public class Library {
public String getBooks() {...}
public String getBook(@PathParam("isbn") String id) {
// search my database and get a string representation and return it
public void addBook(@PathParam("isbn") String id, @QueryParam("name") String name) {...}
public void removeBook(@PathParam("id") String id {...}
In the class above, the RESTEasy servlet is configured and reachable at a root path of http://myhost.com/services. The requests handled by class, Library, are:
The @jakarta.ws.rs.Path annotation must exist on either the class and/or a resource method. If it exists on both the class and method, the relative path to the resource method is a concatenation of the class and method.
In the @jakarta.ws.rs package there are annotations for each HTTP method. @GET, @POST, @PUT, @DELETE, and @HEAD. Place these on public methods that you want to map to that certain kind of HTTP method. As long as there is a @Path annotation on the class, a @Path annotation is not required on the method you are mapping. There can be more than one HTTP method as long as they can be distinguished from other methods.
When a @Path annotation is on a method without an HTTP method, these are called JAXRSResourceLocators.
The @Path annotation is not limited to simple path expressions. Regular expressions can be inserted into a @Path's value. For example:
public class MyResource {
public String get() {...}
The following GETs will route to the getResource() method:
GET /resources/stuff
GET /resources/foo/stuff
GET /resources/on/and/on/stuff
The format of the expression is:
"{" variable-name [ ":" regular-expression ] "}"
The regular-expression part is optional. When the expression is not provided, it defaults to a wildcard matching of one particular segment. In regular-expression terms, the expression defaults to
For example:
will match these:
GET /resources/foo/stuff
GET /resources/bar/stuff
but will not match:
GET /resources/a/bunch/of/stuff