Uses of Interface

Packages that use Path
org.modeshape.cnd Compact Node Definition (CND) defines JCR node types, property definitions, and child node definitions in a concise and easy-to-read form. 
org.modeshape.connector.filesystem The classes that make up the connector that accesses the files and directories on a local file system and exposes them as content in a repository. The classes that define the "basic" storage model for the JPA connector. The classes that define the utility JPA entities that are not part of any storage model. 
org.modeshape.graph The ModeShape Graph API defines the types that allow you to work with content organized as a graph. 
org.modeshape.graph.connector.federation ModeShape provides a federated connector that is able to access repository content from multiple external systems and make that content look like it exists in a single unified repository. The MapRepository class and its supporting classes provide a default implementation of the connector classes for connectors that support the transient or persistent mapping of a UUID to a standard representation of a node
org.modeshape.graph.connector.path The PathRepository class and its supporting classes provide a default read-only implementation of the connector classes for connectors that only support path-based access to a standard representation of a node
org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.cache The PathRepositoryCache class and its supporting classes provide a standard caching mechanism for path-based repositories.   
org.modeshape.graph.observe The Observation API provides several mechanisms for asynchronously observing changes to content. Nodes in a graph contain properties, and this package defines the interfaces, classes and exceptions for representing and working with properties and their values. A set of basic implementations of the various interfaces defined in
org.modeshape.graph.query The Query API provides a mechanism for building and executing queries. 
org.modeshape.graph.request Sometimes its useful to work with a graph using objects that represent individual commands on the graph.   
org.modeshape.graph.sequencer A sequencer in ModeShape is a component that is able to process information (usually the content of a file, or a property value on a node) and recreate that information as a graph of structured content. 
org.modeshape.graph.session A graph session provides a stateful environment in which graph operations can be enqueued and the state and structure of the graph are cached. 
org.modeshape.graph.xml Graph content can often be represented in XML, so this part of the ModeShape Graph API defines the classes that provide the binding between graph and XML content. 
org.modeshape.jcr The ModeShape implementation of the JCR API. 
org.modeshape.repository The components and services that make up the ModeShape repository engine. 
org.modeshape.repository.sequencer The classes that make up the sequencing service and its configuration.   
org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.node The classes that make up the Java source file sequencer. 

Uses of Path in org.modeshape.cnd

Constructors in org.modeshape.cnd with parameters of type Path
CndImporter(Destination destination, Path parentPath)
          Create a new importer that will place the content in the supplied destination under the supplied path.
CndImporter(Destination destination, Path parentPath, boolean compatibleWithPreJcr2)
          Create a new importer that will place the content in the supplied destination under the supplied path.

Uses of Path in org.modeshape.connector.filesystem

Methods in org.modeshape.connector.filesystem that return Path
 Path FileSystemRepository.FileSystemWorkspace.getLowestExistingPath(Path path)

Methods in org.modeshape.connector.filesystem with parameters of type Path
 Path FileSystemRepository.FileSystemWorkspace.getLowestExistingPath(Path path)
 PathNode FileSystemRepository.FileSystemWorkspace.getNode(Path path)
 boolean FileSystemRepository.FileSystemWorkspace.removeNode(ExecutionContext context, Path nodePath)
 PathNode FileSystemRepository.FileSystemWorkspace.setProperties(ExecutionContext context, Path nodePath, Map<Name,Property> properties)

Uses of Path in

Methods in that return Path
 Path SubgraphQuery.getSubgraphRootPath()

Methods in with parameters of type Path
static SubgraphQuery SubgraphQuery.create(ExecutionContext context, javax.persistence.EntityManager entities, Long workspaceId, UUID subgraphRootUuid, Path subgraphRootPath, int maxDepth)
          Create a query that returns a subgraph at and below the node with the supplied path and the supplied UUID.

Uses of Path in

Methods in with parameters of type Path
 LinkedList<Location> RequestProcessorCache.getAllChildren(Long workspaceId, Path parent)
 LinkedList<Location> RequestProcessorCache.WorkspaceCache.getAllChildren(Path parent)
 Location RequestProcessorCache.getLocationFor(Long workspaceId, Path node)
 Location RequestProcessorCache.WorkspaceCache.getLocationFor(Path node)
 void RequestProcessorCache.setAllChildren(Long workspaceId, Path parent, LinkedList<Location> children)
 void RequestProcessorCache.WorkspaceCache.setAllChildren(Path parent, LinkedList<Location> children)

Uses of Path in org.modeshape.graph

Methods in org.modeshape.graph that return Path
abstract  Path Location.getPath()
          Get the path that (at least in part) defines this location.

