Interface AuxiliaryDatabaseObject

All Superinterfaces:
RelationalModel, Serializable
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractAuxiliaryDatabaseObject, SimpleAuxiliaryDatabaseObject

public interface AuxiliaryDatabaseObject
extends RelationalModel, Serializable

Auxiliary database objects (i.e., triggers, stored procedures, etc) defined in the mappings. Allows Hibernate to manage their lifecycle as part of creating/dropping the schema.

Steve Ebersole

Method Summary
 void addDialectScope(String dialectName)
          Add the given dialect name to the scope of dialects to which this database object applies.
 boolean appliesToDialect(Dialect dialect)
          Does this database object apply to the given dialect?
Methods inherited from interface org.hibernate.mapping.RelationalModel
sqlCreateString, sqlDropString

Method Detail


void addDialectScope(String dialectName)
Add the given dialect name to the scope of dialects to which this database object applies.

dialectName - The name of a dialect.


boolean appliesToDialect(Dialect dialect)
Does this database object apply to the given dialect?

dialect - The dialect to check against.
True if this database object does apply to the given dialect.

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