreamEmpty()
      • inputStringNull

                 value="Input string was null.")
        String inputStringNull()
      • interceptorClassMustBeAnnotated

                 value="Interceptor class must be annotated with @ServerInterceptor and/or @ClientInterceptor")
        String interceptorClassMustBeAnnotated()
      • interceptorClassMustBeAnnotatedWithClass

                 value="Interceptor class %s must be annotated with @ServerInterceptor and/or @ClientInterceptor")
        String interceptorClassMustBeAnnotatedWithClass​(Class<?> clazz)
      • interceptorNullFromClass

                 value="interceptor null from class: %s")
        String interceptorNullFromClass​(String className)
      • invalidCharacterInBase64Data

                 value="Invalid character in Base64 data.")
        String invalidCharacterInBase64Data()
      • invalidEscapeCharacterInCookieValue

                 value="Invalid escape character in cookie value.")
        String invalidEscapeCharacterInCookieValue()
      • invalidHost

                 value="invalid host")
        String invalidHost()
      • invalidPort

                 value="Invalid port value")
        String invalidPort()
      • isNotInitialRequest

                 value="%s is not initial request.  Its suspended and retried.  Aborting.")
        String isNotInitialRequest​(String path)
      • jndiComponentResourceNotSetCorrectly

                 value="JNDI Component Resource variable is not set correctly: jndi;class;true|false comma delimited")
        String jndiComponentResourceNotSetCorrectly()
      • keyCouldNotBeParsed

                 value="The %s config in web.xml could not be parsed, accepted values are true,false or 1,0")
        String keyCouldNotBeParsed​(String key)
      • lastModifiedParamNull

                 value="lastModified param null")
        String lastModifiedParamNull()
      • localeValueNull

                 value="Locale value is null")
        String localeValueNull()
      • malformedMediaType

                 value="Malformed media type: %s")
        String malformedMediaType​(String header)
      • malformedParameter

                 value="Malformed parameter: %s")
        String malformedParameter​(String parameter)
      • malformedParameters

                 value="Malformed parameters: %s.")
        String malformedParameters​(String header)
      • malformedQualityValue

                 value="Malformed quality value.")
        String malformedQualityValue()
      • mapKeyNull

                 value="map key is null")
        String mapKeyNull()
      • mapValueNull

                 value="map value is null")
        String mapValueNull()
      • marshalledEntityMustHaveTypeInfo

                 value="MarshalledEntity must have type information.")
        String marshalledEntityMustHaveTypeInfo()
      • mediaTypeQGreaterThan1

                 value="MediaType q value cannot be greater than 1.0: %s")
        String mediaTypeQGreaterThan1​(String mediaType)
      • mediaTypeQMustBeFloat

                 value="MediaType q parameter must be a float: %s")
        String mediaTypeQMustBeFloat​( mediaType)
      • mediaTypeQWeightedLanguageMustBeFloat

                 value="MediaType q parameter must be a float: %s")
        String mediaTypeQWeightedLanguageMustBeFloat​(String lang)
      • mediaTypeValueNull

                 value="MediaType value is null")
        String mediaTypeValueNull()
      • methodNotAnnotatedWithPath

                 value="method is not annotated with @Path")
        String methodNotAnnotatedWithPath()
      • methodNull

                 value="method was null")
        String methodNull()
      • missingTypeParameter

                 value="Missing type parameter.")
        String missingTypeParameter()
      • mustDefineConsumes

                 value="You must define a @Consumes type on your client method or interface, or supply a default")
        String mustDefineConsumes()
      • mustSetLinkHeaderRelOrTitle

                 value="You must set either LinkHeaderParam.rel() or LinkHeaderParam.title() for on {0}.{1}",
        String mustSetLinkHeaderRelOrTitle​(String className,
                                           String methodName)
      • mustSetEitherPortOrSSLPort

                 value="You must set either the port or ssl port, not both")
        String mustSetEitherPortOrSSLPort()
      • mustSetPort

                 value="You must set the port or ssl port")
        String mustSetPort()
      • mustUseOneHttpMethod