Methods in org.modeshape.graph with parameters of type Path
 Next Graph.And.and(Path from)
          Specify that another node should also be copied or moved.
 Next to)
          Specify the path of the node upon which the request is to operate.
 Next Graph.Before.before(Path parentPath)
          Finish the request by specifying the location of the node before which the node should be copied/moved.
 Graph.Clone<Graph> Graph.clone(Path from)
          Begin the request to clone a node located at the supplied path into a parent node at a different location, which is specified via the into(...)
 Graph.Clone<Graph.BatchConjunction> Graph.Batch.clone(Path from)
          Begin the request to clone a node located at the supplied path into a parent node at a different location, which is specified via the into(...)
 Graph.Copy<Graph> Graph.copy(Path from)
          Begin the request to copy a node located at the supplied path into a parent node at a different location, which is specified via the into(...)
 Graph.Copy<Graph.BatchConjunction> Graph.Batch.copy(Path from)
          Begin the request to copy a node located at the supplied path into a parent node at a different location, which is specified via the into(...)
static Location Location.create(Path path)
          Create a location defined by a path.
 Graph.Create<Graph> Graph.create(Path at)
          Begin the request to create a node located at the supplied path.
 Graph.Create<Graph.Batch> Graph.Batch.create(Path at)
          Begin the request to create a node located at the supplied path.
static Location Location.create(Path path, Iterable<Property> idProperties)
          Create a location defined by a path and an iterator over identification properties.
 Graph.Create<Graph> Graph.create(Path at, Iterable<Property> properties)
          Begin the request to create a node located at the supplied path.
 Graph.Create<Graph.Batch> Graph.Batch.create(Path at, Iterable<Property> properties)
          Begin the request to create a node located at the supplied path.
static Location Location.create(Path path, Property idProperty)
          Create a location defined by a path and a single identification property.
 Graph.Create<Graph> Graph.create(Path at, Property property)
          Begin the request to create a node located at the supplied path.
 Graph.Create<Graph.Batch> Graph.Batch.create(Path at, Property property)
          Begin the request to create a node located at the supplied path.
static Location Location.create(Path path, Property firstIdProperty, Property... remainingIdProperties)
          Create a location defined by a path and multiple identification properties.
 Graph.Create<Graph> Graph.create(Path at, Property firstProperty, Property... additionalProperties)
          Begin the request to create a node located at the supplied path.
 Graph.Create<Graph.Batch> Graph.Batch.create(Path at, Property firstProperty, Property... additionalProperties)
          Begin the request to create a node located at the supplied path.
static Location Location.create(Path path, UUID uuid)
          Create a location defined by a path and an UUID.
 Graph.CreateAt<Graph> Graph.createAt(Path at)
          Begin the request to create a node located at the supplied path, and return an interface used to either add properties for the new node, or complete/submit the request and return the location, node, or graph.
 Graph.Conjunction<Graph> Graph.delete(Path at)
          Request to delete the node at the given path.
 Graph.BatchConjunction Graph.Batch.delete(Path at)
          Request to delete the node at the given path.
 SubgraphNode SubgraphNode.getNode(Path relativePath)
          Get the node at the supplied path that is relative to this node.
 Node Results.getNode(Path path)
          Get the node at the supplied location.
 NodeType Graph.BaseResults.getNode(Path path)
          Get the node at the supplied location.
 Node Graph.getNodeAt(Path path)
          Request to read the node at the supplied path.
 boolean Results.includes(Path path)
          Return whether this subgraph has a node at the supplied location.
 boolean Graph.BaseResults.includes(Path path)
          Return whether this subgraph has a node at the supplied location.
 Next Graph.Into.into(Path parentPath)
          Finish the request by specifying the location of the parent into which the node should be copied/moved.
 Next Graph.ImportInto.into(Path to)
          Finish the import by specifying the Location.create into which the node should be copied/moved.
 Graph.WithUuids<T> Graph.CloneTargetAction.into(Path into)
 Graph.LockScope<Graph.LockTimeout<Graph.Conjunction<Graph>>> Graph.lock(Path at)
          Request to lock the node at the given path.
 Graph.LockScope<Graph.LockTimeout<Graph.BatchConjunction>> Graph.Batch.lock(Path at)
          Request to lock the node at the given path.
 Graph.Move<Graph.Conjunction<Graph>> Graph.move(Path from)
          Begin the request to move a node located at the supplied path into a parent node at a different location, which is specified via the into(...)
 Graph.Move<Graph.BatchConjunction> Graph.Batch.move(Path from)
          Begin the request to move a node located at the supplied path into a parent node at a different location, which is specified via the into(...)
 Next Graph.Of.of(Path to)
          Specify the path of the node upon which the request is to operate.
 Next Graph.On.on(Path to)
          Specify the path of the node upon which the request is to operate.
 Map<Location,Next> Graph.OnMultiple.on(Path firstPath, Path... additional)
          Specify the path of each node upon which the requests are to operate.
 Map<Location,Next> Graph.OnMultiple.on(Path firstPath, Path... additional)
          Specify the path of each node upon which the requests are to operate.
 Graph.BatchConjunction path)
          Request to read the node at the supplied path.
 Next Graph.BlockOfChildren.startingAfter(Path previousSibling)
          Specify the block of children is to start with the child immediately following the supplied node.
 Next desiredPath)
          Finish the request by specifying the Location.create where the node should be copied/moved.
 Next value)
          Set the property value to the given Path.
 Next Graph.Under.under(Path to)
          Specify the path of the node under which the request is to operate.
 Graph.Conjunction<Graph> Graph.unlock(Path at)
          Request to unlock the node at the given path.
 Graph.BatchConjunction Graph.Batch.unlock(Path at)
          Request to unlock the node at the given path.
abstract  Location Location.with(Path newPath)
          Create a copy of this location that uses the supplied path.

Uses of Path in org.modeshape.graph.connector.federation

Methods in org.modeshape.graph.connector.federation that return Path
 Path Projection.PathRule.getPathInRepository()
          The path where the content is to be placed ("projected") into the repository.
abstract  Path Projection.Rule.getPathInRepository(Path pathInSource, PathFactory factory)
          Get the path in repository that is projected from the supplied source path, or null if the supplied source path is not projected into the repository.
 Path Projection.PathRule.getPathInRepository(Path pathInSource, PathFactory factory)
          Get the path in repository that is projected from the supplied source path, or null if the supplied source path is not projected into the repository.
 Path Projection.PathRule.getPathInSource()
          The path of the content as known to the source
abstract  Path Projection.Rule.getPathInSource(Path pathInRepository, PathFactory factory)
          Get the path in source that is projected from the supplied repository path, or null if the supplied repository path is not projected into the source.
 Path Projection.PathRule.getPathInSource(Path pathInRepository, PathFactory factory)
          Get the path in source that is projected from the supplied repository path, or null if the supplied repository path is not projected into the source.

Methods in org.modeshape.graph.connector.federation that return types with arguments of type Path
 List<Path> Projection.PathRule.getExceptionsToRule()
          Get the paths that define the exceptions to this rule.
 Set<Path> Projection.getPathsInRepository(Path canonicalPathInSource, PathFactory factory)
          Get the paths in the repository that correspond to the supplied path within the source.
 Set<Path> Projection.getPathsInSource(Path canonicalPathInRepository, PathFactory factory)
          Get the paths in the source that correspond to the supplied path within the repository.
 List<Path> Projection.getTopLevelPathsInRepository(PathFactory factory)
          Get the paths in the repository that serve as top-level nodes exposed by this projection.
abstract  List<Path> Projection.Rule.getTopLevelPathsInRepository(PathFactory factory)
          Get the paths in the repository that serve as top-level nodes exposed by this rule.
 List<Path> Projection.PathRule.getTopLevelPathsInRepository(PathFactory factory)
          Get the paths in the repository that serve as top-level nodes exposed by this rule.

