Class ConnectionReleaseMode

  extended by org.hibernate.ConnectionReleaseMode
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ConnectionReleaseMode
extends Object
implements Serializable

Defines the various policies by which Hibernate might release its underlying JDBC connection.

Steve Ebersole
See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
static ConnectionReleaseMode AFTER_STATEMENT
          Indicates that JDBC connection should be aggressively released after each SQL statement is executed.
static ConnectionReleaseMode AFTER_TRANSACTION
          Indicates that JDBC connections should be released after each transaction ends (works with both JTA-registered synch and HibernateTransaction API).
static ConnectionReleaseMode ON_CLOSE
          Indicates that connections should only be released when the Session is explicitly closed or disconnected; this is the legacy (Hibernate2 and pre-3.1) behavior.
Method Summary
static ConnectionReleaseMode parse(String modeName)
          Determine the correct ConnectionReleaseMode instance based on the given name.
 String toString()
          Override of Object.toString().
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final ConnectionReleaseMode AFTER_STATEMENT
Indicates that JDBC connection should be aggressively released after each SQL statement is executed. In this mode, the application must explicitly close all iterators and scrollable results. This mode may only be used with a JTA datasource.


public static final ConnectionReleaseMode AFTER_TRANSACTION
Indicates that JDBC connections should be released after each transaction ends (works with both JTA-registered synch and HibernateTransaction API). This mode may not be used with an application server JTA datasource.

This is the default mode starting in 3.1; was previously ON_CLOSE.


public static final ConnectionReleaseMode ON_CLOSE
Indicates that connections should only be released when the Session is explicitly closed or disconnected; this is the legacy (Hibernate2 and pre-3.1) behavior.

Method Detail


public String toString()
Override of Object.toString(). Returns the release mode name.

toString in class Object
The release mode name.


public static ConnectionReleaseMode parse(String modeName)
                                   throws HibernateException
Determine the correct ConnectionReleaseMode instance based on the given name.

modeName - The release mode name.
The appropriate ConnectionReleaseMode instance
HibernateException - Indicates the modeName param did not match any known modes.

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