SeamFramework.orgCommunity Documentation

Chapter 14. Security

14.1. Overview
14.1.1. Which mode is right for my application?
14.2. Requirements
14.3. Disabling Security
14.4. Authentication
14.4.1. Configuration
14.4.2. Writing an authentication method
14.4.3. Writing a login form
14.4.4. Simplified Configuration - Summary
14.4.5. Handling Security Exceptions
14.4.6. Login Redirection
14.4.7. HTTP Authentication
14.4.8. Advanced Authentication Features
14.5. Error Messages
14.6. Authorization
14.6.1. Core concepts
14.6.2. Securing components
14.6.3. Security in the user interface
14.6.4. Securing pages
14.6.5. Securing Entities
14.7. Writing Security Rules
14.7.1. Permissions Overview
14.7.2. Configuring a rules file
14.7.3. Creating a security rules file
14.8. SSL Security
14.9.1. Configuring the CAPTCHA Servlet
14.9.2. Adding a CAPTCHA to a form
14.9.3. Customising the CAPTCHA algorithm
14.10. Security Events
14.11. Run As
14.12. Extending the Identity component

The Seam Security API is an optional Seam feature that provides authentication and authorization features for securing both domain and page resources within your Seam project.

Seam Security provides two different modes of operation:

If using the advanced mode features of Seam Security, the following jar files are required to be configured as modules in application.xml. If you are using Seam Security in simplified mode, these are not required:

For web-based security, jboss-seam-ui.jar must also be included in the application's war file.

In some situations it may be necessary to disable Seam Security, for example during unit tests. This can be done by calling the static method Identity.setSecurityEnabled(false) to disable security checks. Doing this prevents any security checks being performed for the following:

The authentication features provided by Seam Security are built upon JAAS (Java Authentication and Authorization Service), and as such provide a robust and highly configurable API for handling user authentication. However, for less complex authentication requirements Seam offers a much more simplified method of authentication that hides the complexity of JAAS.

The simplified authentication method uses a built-in JAAS login module, SeamLoginModule, which delegates authentication to one of your own Seam components. This login module is already configured inside Seam as part of a default application policy and as such does not require any additional configuration files. It allows you to write an authentication method using the entity classes that are provided by your own application. Configuring this simplified form of authentication requires the identity component to be configured in components.xml:

<components xmlns=""

    <security:identity authenticate-method="#{authenticator.authenticate}"/>


If you wish to use the advanced security features such as rule-based permission checks, all you need to do is include the Drools (JBoss Rules) jars in your classpath, and add some additional configuration, described later.

The EL expression #{authenticator.authenticate} is a method binding indicating that the authenticate method of the authenticator component will be used to authenticate the user.

The authenticate-method property specified for identity in components.xml specifies which method will be used by SeamLoginModule to authenticate users. This method takes no parameters, and is expected to return a boolean indicating whether authentication is successful or not. The user's username and password can be obtained from Identity.instance().getUsername() and Identity.instance().getPassword(), respectively. Any roles that the user is a member of should be assigned using Identity.instance().addRole(). Here's a complete example of an authentication method inside a JavaBean component:


public class Authenticator {
   @In EntityManager entityManager;
   public boolean authenticate() {
         User user = (User) entityManager.createQuery(
            "from User where username = :username and password = :password")
            .setParameter("username", Identity.instance().getUsername())
            .setParameter("password", Identity.instance().getPassword())
         if (user.getRoles() != null)
            for (UserRole mr : user.getRoles())
         return true;
      catch (NoResultException ex)
         return false;

In the above example, both User and UserRole are application-specific entity beans. The roles parameter is populated with the roles that the user is a member of, which should be added to the Set as literal string values, e.g. "admin", "user". In this case, if the user record is not found and a NoResultException thrown, the authentication method returns false to indicate the authentication failed.

To prevent users from receiving the default error page in response to a security error, it's recommended that pages.xml is configured to redirect security errors to a more "pretty" page. The two main types of exceptions thrown by the security API are:

In the case of a NotLoggedInException, it is recommended that the user is redirected to either a login or registration page so that they can log in. For an AuthorizationException, it may be useful to redirect the user to an error page. Here's an example of a pages.xml file that redirects both of these security exceptions:



    <exception class="">
        <redirect view-id="/login.xhtml">
            <message>You must be logged in to perform this action</message>

    <exception class="">
        <redirect view-id="/security_error.xhtml">
            <message>You do not have the necessary security privileges to perform this action.</message>


Most web applications require even more sophisticated handling of login redirection, so Seam includes some special functionality for handling this problem.

