JBoss.orgCommunity Documentation
The <rich:menuSeparator> component is used for the definition of a horizontal separator that can be placed between groups or items.
Table of <rich:menuSeparator> attributes.
Table 6.89. Component Identification Parameters
Name | Value |
component-type | org.richfaces.MenuSeparator |
component-class | org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlMenuSeparator |
component-family | org.richfaces.DropDownMenu |
renderer-type | org.richfaces.MenuSeparatorRenderer |
tag-class | org.richfaces.taglib.MenuSeparatorTag |
Table 6.90. Classes names that define separator element appearance.
Class name | Description |
rich-menu-separator | Defines styles for a wrapper <div> element for a separator |
On the component LiveDemo page you can see the example of <rich:menuSeparator> usage and sources for the given example.