                 value="You must use at least one, but no more than one http method annotation on: %s")
        String mustUseOneHttpMethod​(String methodName)
      • nameParameterNull

                 value="name parameter is null")
        String nameParameterNull()
      • nameParamIsNull

                 value="name param is null")
        String nameParamIsNull()
      • nameParamWasNull

                 value="name param was null")
        String nameParamWasNull()
      • newCookieValueNull

                 value="NewCookie value is null")
        String newCookieValueNull()
      • noContent

                 value="No content")
        String noContent()
      • noContentContentLength0

                 value="No content.  Content-Length is 0")
        String noContentContentLength0()
      • noLongerASupportedContextParam

                 value="%s is no longer a supported context param.  See documentation for more details")
        String noLongerASupportedContextParam​(String paramName)
      • noMatchForAcceptHeader

                 value="No match for accept header")
        String noMatchForAcceptHeader()
      • noOutputStreamAllowed

                 value="No output stream allowed")
        String noOutputStreamAllowed()
      • noPublicPathAnnotatedMethod

                 value="No public @Path annotated method for {0}.{1}",
        String noPublicPathAnnotatedMethod​(String resource,
                                           String method)
      • noResourceMethodFoundForHttpMethod

                 value="No resource method found for %s, return 405 with Allow header")
        String noResourceMethodFoundForHttpMethod​(String httpMethod)
      • noResourceMethodFoundForOptions

                 value="No resource method found for options, return OK with Allow header")
        String noResourceMethodFoundForOptions()
      • noTypeInformationForEntity

                 value="No type information to extract entity with, use other getEntity() methods")
        String noTypeInformationForEntity()
      • notAllowedToReflectOnMethod

                 value="Not allowed to reflect on method: %s")
        String notAllowedToReflectOnMethod​(String methodName)
      • notEnoughPathParameters

                 value="You did not supply enough values to fill path parameters")
        String notEnoughPathParameters()
      • notValidInjectableType

                 value="%s is not a valid injectable type for @Suspend")
        String notValidInjectableType​(String typeName)
      • nullSubresource

                 value="Null subresource for path: %s.")
        String nullSubresource​(URI uri)
      • nullValue

                 value="null value")
        String nullValue()
      • numberOfMatchedSegments

                 value="Number of matched segments greater than actual")
        String numberOfMatchedSegments()
      • oddNumberOfCharacters

                 value="Odd number of characters.")
        String oddNumberOfCharacters()
      • originNotAllowed

                 value="Origin not allowed: %s")
        String originNotAllowed​(String origin)
      • paramNull

                 value="param was null")
        String paramNull()
      • passedInValueNull

                 value="A passed in value was null")
        String passedInValueNull()
      • pathNull

                 value="path was null")
        String pathNull()
      • pathParameterNotProvided

                 value="path param %s has not been provided by the parameter map")
        String pathParameterNotProvided​(String param)
      • patternNull

                 value="pattern is null")
        String patternNull()
      • qValueCannotBeGreaterThan1

                 value="Accept-Language q value cannot be greater than 1.0 %s")
        String qValueCannotBeGreaterThan1​(String lang)
      • quotedStringIsNotClosed

                 value="Quoted string is not closed: %s")
        String quotedStringIsNotClosed​(String header)
      • relParamNull

                 value="rel param was null")
        String relParamNull()
      • removingHeaderIllegal

                 value="Removing a header is illegal for an HttpServletResponse")
        String removingHeaderIllegal()
      • requestMediaTypeNotUrlencoded

                 value="Request media type is not application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
        String requestMediaTypeNotUrlencoded()
      • requestWasAlreadyExecuted

                 value="Request was already executed")
        String requestWasAlreadyExecuted()
      • resourceNull

                 value="resource was null")
        String resourceNull()
      • responseIsClosed

                 value="Response is closed.")
        String responseIsClosed()
      • responseIsCommitted

                 value="Response is committed, can\'t handle exception")
        String responseIsCommitted()
      • schemeSpecificPartNull