Although not recommended for use unless absolutely necessary, Seam provides means for authenticating using either HTTP Basic or HTTP Digest (RFC 2617) methods. To use either form of authentication, the authentication-filter component must be enabled in components.xml:

  <web:authentication-filter url-pattern="*.seam" auth-type="basic"/>

To enable the filter for basic authentication, set auth-type to basic, or for digest authentication, set it to digest. If using digest authentication, the key and realm must also be set:

  <web:authentication-filter url-pattern="*.seam" auth-type="digest" key="AA3JK34aSDlkj" realm="My App"/>

The key can be any String value. The realm is the name of the authentication realm that is presented to the user when they authenticate.

The security API produces a number of default faces messages for various security-related events. The following table lists the message keys that can be used to override these messages by specifying them in a resource file. To suppress the message, just put the key with an empty value in the resource file.

There are a number of authorization features provided by the Seam Security API for securing access to components, component methods, and pages. This section describes each of these. An important thing to note is that if you wish to use any of the advanced features (such as rule-based permissions) then your components.xml must be configured to support this - see the Configuration section above.

Let's start by examining the simplest form of authorization, component security, starting with the @Restrict annotation.

Seam components may be secured either at the method or the class level, using the @Restrict annotation. If both a method and it's declaring class are annotated with @Restrict, the method restriction will take precedence (and the class restriction will not apply). If a method invocation fails a security check, then an exception will be thrown as per the contract for Identity.checkRestriction() (see Inline Restrictions). A @Restrict on just the component class itself is equivalent to adding @Restrict to each of its methods.

An empty @Restrict implies a permission check of componentName:methodName. Take for example the following component method:


public class AccountAction {
    @Restrict public void delete() {

In this example, the implied permission required to call the delete() method is account:delete. The equivalent of this would be to write @Restrict("#{s:hasPermission('account','delete',null)}"). Now let's look at another example:

@Restrict @Name("account")

public class AccountAction {
    public void insert() {
    public void delete() {

This time, the component class itself is annotated with @Restrict. This means that any methods without an overriding @Restrict annotation require an implicit permission check. In the case of this example, the insert() method requires a permission of account:insert, while the delete() method requires that the user is a member of the admin role.

Before we go any further, let's address the #{s:hasRole()} expression seen in the above example. Both s:hasRole and s:hasPermission are EL functions, which delegate to the correspondingly named methods of the Identity class. These functions can be used within any EL expression throughout the entirety of the security API.

Being an EL expression, the value of the @Restrict annotation may reference any objects that exist within a Seam context. This is extremely useful when performing permission checks for a specific object instance. Look at this example:


public class AccountAction {
    @In Account selectedAccount;
    public void modify() {

The interesting thing to note from this example is the reference to selectedAccount seen within the hasPermission() function call. The value of this variable will be looked up from within the Seam context, and passed to the hasPermission() method in Identity, which in this case can then determine if the user has the required permission for modifying the specified Account object.

One indication of a well designed user interface is that the user is not presented with options for which they don't have the necessary privileges to use. Seam Security allows conditional rendering of either 1) sections of a page or 2) individual controls, based upon the privileges of the user, using the very same EL expressions that are used for component security.

Let's take a look at some examples of interface security. First of all, let's pretend that we have a login form that should only be rendered if the user is not already logged in. Using the identity.isLoggedIn() property, we can write this:

<h:form class="loginForm" rendered="#{not identity.loggedIn}">

If the user isn't logged in, then the login form will be rendered - very straight forward so far. Now let's pretend there is a menu on the page that contains some actions which should only be accessible to users in the manager role. Here's one way that these could be written:

<h:outputLink action="#{reports.listManagerReports}" rendered="#{s:hasRole('manager')}">
    Manager Reports

This is also quite straight forward. If the user is not a member of the manager role, then the outputLink will not be rendered. The rendered attribute can generally be used on the control itself, or on a surrounding <s:div> or <s:span> control.

Now for something more complex. Let's say you have a h:dataTable control on a page listing records for which you may or may not wish to render action links depending on the user's privileges. The s:hasPermission EL function allows us to pass in an object parameter which can be used to determine whether the user has the requested permission for that object or not. Here's how a dataTable with secured links might look:

<h:dataTable value="#{clients}" var="cl">
        <f:facet name="header">Name</f:facet>
        <f:facet name="header">City</f:facet>
        <f:facet name="header">Action</f:facet>
        <s:link value="Modify Client" action="#{clientAction.modify}"
        <s:link value="Delete Client" action="#{clientAction.delete}"

Seam security also makes it possible to apply security restrictions to read, insert, update and delete actions for entities.

