JBoss.orgCommunity Documentation

Chapter 6. Rapid Application Development of a JSF application

6.1. Setting up the project
6.2. Creating JSP Pages
6.3. Creating Transition between two views
6.4. Creating Resource File
6.5. Creating a Java Bean
6.6. Editing faces-config.xml File
6.7. Editing the JSP View Files
6.7.1. Editing inputnumber.jsp page
6.7.2. Editing success.jsp page
6.8. Creating index.jsp page
6.9. Running the Application

In this chapter you will learn how to create a JSF application being based on the Rapid Application Development (RAD) philosophy. We will create the familiar Guess Number application. The game is played according to the following rules. You are asked to guess a number between 0 and 100. If the guess is correct, a success page is displayed with a link to play again. If the guess is incorrect, a message is printed notifying that a smaller or a larger number should be entered and the game continues.

You will now learn how to create such an application from scratch, along the way demonstrating the powerful features included in JBoss Developer Studio such as project templating, Visual Page Editor, code completion and others. You will design the JSF application and then run the application from inside JBoss Developer Studio using a JBoss server.

First, you should create a JSF 1.2 project using an integrated JBoss Developer Studio's new project wizard and predefined templates. Follow the next steps:

Our project will appear in the Project Explorer and Web Projects views. As you can see JBoss Developer Studio has created the entire skeleton for the project with all required libraries, faces-config.xml file and web.xml file.

As the project has been set up, new JSP pages should now be created.

Here, we are going to add two pages to our application. The first page is called inputnumber.jsp. It prompts you to enter a number. If the guess is incorrect, the same page will be redisplayed with a message indicating whether a smaller or a larger number should be tried. The second page is called success.jsp. This page will be shown after you guess the number correctly. From this page you also have the option to play the game again.

Steps for adding two pages to your application:

  • Type pages/inputnumber as the value for the From View ID field

  • Leave everything else as is and click the Finish button

  • In the same way create another JSF view. Type pages/success as the value for From View ID

  • Select FileSave

On the diagram you will see two created views.

Then, we should create connection between JSP pages.

A transition should appear between the two icons of views.

  • Select FileSave from the menu bar

A resource file is a file with a .properties extension for collecting text messages in one central place. JBoss Developer Studio allows you to create quickly a resource file. The messages stored in a resource file can be displayed to you on a Web page during application execution.

With resource file you don't hard code anything into the JSP pages. It also makes it easier to translate your application to other languages. All you have to do is to translate all your messages to the other language and save them in a new properties file with a name that ends with the appropriate ISO-639 language code.

It is a good idea to keep your resources inside the JavaSource folder, where you keep your .java files. Every time you build the project, all .properties files will then be copied to the classes folder by default.

Your resource file and java bean will be stored in this folder.

JBoss Developer Studio will automatically open messages.properties file for editing.

  • Click the Add button for adding new attribute to your resource file

  • Enter how_to_play for the "name" and Please pick a number between 0 and 100. for the value

  • Click the Finish button

  • Add the following properties using the same process:

makeguess_button=Make Guess
trayagain_button=Play Again?
success_text=How cool.. You have guessed the number, {0} is correct! 
tryagain_smaller=Oops..incorrect guess. Please try a smaller number.
tryagain_bigger=Oops..incorrect guess. Please try a bigger number.
  • Select FileSave from the menu bar

Your .properties file should now look like follows:

The Up and Down buttons allow you to move the attributes in the list. To delete the attribute, select it and press the Delete button.

If you want to change a value or a name of your attribute, select it and then click the Edit button.

If the .properties file is rather big and there are a lot of entries in it, you can use filtering and regular expressions narrow down the list. The Filter and Regular Expressions Search is implemented by an expandable panel, closed by default:

When "Expression" is not selected (as by default), filter is case insensitive. When "Expression" is selected, filter uses regular expressions which are case sensitive

Enter the characters that should be searched for in the entries to the 'name' or 'value' input fields accordingly. The filtered results will be displayed in the table below:

When using regular expressions please note, that regular expression syntax does not use "*" for any characters and "?" for any one character. It's necessary to use "." for any one character and ".*" for any characters. Symbols "*" and "?" are used to show that the preceding token is not required, for example, "a.a" matches "aba" but not "aa", while "a.?a" or a.*a" matches both; besides "a.*a" matches "abcda".

To find the exact match, use sequences \A and \z in expression. For example, expression "\Adate\z" matches only string "date"; expression "\Adate" matches "date" and "dateline", expression "date\z" matches "date" and "Begin date", and expression "date" matches all of them.

In this section you'll learn how to create a Java bean that will hold business logic of our application.

A java bean is created.

Integer userNumber;

JBoss Developer Studio allows for quick generation of getters and setters for java bean.

int randomNumber;
public NumberBean () 
    randomNumber = (int)(Math.random()*100);
    System.out.println ( "Random number: "+randomNumber);
  public String playagain () 
    FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
    HttpSession session = 
        (HttpSession) context.getExternalContext().getSession(false);
    return "playagain"; 
  public String checkGuess () 
    // if guessed, return 'success' for navigation
    if ( userNumber.intValue() == randomNumber ) 
      return "success";
      FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
      ResourceBundle bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle("game.messages", 
      String msg = "";
      // if number bigger, get appropriate message
      if ( userNumber.intValue() > randomNumber ) 
         msg = bundle.getString("tryagain_smaller");
      else // if number smaller, get appropriate message
         msg = bundle.getString("tryagain_bigger");      
      // add message to be displayed on the page via <h:messages> tag
      context.addMessage (null, new FacesMessage(msg)); 
      // return 'tryagain' for navigation
      return "tryagain";
import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
import javax.faces.application.FacesMessage;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;