                 value="schemeSpecificPart was null")
        String schemeSpecificPartNull()
      • segmentNull

                 value="A segment is null")
        String segmentNull()
      • segmentsParameterNull

                 value="segments parameter was null")
        String segmentsParameterNull()
      • shouldBeUnreachable

                 value="Should be unreachable")
        String shouldBeUnreachable()
      • sourceArrayCannotProcessBytes

                 value="Source array with length {0} cannot have offset of {1} and process {2} bytes.",
        String sourceArrayCannotProcessBytes​(int srcLen,
                                             int off,
                                             int len)
      • sourceArrayCannotProcessFourBytes

                 value="Source array with length {0} cannot have offset of {1} and still process four bytes.",
        String sourceArrayCannotProcessFourBytes​(int srcLen,
                                                 int off)
      • sourceArrayNull

                 value="Source array was null.")
        String sourceArrayNull()
      • streamWrappedBySignature

                 value="Stream wrapped by Signature, cannot reset the stream without destroying signature")
        String streamWrappedBySignature()
      • subresourceHasNoJaxRsAnnotations

                 value="Subresource for target class has no qualifying annotations.: %s")
        String subresourceHasNoJaxRsAnnotations​(String className)
      • tClassParameterNull

                 value="tClass parameter is null")
        String tClassParameterNull()
      • tailingGarbage

                 value="Tailing garbage: %s")
        String tailingGarbage​(String header)
      • templateParameterNull

                 value="NULL value for template parameter: %s")
        String templateParameterNull​(String param)
      • templateValuesParamNull

                 value="templateValues param null")
        String templateValuesParamNull()
      • titleParamNull

                 value="title param was null")
        String titleParamNull()
      • twoMethodsSameName

                 value="there are two method named %s")
        String twoMethodsSameName​(String method)
      • typeParamNull

                 value="type param was null")
        String typeParamNull()
      • unableToCreateURI

                 value="Unable to create URI: %s")
        String unableToCreateURI​(String buf)
      • unableToDecodeQueryString

                 value="Unable to decode query string")
        String unableToDecodeQueryString()
      • unableToDetermineBaseClass

                 value="Unable to determine base class from Type")
        String unableToDetermineBaseClass()
      • unableToExtractParameter

                 value="Unable to extract parameter from http request: %s value is \'%s\'")
        String unableToExtractParameter​(String paramSignature,
                                        String strVal)
      • unableToFindConstructor

                 value="Unable to find a constructor that takes a String param or a valueOf() or fromString() method for {0} on {1} for basetype: {2}",
        String unableToFindConstructor​(String paramSignature,
                                       AccessibleObject target,
                                       String className)
      • unableToFindContextualData

                 value="Unable to find contextual data of type: %s")
        String unableToFindContextualData​(String className)
      • unableToFindInjectorFactory

                 value="Unable to find InjectorFactory implementation.")
        String unableToFindInjectorFactory()
      • unableToFindJaxRsResource

                 value="Unable to find resource associated with path: %s.")
        String unableToFindJaxRsResource​(String path)
      • unableToFindPublicConstructorForClass

                 value="Unable to find a public constructor for class %s")
        String unableToFindPublicConstructorForClass​(String className)
      • unableToFindPublicConstructorForProvider

                 value="Unable to find a public constructor for provider class %s")
        String unableToFindPublicConstructorForProvider​(String className)
      • unableToFindTypeArguments

                 value="Unable to find type arguments of %s")
        String unableToFindTypeArguments​(Class<?> clazz)
      • unableToInstantiateClientExceptionMapper

                 value="Unable to instantiate ClientExceptionMapper")
        String unableToInstantiateClientExceptionMapper()
      • unableToInstantiateContextObject

                 value="Unable to instantiate context object %s")
        String unableToInstantiateContextObject​(String key)
      • unableToInstantiateContextResolver

                 value="Unable to instantiate ContextResolver")
        String unableToInstantiateContextResolver()
      • unableToInstantiateExceptionMapper

                 value="Unable to instantiate ExceptionMapper")
        String unableToInstantiateExceptionMapper()
      • unableToInstantiateForm

