Uses of Class

Packages that use Veto
org.jboss.seam.faces.validation JSF Validator utility classes. 
org.jboss.solder.core A number enhancements to the CDI programming model which are under trial and may be included in later releases of Contexts and Dependency Injection
org.jboss.solder.literal A collection of annotation literals for all annotations from the Contexts and Dependency Injection specification and from Solder. 
org.jboss.solder.resourceLoader An extensible, injectable resource loader that can provide provide URLs, managed input streams and sets of properties. 

Uses of Veto in org.jboss.seam.faces.validation

Classes in org.jboss.seam.faces.validation with annotations of type Veto
 class InputElement<T>
          To be used in conjunction with <s:validateForm /> in Validators that should have their values fetched from a JSF form field.

Uses of Veto in org.jboss.solder.core

Classes in org.jboss.solder.core with annotations of type Veto
 class VersionLoggerUtil
          Utility class for logging the version number of class based on package.

Uses of Veto in org.jboss.solder.literal

Fields in org.jboss.solder.literal declared as Veto
static Veto VetoLiteral.INSTANCE

Uses of Veto in org.jboss.solder.resourceLoader

Classes in org.jboss.solder.resourceLoader with annotations of type Veto
 class ResourceProvider
           The ResourceProvider allows dynamic loading of managed resources.

Uses of Veto in org.jboss.solder.servlet

Classes in org.jboss.solder.servlet with annotations of type Veto
 class ServletRequestContext
          Encapsulates the ServletRequest and ServletResponse for the current request and dually provides access to the ServletContext, which is accessed from the HttpServletRequest object.

Uses of Veto in org.jboss.solder.servlet.http

Classes in org.jboss.solder.servlet.http with annotations of type Veto
 class HttpServletRequestContext
          Encapsulates the HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse for the current request and dually provides access to the ServletContext and HttpSession, which are accessed from the HttpServletRequest object.

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