Uses of Interface

Packages that use Session
org.hibernate This package defines the central Hibernate APIs. 
org.hibernate.classic This package implements backward-compatibility with Hibernate 2.1 APIs now deprecated in Hibernate3. 
org.hibernate.criterion A framework for defining restriction criteria and order criteria. 
org.hibernate.internal An internal package containing mostly implementations of central Hibernate APIs. 
org.hibernate.jmx This package exposes a Hibernate instance via JMX. 

Uses of Session in org.hibernate

Methods in org.hibernate that return Session
 Session SessionFactory.getCurrentSession()
          Obtains the current session.
 Session SessionFactory.openSession()
          Open a Session.
 Session SessionBuilder.openSession()
          Opens a session with the specified options.

Methods in org.hibernate with parameters of type Session
 boolean CustomEntityDirtinessStrategy.canDirtyCheck(Object entity, EntityPersister persister, Session session)
          Is this strategy capable of telling whether the given entity is dirty? A return of true means that CustomEntityDirtinessStrategy.isDirty(java.lang.Object, org.hibernate.persister.entity.EntityPersister, org.hibernate.Session) will be called next as the definitive means to determine whether the entity is dirty.
 void CustomEntityDirtinessStrategy.findDirty(Object entity, EntityPersister persister, Session session, CustomEntityDirtinessStrategy.DirtyCheckContext dirtyCheckContext)
          Callback used to hook into Hibernate algorithm for determination of which attributes have changed.
static LobCreator Hibernate.getLobCreator(Session session)
 boolean CustomEntityDirtinessStrategy.isDirty(Object entity, EntityPersister persister, Session session)
          The callback used by Hibernate to determine if the given entity is dirty.
 void CustomEntityDirtinessStrategy.resetDirty(Object entity, EntityPersister persister, Session session)
          Callback used by Hibernate to signal that the entity dirty flag should be cleared.

Uses of Session in org.hibernate.classic

Methods in org.hibernate.classic with parameters of type Session
 boolean Lifecycle.onDelete(Session s)
          Called when an entity is deleted.
 void Lifecycle.onLoad(Session s, Serializable id)
          Called after an entity is loaded.
 boolean Lifecycle.onSave(Session s)
          Called when an entity is saved.
 boolean Lifecycle.onUpdate(Session s)
          Called when an entity is passed to Session.update().

Uses of Session in org.hibernate.context.internal

Methods in org.hibernate.context.internal that return Session
static Session ManagedSessionContext.bind(Session session)
          Binds the given session to the current context for its session factory.
protected  Session JTASessionContext.buildOrObtainSession()
          Strictly provided for subclassing purposes; specifically to allow long-session support.
protected  Session ThreadLocalSessionContext.buildOrObtainSession()
          Strictly provided for subclassing purposes; specifically to allow long-session support.
 Session JTASessionContext.currentSession()
 Session ManagedSessionContext.currentSession()
 Session ThreadLocalSessionContext.currentSession()
static Session ManagedSessionContext.unbind(SessionFactory factory)
          Unbinds the session (if one) current associated with the context for the given session.
static Session ThreadLocalSessionContext.unbind(SessionFactory factory)
          Disassociates a previously bound session from the current thread of execution.
protected  Session ThreadLocalSessionContext.wrap(Session session)

Methods in org.hibernate.context.internal that return types with arguments of type Session
protected static Map<SessionFactory,Session> ManagedSessionContext.sessionMap()

Methods in org.hibernate.context.internal with parameters of type Session
static Session ManagedSessionContext.bind(Session session)
          Binds the given session to the current context for its session factory.
static void ThreadLocalSessionContext.bind(Session session)
          Associates the given session with the current thread of execution.
protected  Session ThreadLocalSessionContext.wrap(Session session)

Uses of Session in org.hibernate.context.spi

Methods in org.hibernate.context.spi that return Session
 Session CurrentSessionContext.currentSession()
          Retrieve the current session according to the scoping defined by this implementation.

Methods in org.hibernate.context.spi with parameters of type Session
protected  void AbstractCurrentSessionContext.validateExistingSession(Session existingSession)

Uses of Session in org.hibernate.criterion

Methods in org.hibernate.criterion with parameters of type Session
 Criteria DetachedCriteria.getExecutableCriteria(Session session)
          Get an executable instance of Criteria, to actually run the query.

Uses of Session in org.hibernate.ejb

Fields in org.hibernate.ejb declared as Session
protected  Session EntityManagerImpl.session

Methods in org.hibernate.ejb that return Session
protected  Session EntityManagerImpl.getRawSession()
protected abstract  Session AbstractEntityManagerImpl.getRawSession()
          Return a Session (even if the entity manager is closed).
 Session EntityManagerImpl.getSession()
abstract  Session AbstractEntityManagerImpl.getSession()
          return a Session
 Session HibernateEntityManager.getSession()
          Retrieve a reference to the Hibernate Session used by this EntityManager.

