Class JavassistProxyFactory

  extended by org.hibernate.proxy.pojo.javassist.JavassistProxyFactory
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, ProxyFactory

public class JavassistProxyFactory
extends Object
implements ProxyFactory, Serializable

A ProxyFactory implementation for producing Javassist-based proxies.

Muga Nishizawa
See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
protected static Class[] NO_CLASSES
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 HibernateProxy getProxy(Serializable id, SessionImplementor session)
          Create a new proxy instance
 void postInstantiate(String entityName, Class persistentClass, Set interfaces, Method getIdentifierMethod, Method setIdentifierMethod, AbstractComponentType componentIdType)
          Called immediately after instantiation of this factory.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected static final Class[] NO_CLASSES
Constructor Detail


public JavassistProxyFactory()
Method Detail


public void postInstantiate(String entityName,
                            Class persistentClass,
                            Set interfaces,
                            Method getIdentifierMethod,
                            Method setIdentifierMethod,
                            AbstractComponentType componentIdType)
                     throws HibernateException
Description copied from interface: ProxyFactory
Called immediately after instantiation of this factory.

Essentially equivalent to contructor injection, but contracted here via interface.

Specified by:
postInstantiate in interface ProxyFactory
entityName - The name of the entity for which this factory should generate proxies.
persistentClass - The entity class for which to generate proxies; not always the same as the entityName.
interfaces - The interfaces to expose in the generated proxy; HibernateProxy is already included in this collection.
getIdentifierMethod - Reference to the identifier getter method; invocation on this method should not force initialization
setIdentifierMethod - Reference to the identifier setter method; invocation on this method should not force initialization
componentIdType - For composite identifier types, a reference to the type of the identifier property; again accessing the id should generally not cause initialization - but need to bear in mind mappings.
HibernateException - Indicates a problem completing post instantiation initialization.


public HibernateProxy getProxy(Serializable id,
                               SessionImplementor session)
                        throws HibernateException
Description copied from interface: ProxyFactory
Create a new proxy instance

Specified by:
getProxy in interface ProxyFactory
id - The id value for the proxy to be generated.
session - The session to which the generated proxy will be associated.
The generated proxy.
HibernateException - Indicates problems generating the requested proxy.

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