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Chapter 35. Filters and Interceptors

Jakarta RESTful Web Services has two different concepts for interceptions: Filters and Interceptors. Filters are mainly used to modify or process incoming and outgoing request headers or response headers. They execute before and after request and response processing.

35.1. Server Side Filters

On the server-side there are two different types of filters. ContainerRequestFilters run before a Jakarta RESTful Web Services resource method is invoked. ContainerResponseFilters run after a Jakarta RESTful Web Services resource method is invoked. As an added caveat, ContainerRequestFilters come in two flavors: pre-match and post-matching. Pre-matching ContainerRequestFilters are designated with the @PreMatching annotation and will execute before the Jakarta RESTful Web Services resource method is matched with the incoming HTTP request. Pre-matching filters often are used to modify request attributes to change how it matches to a specific resource method (i.e. strip .xml and add an Accept header). ContainerRequestFilters can abort the request by calling ContainerRequestContext.abortWith(Response). A filter might want to abort if it implements a custom authentication protocol.

After the resource class method is executed, Jakarta RESTful Web Services will run all ContainerResponseFilters. These filters allow the outgoing response to be modified before it is marshalling and sent to the client. Here is some pseudocode to give some understanding of how it works.

        // execute pre match filters
        for (ContainerRequestFilter filter : preMatchFilters) {
            if (isAborted(requestContext)) {
        // match the HTTP request to a resource class and method
        JaxrsMethod method = matchMethod(requestContext);

        // Execute post match filters
        for (ContainerRequestFilter filter : postMatchFilters) {
           if (isAborted(requestContext)) {

        // execute resource class method

        // execute response filters
        for (ContainerResponseFilter filter : responseFilters) {
           filter.filter(requestContext, responseContext);

35.1.1. Asynchronous filters

It is possible to turn filters into asynchronous filters, if it is needed to suspend execution of the filter until a certain resource has become available. This makes the request asynchronous, but requires no change to the resource method declaration. In particular, synchronous and asynchronous resource methods continue to work as specified, regardless of whether a filter has made the request asynchronous. Similarly, one filter making the request asynchronous requires no change in the declaration of other filters.

In order to make a filter's execution asynchronous, ContainerRequestContext must be cast to a SuspendableContainerRequestContext (for pre/post request filters), or cast the ContainerResponseContext to a SuspendableContainerResponseContext (for response filters).

These context objects can make the current filter's execution asynchronous by calling the suspend() method. Once asynchronous, the filter chain is suspended, and will only resume after one of the following methods is called on the context object:

Terminate the filter chain, return the given Response to the client (only for ContainerRequestFilter).
Resume execution of the filter chain by calling the next filter.
Abort execution of the filter chain by throwing the given exception. This behaves as if the filter were synchronous and threw the given exception.

Async processing can be done inside an AsyncWriterInterceptor (if using Async IO), which is the asynchronous-supporting equivalent to WriterInterceptor. In this case, there is no need to manually suspend or resume the request.

35.2. Client Side Filters

The client side also has two types of filters: ClientRequestFilter and ClientResponseFilter. ClientRequestFilters run before an HTTP request is sent over the wire to the server. ClientResponseFilters run after a response is received from the server, but before the response body is unmarshalled. ClientRequestFilters are allowed to abort the execution of the request and provide a canned response without going over the wire to the server. ClientResponseFilters can modify the Response object before it is handed back to application code. Here's pseudocode to illustrate this.

            // execute request filters
            for (ClientRequestFilter filter : requestFilters) {
               if (isAborted(requestContext)) {
                  return requestContext.getAbortedResponseObject();

            // send request over the wire
            response = sendRequest(request);

            // execute response filters
            for (ClientResponseFilter filter : responseFilters) {
               filter.filter(requestContext, responseContext);

35.3. Reader and Writer Interceptors

While filters modify request or response headers, interceptors deal with message bodies. Interceptors are executed in the same call stack as their corresponding reader or writer. ReaderInterceptors wrap around the execution of MessageBodyReaders. WriterInterceptors wrap around the execution of MessageBodyWriters. They can be used to implement a specific content-encoding. They can be used to generate digital signatures or to post or pre-process a Java object model before or after it is marshalled.

Note that in order to support Async IO, AsyncWriterInterceptor can be implemented, which is a subtype of WriterInterceptor.

35.4. Per Resource Method Filters and Interceptors

Sometimes it is desired to have a filter or interceptor only run for a specific resource method. This can be done in two different ways: register an implementation of DynamicFeature or use the @NameBinding annotation. The DynamicFeature interface is executed at deployment time for each resource method. Use the Configurable interface to register the filters and interceptors wanted for the specific resource method. @NameBinding works a lot like CDI interceptors. Annotate a custom annotation with @NameBinding and then apply that custom annotation to the filter and resource method. The custom annotation must use @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) in order for the attribute to be picked up by the RESTEasy runtime when it is deployed.

            public @interface DoIt {}

            public class MyFilter implements ContainerRequestFilter {...}

            public class MyResource {

               public String get() {...}

35.5. Ordering

Ordering is accomplished by using the @BindingPriority annotation on the filter or interceptor classes.