Hibernate.orgCommunity Documentation

Hibernate OGM Reference Guide


1. Goals
2. What we have today
3. Experimental features
4. Use cases
1. How to get help and contribute on Hibernate OGM
1.1. How to get help
1.2. How to contribute
1.2.1. How to build Hibernate OGM
1.2.2. How to contribute code effectively
2. Getting started with Hibernate OGM
3. Architecture
3.1. General architecture
3.2. How is data persisted
3.3. How is data queried
4. Configure and start Hibernate OGM
4.1. Bootstrapping Hibernate OGM
4.1.1. Using JPA
4.1.2. Using Hibernate ORM native APIs
4.2. Environments
4.2.1. In a Java EE container
4.2.2. In a standalone JTA environment
4.2.3. Without JTA
4.3. Configuration options
4.4. Configuring Hibernate Search
4.5. How to package Hibernate OGM applications for WildFly 8.2
4.5.1. Packaging Hibernate OGM applications for WildFly 8.2
4.5.2. Loading both the Hibernate Search and Hibernate OGM modules WildFly 8.2
5. Map your entities
5.1. Supported entity mapping
5.2. Supported Types
5.3. Supported association mapping
6. Hibernate OGM APIs
6.1. Bootstrap Hibernate OGM
6.2. JPA and native Hibernate ORM APIs
6.2.1. Accessing the OgmSession API
6.3. On flush and transactions
6.4. SPIs
7. Query your entities
7.1. Using JP-QL
7.2. Using the native query language of your NoSQL
7.3. Using Hibernate Search
7.4. Using the Criteria API
8. NoSQL datastores
8.1. Using a specific NoSQL datastore
9. Infinispan
9.1. Configure Infinispan
9.1.1. Adding Infinispan dependencies
9.1.2. Infinispan specific configuration properties
9.1.3. Cache names used by Hibernate OGM
9.2. Manage data size
9.3. Clustering: store data on multiple Infinispan nodes
9.4. Storage principles
9.4.1. Properties and built-in types
9.4.2. Identifiers
9.4.3. Entities
9.4.4. Associations
9.5. Transactions
9.6. Storing a Lucene index in Infinispan
10. Ehcache
10.1. Configure Ehcache
10.1.1. Adding Ehcache dependencies
10.1.2. Ehcache specific configuration properties
10.1.3. Cache names used by Hibernate OGM
10.2. Storage principles
10.2.1. Properties and built-in types
10.2.2. Identifiers
10.2.3. Entities
10.2.4. Associations
10.3. Transactions
11. MongoDB
11.1. Configuring MongoDB
11.1.1. Adding MongoDB dependencies
11.1.2. MongoDB specific configuration properties
11.1.3. Annotation based configuration
11.1.4. Programmatic configuration
11.2. Storage principles
11.2.1. Properties and built-in types
11.2.2. Entities
11.2.3. Associations
11.3. Transactions
11.4. Optimistic Locking
11.5. Queries
11.5.1. JP-QL queries
11.5.2. Native MongoDB queries
11.5.3. Hibernate Search
12. Neo4j
12.1. How to add Neo4j integration
12.2. Configuring Neo4j
12.3. Storage principles
12.3.1. Properties and built-in types
12.3.2. Entities
12.3.3. Associations
12.3.4. Auto-generated Values
12.3.5. Labels summary
12.4. Transactions
12.5. Queries
12.5.1. JP-QL queries
12.5.2. Cypher queries
13. CouchDB (Experimental)
13.1. Configuring CouchDB
13.1.1. Annotation based configuration
13.1.2. Programmatic configuration
13.2. Storage principles
13.2.1. Properties and built-in types
13.2.2. Entities
13.2.3. Associations
13.3. Transactions
13.4. Queries