Class PreUpdateEvent

  extended by org.hibernate.event.AbstractEvent
      extended by org.hibernate.event.AbstractPreDatabaseOperationEvent
          extended by org.hibernate.event.PreUpdateEvent
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class PreUpdateEvent
extends AbstractPreDatabaseOperationEvent

Represents a pre-update event, which occurs just prior to performing the update of an entity in the database.

Gavin King, Steve Ebersole
See Also:
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
PreUpdateEvent(Object entity, Serializable id, Object[] state, Object[] oldState, EntityPersister persister, EventSource source)
          Constructs an event containing the pertinent information.
Method Summary
 Object[] getOldState()
          The old state of the entity at the time it was last loaded from the database; can be null in the case of detached entities.
 Object[] getState()
          Retrieves the state to be used in the update.
Methods inherited from class org.hibernate.event.AbstractPreDatabaseOperationEvent
getEntity, getId, getPersister, getSource
Methods inherited from class org.hibernate.event.AbstractEvent
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public PreUpdateEvent(Object entity,
                      Serializable id,
                      Object[] state,
                      Object[] oldState,
                      EntityPersister persister,
                      EventSource source)
Constructs an event containing the pertinent information.

entity - The entity to be updated.
id - The id of the entity to use for updating.
state - The state to be updated.
oldState - The state of the entity at the time it was loaded from the database.
persister - The entity's persister.
source - The session from which the event originated.
Method Detail


public Object[] getState()
Retrieves the state to be used in the update.

The current state.


public Object[] getOldState()
The old state of the entity at the time it was last loaded from the database; can be null in the case of detached entities.

The loaded state, or null.

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