Uses of Class

Packages that use CacheException
org.hibernate.cache This package defines API of the Hibernate second level cache service. 
org.hibernate.cache.spi Defines the Hibernate second level caching SPI. 
org.hibernate.cache.spi.access Defines contracts for transactional and concurrent access to cached entity and collection data. 
org.hibernate.internal An internal package containing mostly implementations of central Hibernate APIs. 
org.hibernate.persister.collection This package abstracts the persistence mechanism for collections. 

Uses of CacheException in org.hibernate.action.internal

Methods in org.hibernate.action.internal that throw CacheException
 void CollectionAction.beforeExecutions()
 void EntityUpdateAction.doAfterTransactionCompletion(boolean success, SessionImplementor session)
protected  void CollectionAction.evict()

Constructors in org.hibernate.action.internal that throw CacheException
CollectionRecreateAction(PersistentCollection collection, CollectionPersister persister, Serializable id, SessionImplementor session)

Uses of CacheException in org.hibernate.cache

Subclasses of CacheException in org.hibernate.cache
 class NoCacheRegionFactoryAvailableException
          Implementation of NoCacheRegionFactoryAvailableException.

Uses of CacheException in org.hibernate.cache.ehcache

Methods in org.hibernate.cache.ehcache with parameters of type CacheException
 void EhCacheMessageLogger_$logger.unableToReleaseCacheLock(CacheException arg0)

Methods in org.hibernate.cache.ehcache that throw CacheException
 void SingletonEhCacheRegionFactory.start(Settings settings, Properties properties)
          Lifecycle callback to perform any necessary initialization of the underlying cache implementation(s).
 void EhCacheRegionFactory.start(Settings settings, Properties properties)
          Lifecycle callback to perform any necessary initialization of the underlying cache implementation(s).