To secure all actions for an entity class, add a @Restrict annotation on the class itself:


public class Customer {

If no expression is specified in the @Restrict annotation, the default security check that is performed is a permission check of entityName:action, where entityName is the Seam component name of the entity (or the fully-qualified class name if no @Name is specified), and the action is either read, insert, update or delete.

It is also possible to only restrict certain actions, by placing a @Restrict annotation on the relevent entity lifecycle method (annotated as follows):

Here's an example of how an entity would be configured to perform a security check for any insert operations. Please note that the method is not required to do anything, the only important thing in regard to security is how it is annotated:

  @PrePersist @Restrict
  public void prePersist() {}

And here's an example of an entity permission rule that checks if the authenticated user is allowed to insert a new MemberBlog record (from the seamspace example). The entity for which the security check is being made is automatically inserted into the working memory (in this case MemberBlog):

rule InsertMemberBlog
  activation-group "permissions"
  check: PermissionCheck(name == "memberBlog", action == "insert", granted == false)
  Principal(principalName : name)
  MemberBlog(member : member -> (member.getUsername().equals(principalName)))

This rule will grant the permission memberBlog:insert if the currently authenticated user (indicated by the Principal fact) has the same name as the member for which the blog entry is being created. The "principalName : name" structure that can be seen in the Principal fact (and other places) is a variable binding - it binds the name property of the Principal to a variable called principalName. Variable bindings allow the value to be referred to in other places, such as the following line which compares the member's username to the Principal name. For more details, please refer to the JBoss Rules documentation.

Finally, we need to install a listener class that integrates Seam security with your JPA provider.

Up to this point there has been a lot of mention of permissions, but no information about how permissions are actually defined or granted. This section completes the picture, by explaining how permission checks are processed, and how to implement permission checks for a Seam application.

For this step you need to create a file called security.drl in the /META-INF directory of your application's jar file. In actual fact this file can be called anything you want, and exist in any location as long as it is configured appropriately in components.xml.

So what should the security rules file contain? At this stage it might be a good idea to at least skim through the JBoss Rules documentation, however to get started here's an extremely simple example:

package MyApplicationPermissions;


rule CanUserDeleteCustomers
  c: PermissionCheck(name == "customer", action == "delete")
  Role(name == "admin")

Let's break this down. The first thing we see is the package declaration. A package in JBoss Rules is essentially a collection of rules. The package name can be anything you want - it doesn't relate to anything else outside the scope of the rule base.

The next thing we can notice is a couple of import statements for the PermissionCheck and Role classes. These imports inform the rules engine that we'll be referencing these classes within our rules.

Finally we have the code for the rule. Each rule within a package should be given a unique name (usually describing the purpose of the rule). In this case our rule is called CanUserDeleteCustomers and will be used to check whether a user is allowed to delete a customer record.

Looking at the body of the rule definition we can notice two distinct sections. Rules have what is known as a left hand side (LHS) and a right hand side (RHS). The LHS consists of the conditional part of the rule, i.e. a list of conditions which must be satisfied for the rule to fire. The LHS is represented by the when section. The RHS is the consequence, or action section of the rule that will only be fired if all of the conditions in the LHS are met. The RHS is represented by the then section. The end of the rule is denoted by the end; line.

If we look at the LHS of the rule, we see two conditions listed there. Let's examine the first condition:

c: PermissionCheck(name == "customer", action == "delete")

In plain english, this condition is stating that there must exist a PermissionCheck object with a name property equal to "customer", and an action property equal to "delete" within the working memory.

So what is the working memory? Also known as a "stateful session" in Drools terminology, the working memory is a session-scoped object that contains the contextual information that is required by the rules engine to make a decision about a permission check. Each time the hasPermission() method is called, a temporary PermissionCheck object, or Fact, is inserted into the working memory. This PermissionCheck corresponds exactly to the permission that is being checked, so for example if you call hasPermission("account", "create", null) then a PermissionCheck object with a name equal to "account" and action equal to "create" will be inserted into the working memory for the duration of the permission check.

Besides the PermissionCheck facts, there is also a fact for each of the roles that the authenticated user is a member of. These Role facts are synchronized with the user's authenticated roles at the beginning of every permission check. As a consequence, any Role object that is inserted into the working memory during the course of a permission check will be removed before the next permission check occurs, if the authenticated user is not a member of that role. Besides the PermissionCheck and Role facts, the working memory also contains the object that was created during the authentication process.

