JBoss.orgCommunity Documentation

Chapter 4. Browsing Workshop Database

4.1. Database Connectivity Setup
4.2. Browse Workshop Database

In this section you get to know how to use the workshop database that was started at the beginning of the lab.

The workshop data can be browsed inside of JBoss Developer Studio.

To open the Data Source Explorer, click on WindowOpen PerspectiveOtherDatabase Development.

In the Data Source Explorer, expand the Databases node and select the Default database. Right click on it, select Connect from the context menu.

Then in the current view, drill down to the CUSTOMERS table.

Right click on CUSTOMERS, select DataSample Contents to view the data in the table.

There should be a SQL Results view on the workbench, but it could be hidden. Click on the "Result1" tab in the right side and you should see the data in the CUSTOMERS table.


If you can’t find the SQL Results view tab, click on WindowShow ViewOtherSQL DevelopmentSQL Results.

Congratulations! You just connected to the workshop database and queried the content using Database Explorer tools.