Uses of CacheException in org.hibernate.cache.ehcache.internal.nonstop

Methods in org.hibernate.cache.ehcache.internal.nonstop that throw CacheException
 boolean NonstopAwareNaturalIdRegionAccessStrategy.afterInsert(Object key, Object value)
 boolean NonstopAwareEntityRegionAccessStrategy.afterInsert(Object key, Object value, Object version)
          Called after an item has been inserted (after the transaction completes), instead of calling release().
 boolean NonstopAwareEntityRegionAccessStrategy.afterUpdate(Object key, Object value, Object currentVersion, Object previousVersion, SoftLock lock)
          Called after an item has been updated (after the transaction completes), instead of calling release().
 boolean NonstopAwareNaturalIdRegionAccessStrategy.afterUpdate(Object key, Object value, SoftLock lock)
 void NonstopAwareNaturalIdRegionAccessStrategy.evict(Object key)
          Forcibly evict an item from the cache immediately without regard for transaction isolation.
 void NonstopAwareCollectionRegionAccessStrategy.evict(Object key)
          Forcibly evict an item from the cache immediately without regard for transaction isolation.
 void NonstopAwareEntityRegionAccessStrategy.evict(Object key)
          Forcibly evict an item from the cache immediately without regard for transaction isolation.
 void NonstopAwareNaturalIdRegionAccessStrategy.evictAll()
          Forcibly evict all items from the cache immediately without regard for transaction isolation.
 void NonstopAwareCollectionRegionAccessStrategy.evictAll()
          Forcibly evict all items from the cache immediately without regard for transaction isolation.
 void NonstopAwareEntityRegionAccessStrategy.evictAll()
          Forcibly evict all items from the cache immediately without regard for transaction isolation.
 Object NonstopAwareNaturalIdRegionAccessStrategy.get(Object key, long txTimestamp)
          Attempt to retrieve an object from the cache.
 Object NonstopAwareCollectionRegionAccessStrategy.get(Object key, long txTimestamp)
          Attempt to retrieve an object from the cache.
 Object NonstopAwareEntityRegionAccessStrategy.get(Object key, long txTimestamp)
          Attempt to retrieve an object from the cache.
 boolean NonstopAwareNaturalIdRegionAccessStrategy.insert(Object key, Object value)
 boolean NonstopAwareEntityRegionAccessStrategy.insert(Object key, Object value, Object version)
          Called after an item has been inserted (before the transaction completes), instead of calling evict().
 SoftLock NonstopAwareNaturalIdRegionAccessStrategy.lockItem(Object key, Object version)
          We are going to attempt to update/delete the keyed object.
 SoftLock NonstopAwareCollectionRegionAccessStrategy.lockItem(Object key, Object version)
          We are going to attempt to update/delete the keyed object.
 SoftLock NonstopAwareEntityRegionAccessStrategy.lockItem(Object key, Object version)
          We are going to attempt to update/delete the keyed object.
 SoftLock NonstopAwareNaturalIdRegionAccessStrategy.lockRegion()
          Lock the entire region
 SoftLock NonstopAwareCollectionRegionAccessStrategy.lockRegion()
          Lock the entire region
 SoftLock NonstopAwareEntityRegionAccessStrategy.lockRegion()
          Lock the entire region
 boolean NonstopAwareNaturalIdRegionAccessStrategy.putFromLoad(Object key, Object value, long txTimestamp, Object version)
          Attempt to cache an object, after loading from the database.
 boolean NonstopAwareCollectionRegionAccessStrategy.putFromLoad(Object key, Object value, long txTimestamp, Object version)
          Attempt to cache an object, after loading from the database.
 boolean NonstopAwareEntityRegionAccessStrategy.putFromLoad(Object key, Object value, long txTimestamp, Object version)
          Attempt to cache an object, after loading from the database.
 boolean NonstopAwareNaturalIdRegionAccessStrategy.putFromLoad(Object key, Object value, long txTimestamp, Object version, boolean minimalPutOverride)
          Attempt to cache an object, after loading from the database, explicitly specifying the minimalPut behavior.
 boolean NonstopAwareCollectionRegionAccessStrategy.putFromLoad(Object key, Object value, long txTimestamp, Object version, boolean minimalPutOverride)
          Attempt to cache an object, after loading from the database, explicitly specifying the minimalPut behavior.
 boolean NonstopAwareEntityRegionAccessStrategy.putFromLoad(Object key, Object value, long txTimestamp, Object version, boolean minimalPutOverride)
          Attempt to cache an object, after loading from the database, explicitly specifying the minimalPut behavior.
 void NonstopAwareNaturalIdRegionAccessStrategy.remove(Object key)
          Called after an item has become stale (before the transaction completes).
 void NonstopAwareCollectionRegionAccessStrategy.remove(Object key)
          Called after an item has become stale (before the transaction completes).
 void NonstopAwareEntityRegionAccessStrategy.remove(Object key)
          Called after an item has become stale (before the transaction completes).
 void NonstopAwareNaturalIdRegionAccessStrategy.removeAll()
          Called to evict data from the entire region
 void NonstopAwareCollectionRegionAccessStrategy.removeAll()
          Called to evict data from the entire region
 void NonstopAwareEntityRegionAccessStrategy.removeAll()
          Called to evict data from the entire region
 void NonstopAwareNaturalIdRegionAccessStrategy.unlockItem(Object key, SoftLock lock)
          Called when we have finished the attempted update/delete (which may or may not have been successful), after transaction completion.
 void NonstopAwareCollectionRegionAccessStrategy.unlockItem(Object key, SoftLock lock)
          Called when we have finished the attempted update/delete (which may or may not have been successful), after transaction completion.
 void NonstopAwareEntityRegionAccessStrategy.unlockItem(Object key, SoftLock lock)
          Called when we have finished the attempted update/delete (which may or may not have been successful), after transaction completion.
 void NonstopAwareNaturalIdRegionAccessStrategy.unlockRegion(SoftLock lock)
          Called after we have finished the attempted invalidation of the entire region
 void NonstopAwareCollectionRegionAccessStrategy.unlockRegion(SoftLock lock)
          Called after we have finished the attempted invalidation of the entire region
 void NonstopAwareEntityRegionAccessStrategy.unlockRegion(SoftLock lock)
          Called after we have finished the attempted invalidation of the entire region
 boolean NonstopAwareNaturalIdRegionAccessStrategy.update(Object key, Object value)
 boolean NonstopAwareEntityRegionAccessStrategy.update(Object key, Object value, Object currentVersion, Object previousVersion)
          Called after an item has been updated (before the transaction completes), instead of calling evict().