Methods in org.modeshape.graph.connector.federation with parameters of type Path
abstract  Path Projection.Rule.getPathInRepository(Path pathInSource, PathFactory factory)
          Get the path in repository that is projected from the supplied source path, or null if the supplied source path is not projected into the repository.
 Path Projection.PathRule.getPathInRepository(Path pathInSource, PathFactory factory)
          Get the path in repository that is projected from the supplied source path, or null if the supplied source path is not projected into the repository.
abstract  Path Projection.Rule.getPathInSource(Path pathInRepository, PathFactory factory)
          Get the path in source that is projected from the supplied repository path, or null if the supplied repository path is not projected into the source.
 Path Projection.PathRule.getPathInSource(Path pathInRepository, PathFactory factory)
          Get the path in source that is projected from the supplied repository path, or null if the supplied repository path is not projected into the source.
 Set<Path> Projection.getPathsInRepository(Path canonicalPathInSource, PathFactory factory)
          Get the paths in the repository that correspond to the supplied path within the source.
 Set<Path> Projection.getPathsInSource(Path canonicalPathInRepository, PathFactory factory)
          Get the paths in the source that correspond to the supplied path within the repository.
 boolean Projection.isTopLevelPath(Path repositoryPath)
          Determine whether the supplied repositoryPath is considered one of the top-level nodes in this projection.
abstract  boolean Projection.Rule.isTopLevelPath(Path path)
          Determine if the supplied path is the same as one of the top-level nodes exposed by this rule.
 boolean Projection.PathRule.isTopLevelPath(Path path)
          Determine if the supplied path is the same as one of the top-level nodes exposed by this rule.

Constructors in org.modeshape.graph.connector.federation with parameters of type Path
Projection.PathRule(Path repositoryPath, Path sourcePath)
Projection.PathRule(Path repositoryPath, Path sourcePath, List<Path> exceptions)
Projection.PathRule(Path repositoryPath, Path sourcePath, Path... exceptions)
Projection.PathRule(Path repositoryPath, Path sourcePath, Path... exceptions)

Constructor parameters in org.modeshape.graph.connector.federation with type arguments of type Path
Projection.PathRule(Path repositoryPath, Path sourcePath, List<Path> exceptions)

Uses of Path in

Methods in that return Path
 Path MapWorkspace.getLowestExistingPath(Path path)
          Find the lowest existing node along the path.
 Path AbstractMapWorkspace.getLowestExistingPath(Path path)
          Find the lowest existing node along the path.
 Path MapWorkspace.pathFor(PathFactory pathFactory, MapNode node)
          Returns the path for the given node with this workspace if one exists, or a null if no node exists at the given path.
 Path AbstractMapWorkspace.pathFor(PathFactory pathFactory, MapNode node)
          Returns the absolute path to the given node

Methods in with parameters of type Path
 Path MapWorkspace.getLowestExistingPath(Path path)
          Find the lowest existing node along the path.
 Path AbstractMapWorkspace.getLowestExistingPath(Path path)
          Find the lowest existing node along the path.
 MapNode MapWorkspace.getNode(Path path)
          Returns the node at the given path, if one exists of null if no exists at the given path.
 MapNode AbstractMapWorkspace.getNode(Path path)
          Find a node with the given path.

Uses of Path in org.modeshape.graph.connector.path

Methods in org.modeshape.graph.connector.path that return Path
 Path PathWorkspace.getLowestExistingPath(Path path)
          Find the lowest existing node along the path.
 Path PathNode.getPath()
          Returns the full path to this node
 Path DefaultPathNode.getPath()

Methods in org.modeshape.graph.connector.path with parameters of type Path
 Path PathWorkspace.getLowestExistingPath(Path path)
          Find the lowest existing node along the path.
 PathNode PathWorkspace.getNode(Path path)
          Returns the node at the given path, if one exists of null if no exists at the given path.
 boolean WritablePathWorkspace.removeNode(ExecutionContext context, Path nodePath)
          Removes the node at the given path
 PathNode WritablePathWorkspace.removeProperties(ExecutionContext context, Path nodePath, Iterable<Name> propertyNames)
          Removes the properties with the given names
 PathNode AbstractWritablePathWorkspace.removeProperties(ExecutionContext context, Path nodePath, Iterable<Name> propertyNames)
 PathNode WritablePathWorkspace.setProperties(ExecutionContext context, Path nodePath, Map<Name,Property> properties)
          Sets the given properties in a single operation, overwriting any previous properties for the same name.

Constructors in org.modeshape.graph.connector.path with parameters of type Path
DefaultPathNode(Path path, UUID uuid, Iterable<Property> properties, List<Path.Segment> childSegments)
DefaultPathNode(Path path, UUID uuid, Map<Name,Property> properties, List<Path.Segment> childSegments)

Uses of Path in org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.cache

Methods in org.modeshape.graph.connector.path.cache with parameters of type Path
 PathNode WorkspaceCache.get(Path path)
          Retrieves the cached node with the given path, it it exists and is valid
 PathNode InMemoryWorkspaceCache.get(Path path)
 void WorkspaceCache.invalidate(Path path)
          Invalidates all nodes in the cache that have the given path or have a path that is an ancestor of the given path
 void InMemoryWorkspaceCache.invalidate(Path path)

Uses of Path in

Methods in with parameters of type Path
 void GraphBatchDestination.create(Path path, List<Property> properties)
          Create a node at the supplied path and with the supplied attributes.
 void Destination.create(Path path, List<Property> properties)
          Create a node at the supplied path and with the supplied attributes.
 void GraphBatchDestination.create(Path path, Property firstProperty, Property... additionalProperties)
          Create a node at the supplied path and with the supplied attributes.
 void Destination.create(Path path, Property firstProperty, Property... additionalProperties)
          Create a node at the supplied path and with the supplied attributes.
 void GraphBatchDestination.setProperties(Path path, Property... properties)
          Sets the given properties on the node at the supplied path.
 void Destination.setProperties(Path path, Property... properties)
          Sets the given properties on the node at the supplied path.

