Uses of Interface

Packages that use BasicType
org.hibernate This package defines the central Hibernate APIs. 
org.hibernate.cfg This package defines APIs for configuring Hibernate, and classes for building the Hibernate configuration-time metamodel. 
org.hibernate.internal An internal package containing mostly implementations of central Hibernate APIs of the org.hibernate package. 
org.hibernate.test.annotations.lob Test package for metatata facilities It contains an example of filter metadata 
org.hibernate.type A Hibernate Type is a strategy for mapping a Java property type to a JDBC type or types. 

Uses of BasicType in org.hibernate

Methods in org.hibernate that return BasicType
 BasicType TypeHelper.basic(Class javaType)
          Convenience form of TypeHelper.basic(String).
 BasicType TypeHelper.basic(String name)
          Retrieve the basic type registered against the given name.

Uses of BasicType in org.hibernate.cache.ehcache

Methods in org.hibernate.cache.ehcache with parameters of type BasicType
 void EhCacheMessageLogger_$logger.typeDefinedNoRegistrationKeys(BasicType arg0)

Uses of BasicType in org.hibernate.cfg

Methods in org.hibernate.cfg with parameters of type BasicType
 void Configuration.registerTypeOverride(BasicType type)
          Allows registration of a type into the type registry.

Uses of BasicType in org.hibernate.ejb.internal

Methods in org.hibernate.ejb.internal with parameters of type BasicType
 void EntityManagerMessageLogger_$logger.typeDefinedNoRegistrationKeys(BasicType arg0)

Uses of BasicType in org.hibernate.envers.internal

Methods in org.hibernate.envers.internal with parameters of type BasicType
 void EnversMessageLogger_$logger.typeDefinedNoRegistrationKeys(BasicType arg0)

Uses of BasicType in org.hibernate.internal

Methods in org.hibernate.internal that return BasicType
 BasicType TypeLocatorImpl.basic(Class javaType)
          Convenience form of TypeHelper.basic(String).
 BasicType TypeLocatorImpl.basic(String name)
          Retrieve the basic type registered against the given name.

Methods in org.hibernate.internal with parameters of type BasicType
 void CoreMessageLogger.typeDefinedNoRegistrationKeys(BasicType type)
 void CoreMessageLogger_$logger.typeDefinedNoRegistrationKeys(BasicType type)

Uses of BasicType in org.hibernate.service.jdbc.connections.internal

Methods in org.hibernate.service.jdbc.connections.internal with parameters of type BasicType
 void C3P0MessageLogger_$logger.typeDefinedNoRegistrationKeys(BasicType arg0)
 void ProxoolMessageLogger_$logger.typeDefinedNoRegistrationKeys(BasicType arg0)

Uses of BasicType in org.hibernate.test.annotations.lob

Classes in org.hibernate.test.annotations.lob that implement BasicType
 class CharacterArrayTextType
          A type that maps JDBC LONGVARCHAR and Character[].
 class PrimitiveCharacterArrayTextType
          A type that maps JDBC LONGVARCHAR and char[].
 class SerializableToImageType
          A type that maps JDBC LONGVARBINARY and Serializable.
 class WrappedImageType
          A type that maps JDBC LONGVARBINARY and Byte[]

Uses of BasicType in org.hibernate.test.typeoverride

Classes in org.hibernate.test.typeoverride that implement BasicType
 class StoredPrefixedStringType

Uses of BasicType in org.hibernate.type

Classes in org.hibernate.type that implement BasicType
 class AbstractSingleColumnStandardBasicType<T>
          TODO : javadoc
 class AbstractStandardBasicType<T>
          TODO : javadoc
 class AdaptedImmutableType<T>
          Optimize a mutable type, if the user promises not to mutable the instances.
 class BigDecimalType
          A type that maps between a NUMERIC and BigDecimal.
 class BigIntegerType
          A type that maps between a NUMERIC and BigInteger.
 class BinaryType
          A type that maps between a VARBINARY and byte[]
 class BlobType
          A type that maps between BLOB and Blob
 class BooleanType
          A type that maps between BOOLEAN and Boolean
 class ByteType
          A type that maps between TINYINT and Byte
 class CalendarDateType
          A type mapping DATE and Calendar
 class CalendarType
          A type that maps between TIMESTAMP and Calendar
 class CharacterArrayClobType
          A type that maps between CLOB and Character[]

