Class TempMetadataStore

    • Constructor Detail

      • TempMetadataStore

        public TempMetadataStore()
        Constructor for TempMetadataStore.
      • TempMetadataStore

        public TempMetadataStore​(NavigableMap<String,​TempMetadataID> data)
        Constructor for TempMetadataStore that takes a set of data to use. If the parameter is null, a new empty Map will beused instead.
        data - Map of upper case group name to group TempMetadataID object
    • Method Detail

      • addTempGroup

        public TempMetadataID addTempGroup​(String tempGroup,
                                           List tempSymbols)
        Add a temp group and all it's elements
        tempGroup - Name of temp group
        tempSymbols - List of ElementSymbol in position order
      • addTempGroup

        public TempMetadataID addTempGroup​(String tempGroup,
                                           List tempSymbols,
                                           boolean isVirtual)
        Add a temp group and all it's elements
        tempGroup - Name of temp group
        tempSymbols - List of ElementSymbol in position order
        isVirtual - whether or not the group is a virtual group
      • addTempGroup

        public TempMetadataID addTempGroup​(String tempGroup,
                                           List<? extends Expression> tempSymbols,
                                           boolean isVirtual,
                                           boolean isTempTable)
        Add a temp group and all it's elements
        tempGroup - Name of temp group
        tempSymbols - List of ElementSymbol in position order
        isVirtual - whether or not the group is a virtual group
        isTempTable - whether or not the group is a temporary table
      • addElementSymbolToTempGroup

        public TempMetadataID addElementSymbolToTempGroup​(String tempGroup,
                                                          Expression symbol)
        Add a element symbol to the already created temp group. If added successfully then it will return the metadata id for the added element. otherwise it will return null.
        tempGroup - - temp group name
        symbol - - element to be added
        metadata id.
      • getTempGroupID

        public TempMetadataID getTempGroupID​(String tempGroup)
        Get temporary group ID based on group name
        tempGroup - Group name
        Metadata ID or null if not found
      • getTempElementID

        public TempMetadataID getTempElementID​(String tempElement)
        Get temporary element ID based on full element name
        tempElement - Element name
        Metadata ID or null if not found
      • getTempElementElementIDs

        public List<TempMetadataID> getTempElementElementIDs​(String tempGroup)
        Get temporary element ID based on group and element name parts
        tempGroup - Group name
        Metadata ID or null if not found
      • addElementToTempGroup

        public void addElementToTempGroup​(String tempGroup,
                                          ElementSymbol symbol)