JBoss.orgCommunity Documentation

Chapter 14. The CRUD Application Walkthrough

14.1. Using CRUD Application

After you familiarized oneself with example of creating the CRUD Database Application with Seam, you can read this charter.

To run your CRUD Application you should do the following steps:

On Package Explorer View right click on the crudapp project, select Run AsRun on Server.

Select a Server and click Finish

Home page of the crudapp project should appear in Web Browser .

After that you can use the CRUD application with the employee database.

You can use internal JBDS Web Browser or your external Web Browser with the same link (http://localhost:8080/crudapp/home.seam).

Hover the mouse over Browse data in the very top menu and select Employees List from the expanded list. Observe that data from the employee database is displayed.

Use Employees search parameters fields to filter the selected list.

Click the View button in the Action column of one of the employees.

Press Edit to edit employee fields.

Enter Login and Password to login (for example, admin as the login and leaving the password field blank).

Fill in firstname and press Save.

Database will be updated.