Uses of Session in org.hibernate.engine.spi

Methods in org.hibernate.engine.spi that return Session
 Session SessionFactoryImplementor.openTemporarySession()
          Get a nontransactional "current" session for Hibernate EntityManager

Uses of Session in org.hibernate.envers

Methods in org.hibernate.envers with parameters of type Session
static AuditReader AuditReaderFactory.get(Session session)
          Create an audit reader associated with an open session.

Uses of Session in org.hibernate.envers.reader

Methods in org.hibernate.envers.reader that return Session
 Session AuditReaderImpl.getSession()
 Session AuditReaderImplementor.getSession()

Constructors in org.hibernate.envers.reader with parameters of type Session
AuditReaderImpl(AuditConfiguration verCfg, Session session, SessionImplementor sessionImplementor)

Uses of Session in org.hibernate.envers.revisioninfo

Methods in org.hibernate.envers.revisioninfo with parameters of type Session
 Criteria RevisionInfoQueryCreator.getRevisionDateQuery(Session session, Number revision)
 Criteria RevisionInfoQueryCreator.getRevisionNumberForDateQuery(Session session, Date date)
 Criteria RevisionInfoQueryCreator.getRevisionsQuery(Session session, Set<Number> revisions)
 void RevisionInfoGenerator.saveRevisionData(Session session, Object revisionData)
 void DefaultRevisionInfoGenerator.saveRevisionData(Session session, Object revisionData)

Uses of Session in org.hibernate.envers.strategy

Methods in org.hibernate.envers.strategy with parameters of type Session
 void AuditStrategy.perform(Session session, String entityName, AuditConfiguration auditCfg, Serializable id, Object data, Object revision)
          Perform the persistence of audited data for regular entities.
 void ValidityAuditStrategy.perform(Session session, String entityName, AuditConfiguration auditCfg, Serializable id, Object data, Object revision)
 void DefaultAuditStrategy.perform(Session session, String entityName, AuditConfiguration auditCfg, Serializable id, Object data, Object revision)
 void AuditStrategy.performCollectionChange(Session session, AuditConfiguration auditCfg, PersistentCollectionChangeData persistentCollectionChangeData, Object revision)
          Perform the persistence of audited data for collection ("middle") entities.
 void ValidityAuditStrategy.performCollectionChange(Session session, AuditConfiguration auditCfg, PersistentCollectionChangeData persistentCollectionChangeData, Object revision)
 void DefaultAuditStrategy.performCollectionChange(Session session, AuditConfiguration auditCfg, PersistentCollectionChangeData persistentCollectionChangeData, Object revision)

Uses of Session in org.hibernate.envers.synchronization

Methods in org.hibernate.envers.synchronization with parameters of type Session
 void EntityChangeNotifier.entityChanged(Session session, Object currentRevisionData, AuditWorkUnit vwu)
          Notifies RevisionInfoGenerator about changes made in the current revision.
 Object AuditProcess.getCurrentRevisionData(Session session, boolean persist)
 void SessionCacheCleaner.scheduleAuditDataRemoval(Session session, Object data)
          Schedules audit data removal from session level cache after transaction completion.

Uses of Session in

Methods in with parameters of type Session
 void PersistentCollectionChangeWorkUnit.perform(Session session, Object revisionData)
 void AuditWorkUnit.perform(Session session, Object revisionData)
          Perform this work unit in the given session.
 void AbstractAuditWorkUnit.perform(Session session, Object revisionData)
 void AuditWorkUnit.undo(Session session)
 void AbstractAuditWorkUnit.undo(Session session)

Uses of Session in

Methods in with parameters of type Session
static Class Tools.getEntityClass(SessionImplementor sessionImplementor, Session session, String entityName)

Uses of Session in

Methods in with parameters of type Session
 Query QueryBuilder.toQuery(Session session)
 Query UpdateBuilder.toQuery(Session session)

Uses of Session in org.hibernate.event.spi

Subinterfaces of Session in org.hibernate.event.spi
 interface EventSource

Uses of Session in org.hibernate.internal

Classes in org.hibernate.internal that implement Session
 class SessionImpl
          Concrete implementation of a Session.

Methods in org.hibernate.internal that return Session
 Session SessionFactoryImpl.getCurrentSession()
 Session SessionFactoryImpl.openSession()
 Session SessionFactoryImpl.openTemporarySession()

Uses of Session in org.hibernate.jmx

Methods in org.hibernate.jmx that return Session
 Session SessionFactoryStub.getCurrentSession()
 Session SessionFactoryStub.openSession()

Uses of Session in org.hibernate.testing.junit4

Fields in org.hibernate.testing.junit4 declared as Session
protected  Session BaseCoreFunctionalTestCase.session

Methods in org.hibernate.testing.junit4 that return Session
protected  Session BaseCoreFunctionalTestCase.openSession()
protected  Session BaseCoreFunctionalTestCase.openSession(Interceptor interceptor)

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