Uses of Path in org.modeshape.graph.observe

Methods in org.modeshape.graph.observe that return Path
 Path NetChangeObserver.NetChange.getPath()

Uses of Path in

Fields in with type parameters of type Path
static Comparator<Path> ValueComparators.PATH_COMPARATOR
          A comparator of path values.

Methods in that return Path
 Path PathFactory.create(Path parentPath, Iterable<Path.Segment> segments)
          Create a path by appending the supplied names to the parent path.
 Path PathFactory.create(Path parentPath, Name... segmentNames)
          Create a path by appending the supplied names to the parent path.
 Path PathFactory.create(Path parentPath, Name segmentName, int index)
          Create a path by appending the supplied names to the parent path.
 Path PathFactory.create(Path parentPath, Path.Segment... segments)
          Create a path by appending the supplied names to the parent path.
 Path PathFactory.create(Path parentPath, Path childPath)
          Create a path by appending the supplied relative path to the supplied parent path.
 Path PathFactory.create(Path parentPath, String subpath)
          Create a path by appending the supplied names to the parent path.
 Path PathFactory.create(Path parentPath, String segmentName, int index)
          Create a path by appending the supplied names to the parent path.
 Path PathFactory.createAbsolutePath(Iterable<Path.Segment> segments)
          Create an absolute path with the supplied segments, in order.
 Path PathFactory.createAbsolutePath(Name... segmentNames)
          Create an absolute path with the supplied segment names, in order.
 Path PathFactory.createAbsolutePath(Path.Segment... segments)
          Create an absolute path with the supplied segments, in order.
 Path PathFactory.createRelativePath()
          Create an empty relative path (i.e., equivalent to createRelativePath( SELF_SEGMENT)).
 Path PathFactory.createRelativePath(Iterable<Path.Segment> segments)
          Create a relative path with the supplied segments, in order.
 Path PathFactory.createRelativePath(Name... segmentNames)
          Create a relative path with the supplied segment names, in order.
 Path PathFactory.createRelativePath(Path.Segment... segments)
          Create a relative path with the supplied segments, in order.
 Path PathFactory.createRootPath()
          Create an absolute root path.
 Path Path.getAncestor(int degree)
          Return the path to the ancestor of the supplied degree.
 Path Path.getCanonicalPath()
          Get the canonical form of this path.
 Path Path.getCommonAncestor(Path that)
          Find the lowest common ancestor of this path and the supplied path.
 Path PathNotFoundException.getLowestAncestorThatDoesExist()
          Get the lowest (closest) existing ancestor of the non-existant location.
 Path Path.getNormalizedPath()
          Get a normalized path with as many ".." segments and all "." resolved.
 Path Path.getParent()
          Return the path to the parent, or this path if it is the root.
 Path Path.relativeTo(Path startingPath)
          Get a relative path from the supplied path to this path.
 Path Path.relativeToRoot()
          Obtain a path that is relative to the root node.
 Path Path.resolve(Path relativePath)
          Get the absolute path by resolving the supplied relative (non-absolute) path against this absolute path.
 Path Path.resolveAgainst(Path absolutePath)
          Get the absolute path by resolving this relative (non-absolute) path against the supplied absolute path.
 Path Path.subpath(int beginIndex)
          Return a new path consisting of the segments starting at beginIndex index (inclusive).
 Path Path.subpath(int beginIndex, int endIndex)
          Return a new path consisting of the segments between the beginIndex index (inclusive) and the endIndex index (exclusive).

Methods in that return types with arguments of type Path
 Iterator<Path> Path.pathsFromRoot()
          Return an iterator that walks the paths from the root path down to this path.

Methods in with parameters of type Path
 T ValueFactory.create(Path value)
          Create a value from a path.
 T[] ValueFactory.create(Path[] values)
          Create an array of values from an array of paths.
 Path PathFactory.create(Path parentPath, Iterable<Path.Segment> segments)
          Create a path by appending the supplied names to the parent path.
 Path PathFactory.create(Path parentPath, Name... segmentNames)
          Create a path by appending the supplied names to the parent path.
 Path PathFactory.create(Path parentPath, Name segmentName, int index)
          Create a path by appending the supplied names to the parent path.
 Path PathFactory.create(Path parentPath, Path.Segment... segments)
          Create a path by appending the supplied names to the parent path.
 Path PathFactory.create(Path parentPath, Path childPath)
          Create a path by appending the supplied relative path to the supplied parent path.
 Path PathFactory.create(Path parentPath, String subpath)
          Create a path by appending the supplied names to the parent path.
 Path PathFactory.create(Path parentPath, String segmentName, int index)
          Create a path by appending the supplied names to the parent path.
 Path Path.getCommonAncestor(Path that)
          Find the lowest common ancestor of this path and the supplied path.
 boolean Path.hasSameAncestor(Path that)
          Determine whether this path and the supplied path have the same immediate ancestor.
 boolean Path.isAncestorOf(Path decendant)
          Determine whether this path is an ancestor of the supplied path.
 boolean Path.isAtOrAbove(Path other)
          Determine whether this path is the same as to or a ancestor of the supplied path.
 boolean Path.isAtOrBelow(Path other)
          Determine whether this path is the same as to or a decendant of the supplied path.
 boolean Path.isDecendantOf(Path ancestor)
          Determine whether this path is an decendant of the supplied path.
 boolean Path.isSameAs(Path other)
          Determine whether this path represents the same as the supplied path.
 Path Path.relativeTo(Path startingPath)
          Get a relative path from the supplied path to this path.
 Path Path.resolve(Path relativePath)
          Get the absolute path by resolving the supplied relative (non-absolute) path against this absolute path.
 Path Path.resolveAgainst(Path absolutePath)
          Get the absolute path by resolving this relative (non-absolute) path against the supplied absolute path.

Constructors in with parameters of type Path
PathNotFoundException(Location location, Path lowestAncestorThatDoesExist)
PathNotFoundException(Location location, Path lowestAncestorThatDoesExist, String message)
PathNotFoundException(Location location, Path lowestAncestorThatDoesExist, String message, Throwable cause)
PathNotFoundException(Location location, Path lowestAncestorThatDoesExist, Throwable cause)

Uses of Path in

Classes in that implement Path
 class AbstractPath
          An abstract foundation for different Path implementations.
 class BasicPath
          A basic implementation of Path.
 class ChildPath
          Implementation of a Path that has the information for the last segment but that points to another Path for the parent information.
 class RootPath
          Optimized implementation of Path that serves as the root path.

