Class SQLStateConverter
- All Implemented Interfaces:
- SQLExceptionConverter
public class SQLStateConverter
- extends Object
- implements SQLExceptionConverter
A SQLExceptionConverter implementation which performs converion based on
the underlying SQLState. Interpretation of a SQL error based on SQLState
is not nearly as accurate as using the ErrorCode (which is, however, vendor-
specific). Use of a ErrorCode-based converter should be preferred approach
for converting/interpreting SQLExceptions.
- Author:
- Steve Ebersole
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait |
public SQLStateConverter(ViolatedConstraintNameExtracter extracter)
public JDBCException convert(SQLException sqlException,
String message,
String sql)
- Convert the given SQLException into Hibernate's JDBCException hierarchy.
- Specified by:
in interface SQLExceptionConverter
- Parameters:
- The SQLException to be converted.message
- An optional error message.sql
- Optionally, the sql being performed when the exception occurred.
- Returns:
- The resulting JDBCException.
- See Also:
ConstraintViolationException, JDBCConnectionException, SQLGrammarException, LockAcquisitionException
protected JDBCException handledNonSpecificException(SQLException sqlException,
String message,
String sql)
- Handle an exception not converted to a specific type based on the SQLState.
- Parameters:
- The exception to be handled.message
- An optional messagesql
- Optionally, the sql being performed when the exception occurred.
- Returns:
- The converted exception; should never be null.
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