Uses of Interface

Packages that use Synchronizations
org.jboss.seam.transaction Abstracts all possible transaction management APIs behind a JTA-compatible interface. 

Uses of Synchronizations in org.jboss.seam.transaction

Subinterfaces of Synchronizations in org.jboss.seam.transaction
 interface LocalEjbSynchronizations
          Local interface for EjbTransaction

Classes in org.jboss.seam.transaction that implement Synchronizations
 class EjbSynchronizations
          Receives JTA transaction completion notifications from the EJB container, and passes them on to the registered Synchronizations.
 class SeSynchronizations
          This implementation does not have access to the JTA TransactionManager, so it is not fully aware of container managed transaction lifecycle, and is not able to register Synchronizations with a container managed transaction.

Methods in org.jboss.seam.transaction that return Synchronizations
static Synchronizations AbstractUserTransaction.getSynchronizations()