Essentially a MaterializedClobType but represented as a Character[] in Java rather than String.

 class CharacterArrayType
          A type that maps between VARCHAR and Character[]
 class CharacterType
          A type that maps between CHAR(1) and Character
 class CharArrayType
          A type that maps between VARCHAR and char[]
 class CharBooleanType
          Deprecated. Use the AbstractStandardBasicType approach instead
 class ClassType
          A type that maps between VARCHAR and Class
 class ClobType
          A type that maps between CLOB and Clob
 class CompositeCustomType
          Adapts CompositeUserType to the Type interface
 class CurrencyType
          A type that maps between VARCHAR and Currency
 class CustomType
          Adapts UserType to the generic Type interface, in order to isolate user code from changes in the internal Type contracts.
 class DateType
          A type that maps between DATE and Date
 class DbTimestampType
          dbtimestamp: An extension of TimestampType which maps to the database's current timestamp, rather than the jvm's current timestamp.
 class DoubleType
          A type that maps between DOUBLE and Double
 class FloatType
          A type that maps between FLOAT and Float
 class ImageType
          A type that maps between LONGVARBINARY and byte[]
 class IntegerType
          A type that maps between INTEGER and @link Integer}
 class LocaleType
          A type that maps between VARCHAR and @link Locale}
 class LongType
          A type that maps between BIGINT and Long
 class MaterializedBlobType
          A type that maps between BLOB and byte[]
 class MaterializedClobType
          A type that maps between CLOB and String
 class NumericBooleanType
          A type that maps between INTEGER and Boolean (using 1 and 0)
 class ObjectType
          Specific adaptation of the "any" type to the old deprecated "object" type
 class PostgresUUIDType
          Specialized type mapping for UUID and the Postgres UUID data type (which is mapped as OTHER in its JDBC driver).
 class PrimitiveCharacterArrayClobType
          Map a char[] to a Clob
 class SerializableType<T extends Serializable>
          A type that maps between a VARBINARY and Serializable classes.
 class ShortType
          A type that maps between SMALLINT and Short
 class StringType
          A type that maps between VARCHAR and String
 class TextType
          A type that maps between LONGVARCHAR and String
 class TimestampType
          A type that maps between TIMESTAMP and Timestamp
 class TimeType
          A type that maps between TIME and Time
 class TimeZoneType
          A type mapping VARCHAR and TimeZone
 class TrueFalseType
          A type that maps between CHAR(1) and Boolean (using 'T' and 'F')
 class UrlType
          A type that maps between VARCHAR and URL
 class UUIDBinaryType
          A type mapping Types.BINARY and UUID
 class UUIDCharType
          A type mapping Types.CHAR (or Types.VARCHAR) and UUID
 class WrappedMaterializedBlobType
          A type that maps JDBC BLOB and Byte[].
 class WrapperBinaryType
          A type mapping VARBINARY and Byte[]
 class YesNoType
          A type that maps between CHAR(1) and Boolean (using 'Y' and 'N')

Methods in org.hibernate.type that return BasicType
 BasicType TypeResolver.basic(String name)
          Locate a Hibernate basic type given (one of) its registration names.
 BasicType BasicTypeRegistry.getRegisteredType(String key)

Methods in org.hibernate.type with parameters of type BasicType
 void BasicTypeRegistry.register(BasicType type)
 void TypeResolver.registerTypeOverride(BasicType type)

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