Fields in declared as Path
static Path BasicPath.EMPTY_RELATIVE
static Path RootPath.INSTANCE
static Path BasicPath.PARENT_PATH
static Path BasicPath.SELF_PATH
static Path AbstractPath.SELF_PATH

Methods in that return Path
 Path PathValueFactory.create(BigDecimal value)
          Create a value from a decimal.
 Path PathValueFactory.create(Binary value)
          Create a value from the binary content given by the supplied stream.
 Path PathValueFactory.create(boolean value)
          Create a boolean from a string.
 Path PathValueFactory.create(byte[] value)
          Create a value from the binary content given by the supplied array.
 Path PathValueFactory.create(Calendar value)
          Create a value from a Calendar instance.
 Path PathValueFactory.create(Date value)
          Create a value from a date.
 Path PathValueFactory.create(DateTime value)
          Create a value from a date-time instant.
 Path PathValueFactory.create(double value)
          Create a value from a double.
 Path PathValueFactory.create(float value)
          Create a value from a float.
 Path PathValueFactory.create(InputStream stream, long approximateLength)
          Create a value from the binary content given by the supplied stream.
 Path PathValueFactory.create(int value)
          Create a value from an integer.
 Path PathValueFactory.create(long value)
          Create a long from a string.
 Path PathValueFactory.create(Name value)
          Create a value from a name.
 Path PathValueFactory.create(Path value)
          Create a value from a path.
 Path PathValueFactory.create(Path parentPath, Iterable<Path.Segment> segments)
          Create a path by appending the supplied names to the parent path.
 Path PathValueFactory.create(Path parentPath, Name... segmentNames)
          Create a path by appending the supplied names to the parent path.
 Path PathValueFactory.create(Path parentPath, Name segmentName, int index)
          Create a path by appending the supplied names to the parent path.
 Path PathValueFactory.create(Path parentPath, Path.Segment... segments)
          Create a path by appending the supplied names to the parent path.
 Path PathValueFactory.create(Path parentPath, Path childPath)
          Create a path by appending the supplied relative path to the supplied parent path.
 Path PathValueFactory.create(Path parentPath, String subpath)
          Create a path by appending the supplied names to the parent path.
 Path PathValueFactory.create(Path parentPath, String segmentName, int index)
          Create a path by appending the supplied names to the parent path.
 Path PathValueFactory.create(Reader reader, long approximateLength)
          Create a value from a the binary content given by the supplied reader.
 Path PathValueFactory.create(Reference value)
          Create a value from a reference.
 Path PathValueFactory.create(String value)
          Create a value from a string, using no decoding.
 Path PathValueFactory.create(String value, TextDecoder decoder)
          Create a value from a string, using the supplied decoder.
 Path PathValueFactory.create(URI value)
          Create a value from a URI.
 Path PathValueFactory.create(UUID value)
          Create a value from a UUID.
 Path PathValueFactory.createAbsolutePath(Iterable<Path.Segment> segments)
          Create an absolute path with the supplied segments, in order.
 Path PathValueFactory.createAbsolutePath(Name... segmentNames)
          Create an absolute path with the supplied segment names, in order.
 Path PathValueFactory.createAbsolutePath(Path.Segment... segments)
          Create an absolute path with the supplied segments, in order.
 Path PathValueFactory.createRelativePath()
           Create an empty relative path (i.e., equivalent to createRelativePath( SELF_SEGMENT)).
 Path PathValueFactory.createRelativePath(Iterable<Path.Segment> segments)
          Create a relative path with the supplied segments, in order.
 Path PathValueFactory.createRelativePath(Name... segmentNames)
          Create a relative path with the supplied segment names, in order.
 Path PathValueFactory.createRelativePath(Path.Segment... segments)
          Create a relative path with the supplied segments, in order.
 Path PathValueFactory.createRootPath()
           Create an absolute root path.
 Path RootPath.getAncestor(int degree)
          Return the path to the ancestor of the supplied degree.
 Path ChildPath.getAncestor(int degree)
          Return the path to the ancestor of the supplied degree.
 Path BasicPath.getAncestor(int degree)
          Return the path to the ancestor of the supplied degree.
 Path RootPath.getCanonicalPath()
          Get the canonical form of this path.
 Path AbstractPath.getCanonicalPath()
          Get the canonical form of this path.
 Path RootPath.getCommonAncestor(Path that)
          Find the lowest common ancestor of this path and the supplied path.
 Path AbstractPath.getCommonAncestor(Path that)
          Find the lowest common ancestor of this path and the supplied path.
 Path RootPath.getNormalizedPath()
          Get a normalized path with as many ".." segments and all "." resolved.
 Path AbstractPath.getNormalizedPath()
          Get a normalized path with as many ".." segments and all "." resolved.
 Path RootPath.getParent()
          Return the path to the parent, or this path if it is the root.
 Path ChildPath.getParent()
          Return the path to the parent, or this path if it is the root.
 Path AbstractPath.getParent()
          Return the path to the parent, or this path if it is the root.
 Path AbstractPath.relativeTo(Path startingPath)
          Get a relative path from the supplied path to this path.
 Path RootPath.relativeToRoot()
          Obtain a path that is relative to the root node.
 Path AbstractPath.relativeToRoot()
          Obtain a path that is relative to the root node.
 Path RootPath.resolve(Path relativePath)
          Get the absolute path by resolving the supplied relative (non-absolute) path against this absolute path.
 Path AbstractPath.resolve(Path relativePath)
          Get the absolute path by resolving the supplied relative (non-absolute) path against this absolute path.
 Path AbstractPath.resolveAgainst(Path absolutePath)
          Get the absolute path by resolving this relative (non-absolute) path against the supplied absolute path.
 Path RootPath.subpath(int beginIndex)
          Return a new path consisting of the segments starting at beginIndex index (inclusive).
 Path AbstractPath.subpath(int beginIndex)
          Return a new path consisting of the segments starting at beginIndex index (inclusive).
 Path RootPath.subpath(int beginIndex, int endIndex)
          Return a new path consisting of the segments between the beginIndex index (inclusive) and the endIndex index (exclusive).
 Path ChildPath.subpath(int beginIndex, int endIndex)
          Return a new path consisting of the segments between the beginIndex index (inclusive) and the endIndex index (exclusive).
 Path AbstractPath.subpath(int beginIndex, int endIndex)
          Return a new path consisting of the segments between the beginIndex index (inclusive) and the endIndex index (exclusive).

