Community Documentation
Arquillian: An integration testing framework for Containers
Reference Guide
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Preface: Test in the container!
1. Introduction
1.1. Mission statement
1.2. Architecture overview
1.3. Integration testing in Java EE
1.3.1. Testing the real component
1.3.2. Finding a happy medium
1.3.3. Controlling the test classpath
1.4. Usage scenarios
2. Introductory examples
2.1. Testing an EJB
2.2. Testing CDI beans
2.3. Testing JPA
2.4. Testing JMS
3. Getting started
3.1. Setting up Arquillian in a Maven project
3.2. Writing your first Arquillian test
3.3. Setting up and running the test in Maven
3.4. Setting up and running the test in Eclipse
3.5. Setting up and running the test in NetBeans
4. Target containers
4.1. Container varieties
4.2. Container management
4.3. Supported containers
4.4. Container configuration
5. Test enrichment
5.1. Injection into the test case
5.2. Active scopes
6. Test execution
6.1. Anatomy of a test
6.2. ShrinkWrap packaging
6.3. Test archive deployment
6.4. Enriching the test class
6.5. Negotiating test execution
6.6. Test run modes
6.6.1. Mode: in-container
6.6.2. Mode: as-client
7. Debugging remote tests
7.1. Debugging in Eclipse
7.1.1. Attaching the IDE debugger to the container
7.1.2. Launching the test in debug mode
7.1.3. Stepping into external libraries
7.2. Assertions in remote tests
7.2.1. Enabling assertions in JBoss AS
8. Extending Arquillian
9. Complete Container Reference
9.1. JBoss AS 5 - Remote
9.1.1. Configuration
9.2. JBoss AS 5.1 - Remote
9.2.1. Configuration
9.3. JBoss AS 5.1 - Managed
9.3.1. Configuration
9.4. JBoss AS 6.0 - Remote
9.4.1. Configuration
9.5. JBoss AS 6.0 - Managed
9.5.1. Configuration
9.6. JBoss AS 6.0 - Embedded
9.6.1. Configuration
9.7. JBoss Reloaded 1.0 - Embedded
9.8. GlassFish 3.0 - Embedded
9.8.1. Configuration
9.9. GlassFish 3 - Remote
9.9.1. Configuration
9.10. Tomcat 6.0 - Embedded
9.10.1. Configuration
9.11. Jetty 6.1 - Embedded
9.11.1. Configuration
9.12. Jetty 7.0 - Embedded
9.12.1. Configuration
9.13. Weld SE 1.0 - Embedded
9.14. Weld EE 1.1 - Embedded
9.14.1. Configuration
9.15. IronJacamar 1.0 - Embedded
9.16. Apache OpenWebBeans 1.0 - Embedded
9.17. Apache OpenEJB 3.1 - Embedded
9.18. OSGi 4.2 - Embedded
10. Complete Extension/Framework Reference
10.1. Performance
10.2. JSFUnit
Preface: Test in the container!