Uses of Interface

Packages that use SessionFactory
org.hibernate This package defines the central Hibernate APIs. 
org.hibernate.cfg This package defines APIs for configuring Hibernate, and classes for building the Hibernate configuration-time metamodel. 
org.hibernate.engine This package contains classes that are "shared" by other packages, and implementations of some key algorithms. 
org.hibernate.impl This package contains implementations of the central Hibernate APIs, especially the Hibernate session. 

Uses of SessionFactory in org.hibernate

Methods in org.hibernate that return SessionFactory
 SessionFactory Session.getSessionFactory()
          Get the session factory which created this session.

Methods in org.hibernate with parameters of type SessionFactory
 void SessionFactoryObserver.sessionFactoryClosed(SessionFactory factory)
          Callback to indicate that the given factory has been closed.
 void SessionFactoryObserver.sessionFactoryCreated(SessionFactory factory)
          Callback to indicate that the given factory has been created and is now ready for use.

Uses of SessionFactory in org.hibernate.cfg

Methods in org.hibernate.cfg that return SessionFactory
 SessionFactory AnnotationConfiguration.buildSessionFactory()
 SessionFactory Configuration.buildSessionFactory()
          Instantiate a new SessionFactory, using the properties and mappings in this configuration.

Uses of SessionFactory in org.hibernate.context

Fields in org.hibernate.context declared as SessionFactory
protected  SessionFactory ThreadLocalSessionContext.CleanupSynch.factory

Methods in org.hibernate.context with parameters of type SessionFactory
static boolean ManagedSessionContext.hasBind(SessionFactory factory)
          Check to see if there is already a session associated with the current thread for the given session factory.
static Session ThreadLocalSessionContext.unbind(SessionFactory factory)
          Unassociate a previously bound session from the current thread of execution.
static Session ManagedSessionContext.unbind(SessionFactory factory)
          Unbinds the session (if one) current associated with the context for the given session.

Constructors in org.hibernate.context with parameters of type SessionFactory
ThreadLocalSessionContext.CleanupSynch(SessionFactory factory)

Uses of SessionFactory in org.hibernate.ejb

Methods in org.hibernate.ejb that return SessionFactory
 SessionFactory HibernateEntityManagerFactory.getSessionFactory()
 SessionFactory EntityManagerFactoryImpl.getSessionFactory()

Constructors in org.hibernate.ejb with parameters of type SessionFactory
EntityManagerFactoryImpl(SessionFactory sessionFactory, PersistenceUnitTransactionType transactionType, boolean discardOnClose, Class<?> sessionInterceptorClass, Configuration cfg)

Uses of SessionFactory in org.hibernate.engine

Subinterfaces of SessionFactory in org.hibernate.engine
 interface SessionFactoryImplementor
          Defines the internal contract between the SessionFactory and other parts of Hibernate such as implementors of Type.

Uses of SessionFactory in org.hibernate.impl

Classes in org.hibernate.impl that implement SessionFactory
 class SessionFactoryImpl
          Concrete implementation of the SessionFactory interface.

Methods in org.hibernate.impl that return SessionFactory
 SessionFactory SessionImpl.getSessionFactory()

Methods in org.hibernate.impl with parameters of type SessionFactory
static void SessionFactoryObjectFactory.addInstance(String uid, String name, SessionFactory instance, Properties properties)

Uses of SessionFactory in org.hibernate.junit.functional

Methods in org.hibernate.junit.functional that return SessionFactory
 SessionFactory ExecutionEnvironment.getSessionFactory()
protected  SessionFactory FunctionalTestCase.getSessions()
          Get the factory for this test environment.

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