Methods in that return types with arguments of type Path
 Iterator<Path> RootPath.pathsFromRoot()
          Return an iterator that walks the paths from the root path down to this path.
 Iterator<Path> AbstractPath.pathsFromRoot()
          Return an iterator that walks the paths from the root path down to this path.

Methods in with parameters of type Path
 int RootPath.compareTo(Path other)
 int AbstractPath.compareTo(Path that)
 UUID UuidValueFactory.create(Path value)
          Create a value from a path.
 Reference UuidReferenceValueFactory.create(Path value)
          Create a value from a path.
 URI UriValueFactory.create(Path value)
          Create a value from a path.
 String StringValueFactory.create(Path value)
          Create a value from a path.
 Path PathValueFactory.create(Path value)
          Create a value from a path.
 Object ObjectValueFactory.create(Path value)
          Create a value from a path.
 Name NameValueFactory.create(Path value)
          Create a value from a path.
 Long LongValueFactory.create(Path value)
          Create a value from a path.
 DateTime JodaDateTimeValueFactory.create(Path value)
          Create a value from a path.
 Double DoubleValueFactory.create(Path value)
          Create a value from a path.
 BigDecimal DecimalValueFactory.create(Path value)
          Create a value from a path.
 Boolean BooleanValueFactory.create(Path value)
          Create a value from a path.
 Binary AbstractBinaryValueFactory.create(Path value)
          Create a value from a path.
 T[] AbstractValueFactory.create(Path[] values)
          Create an array of values from an array of paths.
 Path PathValueFactory.create(Path parentPath, Iterable<Path.Segment> segments)
          Create a path by appending the supplied names to the parent path.
 Path PathValueFactory.create(Path parentPath, Name... segmentNames)
          Create a path by appending the supplied names to the parent path.
 Path PathValueFactory.create(Path parentPath, Name segmentName, int index)
          Create a path by appending the supplied names to the parent path.
 Path PathValueFactory.create(Path parentPath, Path.Segment... segments)
          Create a path by appending the supplied names to the parent path.
 Path PathValueFactory.create(Path parentPath, Path childPath)
          Create a path by appending the supplied relative path to the supplied parent path.
 Path PathValueFactory.create(Path parentPath, String subpath)
          Create a path by appending the supplied names to the parent path.
 Path PathValueFactory.create(Path parentPath, String segmentName, int index)
          Create a path by appending the supplied names to the parent path.
 Path RootPath.getCommonAncestor(Path that)
          Find the lowest common ancestor of this path and the supplied path.
 Path AbstractPath.getCommonAncestor(Path that)
          Find the lowest common ancestor of this path and the supplied path.
 boolean RootPath.hasSameAncestor(Path that)
          Determine whether this path and the supplied path have the same immediate ancestor.
 boolean ChildPath.hasSameAncestor(Path that)
          Determine whether this path and the supplied path have the same immediate ancestor.
 boolean AbstractPath.hasSameAncestor(Path that)
          Determine whether this path and the supplied path have the same immediate ancestor.
 boolean RootPath.isAncestorOf(Path decendant)
          Determine whether this path is an ancestor of the supplied path.
 boolean AbstractPath.isAncestorOf(Path decendant)
          Determine whether this path is an ancestor of the supplied path.
 boolean RootPath.isAtOrAbove(Path other)
          Determine whether this path is the same as to or a ancestor of the supplied path.
 boolean AbstractPath.isAtOrAbove(Path other)
          Determine whether this path is the same as to or a ancestor of the supplied path.
 boolean RootPath.isAtOrBelow(Path other)
          Determine whether this path is the same as to or a decendant of the supplied path.
 boolean ChildPath.isAtOrBelow(Path other)
          Determine whether this path is the same as to or a decendant of the supplied path.
 boolean AbstractPath.isAtOrBelow(Path other)
          Determine whether this path is the same as to or a decendant of the supplied path.
 boolean RootPath.isDecendantOf(Path ancestor)
          Determine whether this path is an decendant of the supplied path.
 boolean ChildPath.isDecendantOf(Path ancestor)
          Determine whether this path is an decendant of the supplied path.
 boolean AbstractPath.isDecendantOf(Path ancestor)
          Determine whether this path is an decendant of the supplied path.
 boolean RootPath.isSameAs(Path other)
          Determine whether this path represents the same as the supplied path.
 boolean AbstractPath.isSameAs(Path other)
          Determine whether this path represents the same as the supplied path.
 Path AbstractPath.relativeTo(Path startingPath)
          Get a relative path from the supplied path to this path.
 Path RootPath.resolve(Path relativePath)
          Get the absolute path by resolving the supplied relative (non-absolute) path against this absolute path.
 Path AbstractPath.resolve(Path relativePath)
          Get the absolute path by resolving the supplied relative (non-absolute) path against this absolute path.
 Path AbstractPath.resolveAgainst(Path absolutePath)
          Get the absolute path by resolving this relative (non-absolute) path against the supplied absolute path.

Constructors in with parameters of type Path
ChildPath(Path parent, Path.Segment child)
GraphNamespaceRegistry(Graph store, Path parentOfNamespaceNodes, Name uriPropertyName, Property... additionalProperties)

Uses of Path in org.modeshape.graph.query

Methods in org.modeshape.graph.query with parameters of type Path
 QueryBuilder.CastAs<QueryBuilder.ConstraintBuilder> QueryBuilder.RightHandSide.cast(Path literal)
          Define the right-hand side of a comparison.
 QueryBuilder.CastAs<QueryBuilder.ConstraintBuilder> QueryBuilder.UpperBoundary.cast(Path literal)
          Define the upper boundary value of a range.
 QueryBuilder.CastAs<QueryBuilder.AndBuilder<QueryBuilder.UpperBoundary>> QueryBuilder.LowerBoundary.cast(Path literal)
          Define the lower boundary value of a range.
 QueryBuilder.ConstraintBuilder QueryBuilder.RightHandSide.literal(Path literal)
          Define the right-hand side of a comparison.
 QueryBuilder.ConstraintBuilder QueryBuilder.UpperBoundary.literal(Path literal)
          Define the upper boundary value of a range.
 QueryBuilder.AndBuilder<QueryBuilder.UpperBoundary> QueryBuilder.LowerBoundary.literal(Path literal)
          Define the lower boundary value of a range.