It is also possible to insert additional long-lived facts into the working memory by calling ((RuleBasedIdentity) RuleBasedIdentity.instance()).getSecurityContext().insert(), passing the object as a parameter. The exception to this is Role objects, which as already discussed are synchronized at the start of each permission check.

Getting back to our simple example, we can also notice that the first line of our LHS is prefixed with c:. This is a variable binding, and is used to refer back to the object that is matched by the condition. Moving onto the second line of our LHS, we see this:

Role(name == "admin")

This condition simply states that there must be a Role object with a name of "admin" within the working memory. As mentioned, user roles are inserted into the working memory at the beginning of each permission check. So, putting both conditions together, this rule is essentially saying "I will fire if you are checking for the customer:delete permission and the user is a member of the admin role".

So what is the consequence of the rule firing? Let's take a look at the RHS of the rule:


The RHS consists of Java code, and in this case is invoking the grant() method of the c object, which as already mentioned is a variable binding for the PermissionCheck object. Besides the name and action properties of the PermissionCheck object, there is also a granted property which is initially set to false. Calling grant() on a PermissionCheck sets the granted property to true, which means that the permission check was successful, allowing the user to carry out whatever action the permission check was intended for.

Seam includes basic support for serving sensitive pages via the HTTPS protocol. This is easily configured by specifying a scheme for the page in pages.xml. The following example shows how the view /login.xhtml is configured to use HTTPS:

<page view-id="/login.xhtml" scheme="https"/>

This configuration is automatically extended to both s:link and s:button JSF controls, which (when specifying the view) will also render the link using the correct protocol. Based on the previous example, the following link will use the HTTPS protocol because /login.xhtml is configured to use it:

<s:link view="/login.xhtml" value="Login"/>

Browsing directly to a view when using the incorrect protocol will cause a redirect to the same view using the correct protocol. For example, browsing to a page that has scheme="https" using HTTP will cause a redirect to the same page using HTTPS.

It is also possible to configure a default scheme for all pages. This is useful if you wish to use HTTPS for a only few pages. If no default scheme is specified then the normal behavior is to continue use the current scheme. So once the user accessed a page that required HTTPS, then HTTPS would continue to be used after the user navigated away to other non-HTTPS pages. (While this is good for security, it is not so great for performance!). To define HTTP as the default scheme, add this line to pages.xml:

<page view-id="*" scheme="http" />

Of course, if none of the pages in your application use HTTPS then it is not required to specify a default scheme.

You may configure Seam to automatically invalidate the current HTTP session each time the scheme changes. Just add this line to components.xml:

<core:servlet-session invalidate-on-scheme-change="true"/>

This option helps make your system less vulnerable to sniffing of the session id or leakage of sensitive data from pages using HTTPS to other pages using HTTP.

Though strictly not part of the security API, Seam provides a built-in CAPTCHA (Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart) algorithm to prevent automated processes from interacting with your application.

The following table describes a number of events (see Chapter 6, Events, interceptors and exception handling) raised by Seam Security.

Sometimes it may be necessary to perform certain operations with elevated privileges, such as creating a new user account as an unauthenticated user. Seam Security supports such a mechanism via the RunAsOperation class. This class allows either the Principal or Subject, or the user's roles to be overridden for a single set of operations.

The following code example demonstrates how RunAsOperation is used, by overriding its getRoles() method to specify a set of roles to masquerade as for the duration of the operation. The execute() method contains the code that will be executed with the elevated privileges.

    new RunAsOperation() {

       public String[] getRoles() {
          return new String[] { "admin" };
       public void execute() {

In a similar way, the getPrincipal() or getSubject() methods can also be overriden to specify the Principal and Subject instances to use for the duration of the operation. Finally, the run() method is used to carry out the RunAsOperation.

Sometimes it might be necessary to extend the Identity component if your application has special security requirements. For example, users might be required to authenticate using a Company or Department ID, along with their usual username and password. If permission-based security is required then RuleBasedIdentity should be extended, otherwise Identity should be extended.

The following example shows an extended Identity component with an additional companyCode field. The install precendence of APPLICATION ensures that this extended Identity gets installed in preference to the built-in Identity.


@Install(precedence = APPLICATION)
public class CustomIdentity extends Identity
   private static final LogProvider log = Logging.getLogProvider(CustomIdentity.class);
   private String companyCode;
   public String getCompanyCode()
      return companyCode;
   public void setCompanyCode(String companyCode)
      this.companyCode = companyCode;
   public String login()
   {"###### CUSTOM LOGIN CALLED ######");
      return super.login();