Uses of Class

Packages that use RegionNameConflictException

Uses of RegionNameConflictException in org.jboss.cache

Methods in org.jboss.cache that throw RegionNameConflictException
 void TreeCacheMBean.activateRegion(java.lang.String subtreeFqn)
          Causes the cache to transfer state for the subtree rooted at subtreeFqn and to begin accepting replication messages for that subtree.
 void TreeCache.activateRegion(java.lang.String subtreeFqn)
          Causes the cache to transfer state for the subtree rooted at subtreeFqn and to begin accepting replication messages for that subtree.
 void TreeCacheMBean.inactivateRegion(java.lang.String subtreeFqn)
          Causes the cache to stop accepting replication events for the subtree rooted at subtreeFqn and evict all nodes in that subtree.
 void TreeCache.inactivateRegion(java.lang.String subtreeFqn)
          Causes the cache to stop accepting replication events for the subtree rooted at subtreeFqn and evict all nodes in that subtree.
 void TreeCacheMBean.registerClassLoader(java.lang.String fqn, java.lang.ClassLoader cl)
          Registers the given classloader with TreeCacheMarshaller for use in unmarshalling replicated objects for the specified region.
 void TreeCache.registerClassLoader(java.lang.String fqn, java.lang.ClassLoader cl)
          Registers a specific classloader for a region defined by a fully qualified name.

Uses of RegionNameConflictException in org.jboss.cache.aop

Methods in org.jboss.cache.aop that throw RegionNameConflictException
 void PojoCache.activateRegion(java.lang.String subtreeFqn)
          Overrides the superclass method by ensuring that the internal region where information on shared object is stored has been activated.

Uses of RegionNameConflictException in org.jboss.cache.marshall

Methods in org.jboss.cache.marshall that throw RegionNameConflictException
 void VersionAwareMarshaller.activate(java.lang.String subtreeFqn)
 void TreeCacheMarshaller.activate(java.lang.String fqn)
          Activates unmarshalling of replication messages for the region rooted in the given Fqn.
 void Marshaller.activate(java.lang.String fqn)
          Activates unmarshalling of replication messages for the region rooted in the given Fqn.
 void RegionManager.checkConflict(Fqn fqn)
          Check for conflict in the current regions.
 void RegionManager.checkConflict(java.lang.String myFqn)
          Check for conflict in the current regions.
 Region RegionManager.createRegion(Fqn fqn, java.lang.ClassLoader cl, boolean inactive)
          Create a region based on fqn.
 Region RegionManager.createRegion(java.lang.String fqn, java.lang.ClassLoader cl)
          Create a region based on fqn.
 Region RegionManager.createRegion(java.lang.String fqn, java.lang.ClassLoader cl, boolean inactive)
          Create a region based on fqn.
 void VersionAwareMarshaller.inactivate(java.lang.String subtreeFqn)
 void TreeCacheMarshaller.inactivate(java.lang.String fqn)
          Disables unmarshalling of replication messages for the region rooted in the given Fqn.
 void Marshaller.inactivate(java.lang.String fqn)
          Disables unmarshalling of replication messages for the region rooted in the given Fqn.
 void VersionAwareMarshaller.registerClassLoader(java.lang.String fqn, java.lang.ClassLoader cl)
 void TreeCacheMarshaller.registerClassLoader(java.lang.String fqn, java.lang.ClassLoader cl)
          Register the specific classloader under the fqn region.
 void Marshaller.registerClassLoader(java.lang.String fqn, java.lang.ClassLoader cl)
          Register the specific classloader under the fqn region.

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