Uses of Path in org.modeshape.graph.request

Methods in org.modeshape.graph.request with parameters of type Path
 void ReadNodeRequest.addChild(Path pathToChild, Property idProperty)
          Add to the list of children that has been read the child with the given path and identification property.
 void ReadNextBlockOfChildrenRequest.addChild(Path pathToChild, Property idProperty)
          Add to the list of children that has been read the child with the given path and identification property.
 void ReadBlockOfChildrenRequest.addChild(Path pathToChild, Property idProperty)
          Add to the list of children that has been read the child with the given path and identification property.
 void ReadAllChildrenRequest.addChild(Path pathToChild, Property idProperty)
          Add to the list of children that has been read the child with the given path and identification property.
 void ReadNodeRequest.addChild(Path pathToChild, Property firstIdProperty, Property... remainingIdProperties)
          Add to the list of children that has been read the child with the given path and identification properties.
 void ReadNextBlockOfChildrenRequest.addChild(Path pathToChild, Property firstIdProperty, Property... remainingIdProperties)
          Add to the list of children that has been read the child with the given path and identification properties.
 void ReadBlockOfChildrenRequest.addChild(Path pathToChild, Property firstIdProperty, Property... remainingIdProperties)
          Add to the list of children that has been read the child with the given path and identification properties.
 void ReadAllChildrenRequest.addChild(Path pathToChild, Property firstIdProperty, Property... remainingIdProperties)
          Add to the list of children that has been read the child with the given path and identification properties.
 void DeleteChildrenRequest.addDeletedChild(Path pathToChild, Property idProperty)
          Add to the list of children that has been read the child with the given path and identification property.
 void DeleteChildrenRequest.addDeletedChild(Path pathToChild, Property firstIdProperty, Property... remainingIdProperties)
          Add to the list of children that has been read the child with the given path and identification properties.
 boolean UpdateValuesRequest.changes(String workspace, Path path)
 boolean UpdatePropertiesRequest.changes(String workspace, Path path)
          Determine if this request changes the branch at the given path.
 boolean UnlockBranchRequest.changes(String workspace, Path path)
          Determine if this request changes the branch at the given path.
 boolean SetPropertyRequest.changes(String workspace, Path path)
          Determine if this request changes the branch at the given path.
 boolean RenameNodeRequest.changes(String workspace, Path path)
          Determine if this request changes the branch at the given path.
 boolean RemovePropertyRequest.changes(String workspace, Path path)
          Determine if this request changes the branch at the given path.
 boolean MoveBranchRequest.changes(String workspace, Path path)
          Determine if this request changes the branch at the given path.
 boolean LockBranchRequest.changes(String workspace, Path path)
          Determine if this request changes the branch at the given path.
 boolean DestroyWorkspaceRequest.changes(String workspace, Path path)
          Determine if this request changes the branch at the given path.
 boolean DeleteChildrenRequest.changes(String workspace, Path path)
          Determine if this request changes the branch at the given path.
 boolean DeleteBranchRequest.changes(String workspace, Path path)
          Determine if this request changes the branch at the given path.
 boolean CreateWorkspaceRequest.changes(String workspace, Path path)
          Determine if this request changes the branch at the given path.
 boolean CreateNodeRequest.changes(String workspace, Path path)
          Determine if this request changes the branch at the given path.
 boolean CopyBranchRequest.changes(String workspace, Path path)
          Determine if this request changes the branch at the given path.
 boolean CloneWorkspaceRequest.changes(String workspace, Path path)
          Determine if this request changes the branch at the given path.
 boolean CloneBranchRequest.changes(String workspace, Path path)
          Determine if this request changes the branch at the given path.
abstract  boolean ChangeRequest.changes(String workspace, Path path)
          Determine if this request changes the branch at the given path.
 Location ReadBranchRequest.getLocationFor(Path path)
          Get the location for the supplied path.
 boolean ReadBranchRequest.includes(Path path)
          Return whether this branch contains the specified path.

Uses of Path in

Methods in with parameters of type Path
 SearchEngineIndexer SearchEngineIndexer.index(String workspaceName, Path path)
          Crawl and index the full subgraph content starting at the supplied path in the named workspace.
 SearchEngineIndexer SearchEngineIndexer.index(String workspaceName, Path path, int depth)
          Crawl and index the content starting at the supplied path in the named workspace, to the designated depth.

Uses of Path in org.modeshape.graph.sequencer

Methods in org.modeshape.graph.sequencer that return Path
 Path StreamSequencerContext.getInputPath()
          Return the path of the input node containing the content being sequenced.

Methods in org.modeshape.graph.sequencer with parameters of type Path
 void SequencerOutput.setProperty(Path nodePath, Name propertyName, Object... values)
          Set the supplied property on the supplied node.

Constructors in org.modeshape.graph.sequencer with parameters of type Path
StreamSequencerContext(ExecutionContext context, Path inputPath, Set<Property> inputProperties, String mimeType, Problems problems)

Uses of Path in org.modeshape.graph.session

Methods in org.modeshape.graph.session that return Path
 Path GraphSession.Node.getPath()
          Get the current path to this node.

