Interface MetadataRepository<F,​C>

    • Method Detail

      • loadMetadata

        default void loadMetadata​(MetadataFactory factory,
                                  ExecutionFactory<F,​C> executionFactory,
                                  F connectionFactory,
                                  String text)
                           throws TranslatorException
        Loads the schema information for the vdb for the given schemaName. Loads table, procedures, functions, indexes etc.
        factory -
        executionFactory - may be null if loading a virtual source
        connectionFactory - may be null if source is not available
        text - the text used to configure the load
        TranslatorException - to indicate a recoverable error, otherwise a RuntimeException
      • loadMetadata

        default void loadMetadata​(MetadataFactory factory,
                                  ExecutionFactory<F,​C> executionFactory,
                                  F connectionFactory)
                           throws TranslatorException
        Loads the schema information for the vdb for the given schemaName. Loads table, procedures, functions, indexes etc.
        factory -
        executionFactory - may be null if loading a virtual source
        connectionFactory - may be null if source is not available
        TranslatorException - to indicate a recoverable error, otherwise a RuntimeException
      • setViewDefinition

        default void setViewDefinition​(String vdbName,
                                       String vdbVersion,
                                       Table table,
                                       String viewDefinition)
        Call back function, when "alter view" definition is called
        vdbName -
        vdbVersion -
        table -
        viewDefinition -
      • setInsteadOfTriggerDefinition

        default void setInsteadOfTriggerDefinition​(String vdbName,
                                                   String vdbVersion,
                                                   Table table,
                                                   Table.TriggerEvent triggerOperation,
                                                   String triggerDefinition)
        Call back function, when "alter trigger" is called
        vdbName -
        vdbVersion -
        table -
        triggerOperation -
        triggerDefinition -
      • setInsteadOfTriggerEnabled

        default void setInsteadOfTriggerEnabled​(String vdbName,
                                                String vdbVersion,
                                                Table table,
                                                Table.TriggerEvent triggerOperation,
                                                boolean enabled)
        Callback function, when "alter trigger" is called to enable or disable a trigger
        vdbName -
        vdbVersion -
        table -
        triggerOperation -
        enabled -
      • setProcedureDefinition

        default void setProcedureDefinition​(String vdbName,
                                            String vdbVersion,
                                            Procedure procedure,
                                            String procedureDefinition)
        Call back function, when "alter procedure" is called to set the procedure definition
        vdbName -
        vdbVersion -
        procedure -
        procedureDefinition -
      • setTableStats

        default void setTableStats​(String vdbName,
                                   String vdbVersion,
                                   Table table,
                                   TableStats tableStats)
        Set the TableStats for the given table
        vdbName -
        vdbVersion -
        table -
        tableStats -
      • setColumnStats

        default void setColumnStats​(String vdbName,
                                    String vdbVersion,
                                    Column column,
                                    ColumnStats columnStats)
        Set the ColumnStats for a given column
        vdbName -
        vdbVersion -
        column -
        columnStats -
      • setProperty

        default void setProperty​(String vdbName,
                                 String vdbVersion,
                                 AbstractMetadataRecord record,
                                 String name,
                                 String value)
        Set an extension metadata property for a given record.
        vdbName -
        vdbVersion -
        record -
        name -
        value -