JBoss.orgCommunity Documentation

JBoss Server Manager Reference Guide

Svetlana Mukhina

Version: 3.3.0.M5

1. Quick Start with JBoss Server
1.1. Key Features of JBoss Server
1.2. Starting JBoss Server
1.3. Stopping JBoss Server
1.4. Project Archiving
1.5. Deploying an Application to a Server
1.6. Publishing to JBoss Server
2. Runtimes and Servers in the JBoss AS plugin
2.1. Runtimes
2.1.1. Installing a new runtime
2.1.2. Detecting an existing runtime
2.1.3. Duplicating a runtime configuration
2.2. Servers
2.2.1. Creating a New Server
3. JBoss Perspective
3.1. The Servers view
3.1.1. Servers view Toolbar
3.1.2. Servers view Structure
3.1.3. Drag-n-Drop to Servers view
3.1.4. Server Log View
3.1.5. Server Editor
3.1.6. Relevant Resources Links
3.2. Project Archives View
3.2.1. Overview
3.2.2. Creating an Archive
3.2.3. Archive Actions
3.2.4. Publishing to Server
3.2.5. Relevant Resources Links
4. Projects
4.1. Faceted Projects Overview
4.2. Adding Facets to a Project
4.3. Relevant Resources Links
5. Deploying Modules
5.1. Deploying on the Package Explorer
5.1.1. Deploying with Run On Server Wizard
5.2. Deploying with Servers View
5.2.1. Top part of Servers view
5.2.2. Bottom part of Servers view
5.3. Deploying with Project Archives View
6. TPTP Support
6.1. TPTP Profiling
6.2. Relevant Resources Links