                 value="Unable to instantiate @Form class. No no-arg constructor.")
        String unableToInstantiateForm()
      • unableToInstantiateInjectorFactory

                 value="Unable to instantiate InjectorFactory implementation.")
        String unableToInstantiateInjectorFactory()
      • unableToInstantiateMessageBodyReader

                 value="Unable to instantiate MessageBodyReader")
        String unableToInstantiateMessageBodyReader()
      • unableToInstantiateMessageBodyWriter

                 value="Unable to instantiate MessageBodyWriter")
        String unableToInstantiateMessageBodyWriter()
      • unableToParseDate

                 value="Unable to parse the date %s")
        String unableToParseDate​(String dateValue)
      • unableToParseLinkHeaderNoEndToLink

                 value="Unable to parse Link header.  No end to link: %s")
        String unableToParseLinkHeaderNoEndToLink​(String value)
      • unableToParseLinkHeaderNoEndToParameter

                 value="Unable to parse Link header.  No end to parameter: %s")
        String unableToParseLinkHeaderNoEndToParameter​(String value)
      • unableToParseLinkHeaderTooManyLinks

                 value="Unable to parse Link header. Too many links in declaration: %s")
        String unableToParseLinkHeaderTooManyLinks​(String value)
      • unableToResolveTypeVariable

                 value="Unable to resolve type variable")
        String unableToResolveTypeVariable()
      • unableToUnmarshalResponse

                 value="Unable to unmarshall response for %s")
        String unableToUnmarshalResponse​(String attributeExceptionsTo)
      • unexpectedNumberSubclass

                 value="Unexpected Number subclass: %s")
        String unexpectedNumberSubclass​(String classname)
      • unknownInterceptorPrecedence

                 value="Unknown interceptor precedence: %s")
        String unknownInterceptorPrecedence​(String precedence)
      • unknownMediaTypeResponseEntity

                 value="Unknown media type for response entity")
        String unknownMediaTypeResponseEntity()
      • unknownPathParam

                 value="Unknown @PathParam: {0} for path: {1}",
        String unknownPathParam​(String paramName,
                                String path)
      • unknownStateListener

                 value="Unknown state.  You have a Listener messing up what resteasy expects")
        String unknownStateListener()
      • unsupportedCollectionType

                 value="Unsupported collectionType: %s")
        String unsupportedCollectionType​(Class<?> clazz)
      • unsupportedParameter

                 value="Unsupported parameter: %s")
        String unsupportedParameter​(String parameter)
      • uriNull

                 value="URI was null")
        String uriNull()
      • uriParamNull

                 value="uri param was null")
        String uriParamNull()
      • uriTemplateParameterNull

                 value="uriTemplate parameter is null")
        String uriTemplateParameterNull()
      • uriValueNull

                 value="URI value is null")
        String uriValueNull()
      • userIsNotRegistered

                 value="User is not registered: %s")
        String userIsNotRegistered​(String user)
      • valueNull

                 value="A value was null")
        String valueNull()
      • valueParamIsNull

                 value="value param is null")
        String valueParamIsNull()
      • valueParamWasNull

                 value="value param was null")
        String valueParamWasNull()
      • valuesParamIsNull

                 value="values param is null")
        String valuesParamIsNull()
      • valuesParamWasNull

                 value="values param was null")
        String valuesParamWasNull()
      • valuesParameterNull

                 value="values parameter is null")
        String valuesParameterNull()
      • variantListMustNotBeZero

                 value="Variant list must not be zero")
        String variantListMustNotBeZero()
      • wrongPassword

                 value="Wrong password for: %s")
        String wrongPassword​(String user)
      • webTargetIsNotSetForEventSource

                 value="WebTarget is not set for creating SseEventSource")
        String webTargetIsNotSetForEventSource()
      • eventSourceIsNotReadyForOpen

                 value="EventSource is not ready to open")
        String eventSourceIsNotReadyForOpen()
      • notFoundMBW

                 value="No suitable message body writer for class : %s")
        String notFoundMBW​(String className)
      • asyncServletIsRequired

