Class SQLCustomQuery

  extended by org.hibernate.loader.custom.sql.SQLCustomQuery
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class SQLCustomQuery
extends Object
implements CustomQuery

Implements Hibernate's built-in support for native SQL queries.

This support is built on top of the notion of "custom queries"...

Gavin King, Max Andersen, Steve Ebersole

Field Summary
static org.slf4j.Logger log
Constructor Summary
SQLCustomQuery(String sqlQuery, NativeSQLQueryReturn[] queryReturns, Collection additionalQuerySpaces, SessionFactoryImplementor factory)
Method Summary
 List getCustomQueryReturns()
          A collection of descriptors describing the JDBC result set to be expected and how to map this result set.
 Map getNamedParameterBindPoints()
          A map representing positions within the supplied query to which we need to bind named parameters.
 Set getQuerySpaces()
          Any query spaces to apply to the query execution.
 String getSQL()
          The SQL query string to be performed.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final org.slf4j.Logger log
Constructor Detail


public SQLCustomQuery(String sqlQuery,
                      NativeSQLQueryReturn[] queryReturns,
                      Collection additionalQuerySpaces,
                      SessionFactoryImplementor factory)
               throws HibernateException
Method Detail


public String getSQL()
Description copied from interface: CustomQuery
The SQL query string to be performed.

Specified by:
getSQL in interface CustomQuery
The SQL statement string.


public Set getQuerySpaces()
Description copied from interface: CustomQuery
Any query spaces to apply to the query execution. Query spaces are used in Hibernate's auto-flushing mechanism to determine which entities need to be checked for pending changes.

Specified by:
getQuerySpaces in interface CustomQuery
The query spaces


public Map getNamedParameterBindPoints()
Description copied from interface: CustomQuery
A map representing positions within the supplied query to which we need to bind named parameters.

Optional, may return null if no named parameters.

The structure of the returned map (if one) as follows:

  1. The keys into the map are the named parameter names
  2. The corresponding value is either an Integer if the parameter occurs only once in the query; or a List of Integers if the parameter occurs more than once

Specified by:
getNamedParameterBindPoints in interface CustomQuery


public List getCustomQueryReturns()
Description copied from interface: CustomQuery
A collection of descriptors describing the JDBC result set to be expected and how to map this result set.

Specified by:
getCustomQueryReturns in interface CustomQuery
List of return descriptors.

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