Package org.ajax4jsf.util.base64

Framework utility classes to handle BASE64 encoding


Interface Summary
BinaryDecoder Defines common decoding methods for byte array decoders.
BinaryEncoder Defines common encoding methods for byte array encoders.
Decoder Provides the highest level of abstraction for Decoders.
Encoder Provides the highest level of abstraction for Encoders.

Class Summary
URL64Codec Provides Base64 encoding and decoding like defined by RFC 2045, but with little difference : chars '=' '+' and '/' , incorrectly processed in URL by any browsers, replaced by '_' '-' '!',
URLCodec Implements the 'www-form-urlencoded' encoding scheme,

also misleadingly known as URL encoding.


Exception Summary
DecoderException Thrown when a Decoder has encountered a failure condition during a decode.
EncoderException Thrown when there is a failure condition during the encoding process.

Package org.ajax4jsf.util.base64 Description

Framework utility classes to handle BASE64 encoding

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