The Java Bean contains the following code:

package game;

import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
import javax.faces.application.FacesMessage;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;

public class NumberBean 
  Integer userNumber; 
  int randomNumber; // random number generated by application
  public Integer getUserNumber () 
    return userNumber;
  public void setUserNumber (Integer value)
     this.userNumber = value;
  // constructor, generates random number
  public NumberBean () 
    randomNumber = (int)(Math.random()*100);
    System.out.println ( 
   "Random number: " + randomNumber);
  public String playagain () 
    FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
    HttpSession session = 
        (HttpSession) context.getExternalContext().getSession(false);
    return "playagain"; 
  // check if user guessed the number
  public String checkGuess () 
    // if guessed, return 'success' for navigation
    if ( userNumber.intValue() == randomNumber )
      return "success";
    // incorrect guess
      // get a reference to properties file to retrieve messages
      FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
      ResourceBundle bundle = 
      String msg = "";
      // if number is bigger, get appropriate message
      if ( userNumber.intValue() > randomNumber ) 
         msg = bundle.getString("tryagain_smaller");
      else // if number smaller, get appropriate message
         msg = bundle.getString("tryagain_bigger");
      // add message to be displayed on the page via <h:messages> tag
      context.addMessage (null, new FacesMessage(msg)); 
      // return 'tryagain' for navigation
      return "tryagain";

In this section you will learn about the faces-config.xml file.

This file holds two navigation rules and defines the backing bean used.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


The first navigation rule states that from any page (* stands for any page) an outcome of playagain will take you to the /pages/inputnumber.jsp file. Outcome values are returned from backing bean methods in this example. The second navigation rule states that if you are at the page /pages/inputnumber.jsp, and the outcome is success, then navigate to the /pages/success.jsp page.

Now, we will continue editing the JSP files for our two "views" using the Visual Page Editor.

First, edit the inputnumber.jsp file.

On this page we will have an output text component displaying a message, a text field for user's number entering and a button for input submission.

The Visual Page Editor will open in a screen split between source code along the top and a WYSIWIG view along the bottom. You can see that some JSF code will have already been generated since we chose a template when creating the page.

At the beginning it's necessary to create a <h:form> component that will hold the other components.

In source view you can see the declaration of a form.

First let's declare the properties file in the inputnumber.jsp page using the loadBundle JSF tag.

  • Add this declaration on the top of a page, right after the first two lines:

<f:loadBundle basename="game.messages" var="msg"/>

As always JBoss Developer Studio provides code assist:

  • Switch to Visual tab, where it is possible to work with the editor through a WYSIWYG interface

  • Click the outputText item from the JSF HTML group in the JBoss Tools Palette view, drag the cursor over to the editor, and drop it inside the blue box in the editor

  • Select the second column in the value row.

  • Click the ... button next to the value field

JBoss Developer Studio will display a list of possible values:

The text will appear on the page:

  • Switch to Source mode and insert a <br/> tag after the <h:outputText> component to make a new line

  • Click the Save button

  • On the Palette click on inputText, drag the cursor over to the editor, and drop it inside the editor after the text

  • Select the value row and click in the second column

  • Click the ... button next to the value field

  • Expand Managed BeansNumberBean

  • Select userNumber value and click the OK button

  • Select the Advanced tab

  • Select the id row and click in the second column

  • Type userNumber in the text field

  • Select the required row and click in the second column

  • Click ... button next to the value field

  • Expand Enumeration and select true as a value

  • Click the OK button, then click the Finish button

  • Go to Source mode

  • Add the validation attribute to <f:validateLongRange> for user input validation

<h:inputText id="userNumber" value="#{NumberBean.userNumber}" required="true">
           <f:validateLongRange minimum="0" maximum="100"/>
  • Click the Save button

  • Again select Visual mode

  • On the Palette, click on commandButton, drag the cursor over to the editor, and drop it inside the editor after the inputText component.

  • In the editing dialog select the value row and click on the second column

  • Click the ... button next to the value field

  • Expand Resource Bundlesmsg and select makeguess_button as a value

  • Click the OK button

  • Select the action row and click in the second column

  • Type #{NumberBean.checkGuess} in the text field

  • Click the Finish button

  • In Source mode add <br/> tags between the <outputText>, <inputText> and <commandButton> components to place them on different lines

inputnumber.jsp page should look like this:

<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>
<%@ taglib prefix="f"  uri="http://java.sun.com/jsf/core"%>
<%@ taglib prefix="h"  uri="http://java.sun.com/jsf/html"%>
<f:loadBundle basename="game.messages" var="msg"/>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">
		<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
		<title>Insert title here</title>
			<h:form id="inputNumbers">
				<h:outputText value="#{msg.how_to_play}"/>
				<h:messages style="color: blue" />
				<h:inputText id="userNumber" required="true" value="#{NumberBean.userNumber}">
					<f:validateLongRange minimum="0" maximum="100" />
				<h:commandButton action="#{NumberBean.checkGuess}" value="#{msg.makeguess_button}"/>			

Now we need to create the index.jsp page.

The index.jsp page is the entry point of our application. It's just forwarding to the inputnumber.jsp page.

<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
  <jsp:forward page="/pages/inputnumber.jsf" />

Note the .jsf extension of a page. It means that we trigger the JSF controller servlet to handle the page according the servlet mapping in the faces-config.xml file.

Finally, we have all the pieces needed to run the application.