Class AbstractNullnessCheckNode

  extended by antlr.BaseAST
      extended by antlr.CommonAST
          extended by org.hibernate.hql.ast.tree.Node
              extended by org.hibernate.hql.ast.tree.SqlNode
                  extended by org.hibernate.hql.ast.tree.HqlSqlWalkerNode
                      extended by org.hibernate.hql.ast.tree.UnaryLogicOperatorNode
                          extended by org.hibernate.hql.ast.tree.AbstractNullnessCheckNode
All Implemented Interfaces:
antlr.collections.AST, Serializable, InitializeableNode, OperatorNode, UnaryOperatorNode
Direct Known Subclasses:
IsNotNullLogicOperatorNode, IsNullLogicOperatorNode

public abstract class AbstractNullnessCheckNode
extends UnaryLogicOperatorNode

Base class for nodes dealing 'is null' and 'is not null' operators.

todo : a good deal of this is copied from BinaryLogicOperatorNode; look at consolidating these code fragments

Steve Ebersole
See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class antlr.BaseAST
down, right
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
protected abstract  String getExpansionConnectorText()
          When (if) we need to expand a row value constructor, what is the text of the connector to use between the expansion fragments.
protected abstract  int getExpansionConnectorType()
          When (if) we need to expand a row value constructor, what is the type of connector to use between the expansion fragments.
 void initialize()
          Called by the tree walker during hql-sql semantic analysis after the operator sub-tree is completely built.
Methods inherited from class org.hibernate.hql.ast.tree.UnaryLogicOperatorNode
getDataType, getOperand
Methods inherited from class org.hibernate.hql.ast.tree.HqlSqlWalkerNode
getAliasGenerator, getASTFactory, getSessionFactoryHelper, getWalker, initialize
Methods inherited from class org.hibernate.hql.ast.tree.SqlNode
getOriginalText, setDataType, setText
Methods inherited from class org.hibernate.hql.ast.tree.Node
getColumn, getFilename, getLine, getRenderText, getTextLength, initialize, initialize
Methods inherited from class antlr.CommonAST
getText, getType, initialize, setType
Methods inherited from class antlr.BaseAST
addChild, decode, encode, equals, equalsList, equalsListPartial, equalsTree, equalsTreePartial, findAll, findAllPartial, getFirstChild, getNextSibling, getNumberOfChildren, getTokenNames, removeChildren, setFirstChild, setNextSibling, setVerboseStringConversion, toString, toStringList, toStringTree, xmlSerialize, xmlSerializeNode, xmlSerializeRootClose, xmlSerializeRootOpen
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public AbstractNullnessCheckNode()
Method Detail


public void initialize()
Called by the tree walker during hql-sql semantic analysis after the operator sub-tree is completely built.

Specified by:
initialize in interface OperatorNode
initialize in class UnaryLogicOperatorNode


protected abstract int getExpansionConnectorType()
When (if) we need to expand a row value constructor, what is the type of connector to use between the expansion fragments.

The expansion connector type.


protected abstract String getExpansionConnectorText()
When (if) we need to expand a row value constructor, what is the text of the connector to use between the expansion fragments.

The expansion connector text.

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