Methods in org.modeshape.graph.session with parameters of type Path
 void GraphSession.Authorizer.checkPermissions(Path path, GraphSession.Authorizer.Action action)
          Throws an AccessControlException if the current user is not able to perform the action on the node at the supplied path in the current workspace.
 GraphSession.Node<Payload,PropertyPayload> GraphSession.findNodeRelativeTo(GraphSession.Node<Payload,PropertyPayload> startingPoint, Path relativePath)
          Find the node with the supplied path relative to another node.
 GraphSession.Node<Payload,PropertyPayload> GraphSession.findNodeWith(GraphSession.NodeId id, Path path)
          Find the node with the supplied identifier or, if no such node is found, the node at the supplied path.
 GraphSession.Node<Payload,PropertyPayload> GraphSession.findNodeWith(Path path)
          Find the node with the supplied path.
 void GraphSession.immediateClone(Path source, String sourceWorkspace, Path destination, boolean removeExisting, boolean destPathIncludesSegment)
          Clone the supplied source branch and place into the destination location, optionally removing any existing copy that already exists in the destination location, doing so immediately without enqueuing the operation within the session's operations.
 void GraphSession.immediateCopy(Path source, Path destination)
          Copy the node at the supplied source path in the named workspace, and place the copy at the supplied location within the current workspace, doing so immediately without enqueuing the operation within the session's operations.
 void GraphSession.immediateCopy(Path source, String sourceWorkspace, Path destination)
          Copy the node at the supplied source path in the named workspace, and place the copy at the supplied location within the current workspace, doing so immediately without enqueuing the operation within the session's operations.
 void GraphSession.immediateMove(Path nodeToMove, Path destination)
          Move this node from its current location so that is is a child of the supplied parent, doing so immediately without enqueuing the operation within the session's operations.

Uses of Path in org.modeshape.graph.xml

Constructors in org.modeshape.graph.xml with parameters of type Path
XmlHandler(Destination destination, boolean skipRootElement, Path parent, TextDecoder textDecoder, Name nameAttribute, Name typeAttribute, Name typeAttributeValue, XmlHandler.AttributeScoping scoping)
          Create a handler that creates content in the supplied graph

Uses of Path in org.modeshape.jcr

Methods in org.modeshape.jcr that return Path
 Path CorrespondenceId.getRelativePath()

Constructors in org.modeshape.jcr with parameters of type Path
CorrespondenceId(String referenceableId, Path relativePath)

Uses of Path in org.modeshape.repository

Methods in org.modeshape.repository that return Path
 Path ModeShapeConfiguration.ConfigurationDefinition.getPath()
          Get the path in the configuration repository where the configuration content may be found

Methods in org.modeshape.repository with parameters of type Path
 ModeShapeConfiguration.ConfigurationDefinition ModeShapeConfiguration.ConfigurationDefinition.with(Path path)
          Return a copy of this configuration that uses the supplied path instead of this object's path.

Constructors in org.modeshape.repository with parameters of type Path
RepositoryLibrary(RepositorySource configurationSource, String configurationWorkspaceName, Path pathToSourcesConfigurationRoot, ExecutionContext context)
          Create a new manager instance.
RepositoryService(RepositorySource configurationSource, String configurationWorkspaceName, Path pathToConfigurationRoot, ExecutionContext context, Problems problems)
          Create a service instance, reading the configuration describing new RepositorySource instances from the supplied configuration repository.

Uses of Path in org.modeshape.repository.sequencer

Methods in org.modeshape.repository.sequencer that return Path
 Path SequencerOutputMap.Entry.getPath()

Methods in org.modeshape.repository.sequencer with parameters of type Path
 void SequencerOutputMap.setProperty(Path nodePath, Name propertyName, Object... values)
          Set the supplied property on the supplied node.

Uses of Path in

Methods in with parameters of type Path LuceneSearchSession.findAllNodesAtOrBelow(Path parentPath)
    LuceneSearchSession.findAllNodesBelow(Path parentPath)
    LuceneSearchSession.findChildNodes(Path parentPath)
          Return a query that can be used to find all of the documents that represent nodes that are children of the node at the supplied path. LuceneSearchSession.findNodeAt(Path path)
          Create a query that can be used to find the one document (or node) that exists at the exact path supplied.

Uses of Path in

Methods in with parameters of type Path
static ComparePathQuery ComparePathQuery.createQueryForNodesWithPathGreaterThan(Path constraintPath, String fieldName, ValueFactories factories, boolean caseSensitive)
          Construct a Query implementation that scores documents such that the node represented by the document has a path that is greater than the supplied constraint path.
static ComparePathQuery ComparePathQuery.createQueryForNodesWithPathGreaterThanOrEqualTo(Path constraintPath, String fieldName, ValueFactories factories, boolean caseSensitive)
          Construct a Query implementation that scores documents such that the node represented by the document has a path that is greater than or equal to the supplied constraint path.
static ComparePathQuery ComparePathQuery.createQueryForNodesWithPathLessThan(Path constraintPath, String fieldName, ValueFactories factories, boolean caseSensitive)
          Construct a Query implementation that scores documents such that the node represented by the document has a path that is less than the supplied constraint path.
static ComparePathQuery ComparePathQuery.createQueryForNodesWithPathLessThanOrEqualTo(Path constraintPath, String fieldName, ValueFactories factories, boolean caseSensitive)
          Construct a Query implementation that scores documents such that the node represented by the document has a path that is less than or equal to the supplied constraint path.

Uses of Path in org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.node

Methods in org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.node that return Path
 Path AstNode.getPath(ExecutionContext context)
          Get the current path of this node, using the supplied context.
 Path AstNode.getPathRelativeTo(Path rootPath, ExecutionContext context)
          Get the current path of this node, as if the current tree is below the supplied root path, using the supplied context.

Methods in org.modeshape.sequencer.ddl.node with parameters of type Path
 Path AstNode.getPathRelativeTo(Path rootPath, ExecutionContext context)
          Get the current path of this node, as if the current tree is below the supplied root path, using the supplied context.

Uses of Path in

Methods in that return Path
static Path MethodMetadataSequencer.createMethodParamPath(PathFactory pathFactory, String rootPath)
          Create a path of method/constructor parameter.
static Path SimpleTypeMetadataSequencer.createSimpleTypeParamPath(PathFactory pathFactory, String rootPath)
          Create the path of parameter.
static Path ParameterizedTypeFieldMetadataSequencer.getParameterizedTypeFieldVariablePath(PathFactory pathFactory, String parameterizedTypeFieldRootPath, int parameterizedTypeVariableIndex)
          Get the path of a parameterized type variable.

Methods in with parameters of type Path
static void VariableSequencer.sequenceTheVariable(SequencerOutput output, NameFactory nameFactory, Variable variable, Path path)
          Sequence a variable.

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