                 value="Sever sent event feature requries HttpServlet30Dispatcher")
        String asyncServletIsRequired()
      • readEventException

                 value="Failed to read SseEvent")
        String readEventException()
      • nullValueSetToCreateOutboundSseEvent

                 value="%s is not set for OutboundSseEvent builder")
        String nullValueSetToCreateOutboundSseEvent​(String field)
      • failedToWriteDataToInboudEvent

                 value="Failed to write data to InBoundSseEvent")
        String failedToWriteDataToInboudEvent()
      • notFoundMBR

                 value="No suitable message body reader for class : %s")
        String notFoundMBR​(String className)
      • failedToReadData

                 value="Failed to read data from InboundSseEvent")
        String failedToReadData()
      • failedToCreateSseEventOutput

                 value="Failed to create SseEventOutput")
        String failedToCreateSseEventOutput()
      • unableToInstantiateAsyncResponseProvider

                 value="Unable to instantiate AsyncResponseProvider")
        String unableToInstantiateAsyncResponseProvider()
      • unableToInstantiateAsyncStreamProvider

                 value="Unable to instantiate AsyncStreamProvider")
        String unableToInstantiateAsyncStreamProvider()
      • sseEventSinkIsClosed

                 value="SseEventSink is closed")
        String sseEventSinkIsClosed()
      • unableToInstantiateAsyncClientResponseProvider

                 value="Unable to instantiate AsyncClientResponseProvider")
        String unableToInstantiateAsyncClientResponseProvider()
      • unableToInstantiateAsyncClientStreamProvider

                 value="Unable to instantiate AsyncClientStreamProvider")
        String unableToInstantiateAsyncClientStreamProvider()
      • sseBroadcasterIsClosed

                 value="SseBroadcaster is closed")
        String sseBroadcasterIsClosed()
      • unableToInstantiateContextInjector

                 value="Unable to instantiate ContextInjector")
        String unableToInstantiateContextInjector()
      • registeringContextResolverAsLambda

                 value="Registering a context resolver doesn\'t support lambdas")
        String registeringContextResolverAsLambda()
      • expectedArray

                 value="MultiValuedArrayParamConverter expected array, not: %s")
        String expectedArray​(String className)
      • unableToParse

                 value="MultiValuedCollectionParamConverter unable to parse: %s")
        String unableToParse​(String s)
      • multipleMethodsMatchFailFast

                 value="Multiple resource methods match request %s. Matching methods: %s")
        String multipleMethodsMatchFailFast​(String request,
                                            String[] methods)
      • errorCreatingArray

                 value="Error creating array from %s")
        String errorCreatingArray​(String s)
      • cannotConvertParameter

                 value="Value %s cannot be converted to type %s with property name %s")
        IllegalArgumentException cannotConvertParameter​(Object value,
                                                        Class<?> type,
                                                        String name)
      • executorShutdown

                 value="The executor has been shutdown and is no longer available.")
        IllegalStateException executorShutdown()
      • requiredContextParameterNotFound

                 value="Required context value not found.")
        IllegalArgumentException requiredContextParameterNotFound()
      • failedToConstructClass

                 value="Failed to construct type %s")
        RuntimeException failedToConstructClass​(@Cause
                                                Throwable cause,
                                                Class<?> type)
      • invalidArgumentType

                 value="Invalid argument %s for property %s. Require type is %s.")
        IllegalArgumentException invalidArgumentType​(String propertyName,
                                                     Object value,
                                                     Class<?> expected)
      • nullParameter

                 value="Parameter %s is a required parameter and cannot be set to null.")
        String nullParameter​(String name)
      • noImplementationFound

                 value="No implementation of %s was found.")
        CompletionException noImplementationFound​(String name)
      • couldNotLoadSslContext

                 value="Could no load default SSL context")
        IllegalStateException couldNotLoadSslContext​(@Context
                                                     Throwable cause)
      • deploymentRequired

                 value="A ResteasyDeployment object required")
        IllegalArgumentException deploymentRequired()