Uses of CacheException in org.hibernate.cache.ehcache.internal.regions

Methods in org.hibernate.cache.ehcache.internal.regions that throw CacheException
 EntityRegionAccessStrategy EhcacheEntityRegion.buildAccessStrategy(AccessType accessType)
          Build an access strategy for the requested access type.
 NaturalIdRegionAccessStrategy EhcacheNaturalIdRegion.buildAccessStrategy(AccessType accessType)
 CollectionRegionAccessStrategy EhcacheCollectionRegion.buildAccessStrategy(AccessType accessType)
          Build an access strategy for the requested access type.
 void EhcacheTransactionalDataRegion.clear()
          Remove all mapping from this cache region.
 void EhcacheDataRegion.destroy()
          The "end state" contract of the region's lifecycle.
 void EhcacheTransactionalDataRegion.put(Object key, Object value)
          Map the given value to the given key, replacing any existing mapping for this key
 void EhcacheTransactionalDataRegion.remove(Object key)
          Remove the mapping for this key (if any exists).

Uses of CacheException in org.hibernate.cache.ehcache.internal.strategy

Methods in org.hibernate.cache.ehcache.internal.strategy that throw CacheException
 boolean NonStrictReadWriteEhcacheNaturalIdRegionAccessStrategy.afterInsert(Object key, Object value)
          Returns false since this is a non-strict read/write cache access strategy
 boolean ReadWriteEhcacheNaturalIdRegionAccessStrategy.afterInsert(Object key, Object value)
          Called after an item has been inserted (after the transaction completes), instead of calling release().
 boolean ReadOnlyEhcacheNaturalIdRegionAccessStrategy.afterInsert(Object key, Object value)
          Called after an item has been inserted (after the transaction completes), instead of calling release().
 boolean ReadOnlyEhcacheEntityRegionAccessStrategy.afterInsert(Object key, Object value, Object version)
          Called after an item has been inserted (after the transaction completes), instead of calling release().
 boolean ReadWriteEhcacheEntityRegionAccessStrategy.afterInsert(Object key, Object value, Object version)
          Called after an item has been inserted (after the transaction completes), instead of calling release().
 boolean NonStrictReadWriteEhcacheEntityRegionAccessStrategy.afterInsert(Object key, Object value, Object version)
          Returns false since this is a non-strict read/write cache access strategy
 boolean ReadWriteEhcacheEntityRegionAccessStrategy.afterUpdate(Object key, Object value, Object currentVersion, Object previousVersion, SoftLock lock)
          Called after an item has been updated (after the transaction completes), instead of calling release().
 boolean NonStrictReadWriteEhcacheEntityRegionAccessStrategy.afterUpdate(Object key, Object value, Object currentVersion, Object previousVersion, SoftLock lock)
          Called after an item has been updated (after the transaction completes), instead of calling release().
 boolean NonStrictReadWriteEhcacheNaturalIdRegionAccessStrategy.afterUpdate(Object key, Object value, SoftLock lock)
          Called after an item has been updated (after the transaction completes), instead of calling release().
 boolean ReadWriteEhcacheNaturalIdRegionAccessStrategy.afterUpdate(Object key, Object value, SoftLock lock)
          Called after an item has been updated (after the transaction completes), instead of calling release().
 Object ReadOnlyEhcacheCollectionRegionAccessStrategy.get(Object key, long txTimestamp)
          Attempt to retrieve an object from the cache.
 Object ReadOnlyEhcacheEntityRegionAccessStrategy.get(Object key, long txTimestamp)
          Attempt to retrieve an object from the cache.
 Object NonStrictReadWriteEhcacheCollectionRegionAccessStrategy.get(Object key, long txTimestamp)
          Attempt to retrieve an object from the cache.
 Object NonStrictReadWriteEhcacheNaturalIdRegionAccessStrategy.get(Object key, long txTimestamp)
          Attempt to retrieve an object from the cache.
 Object TransactionalEhcacheEntityRegionAccessStrategy.get(Object key, long txTimestamp)
          Attempt to retrieve an object from the cache.
 Object TransactionalEhcacheNaturalIdRegionAccessStrategy.get(Object key, long txTimestamp)
          Attempt to retrieve an object from the cache.
 Object TransactionalEhcacheCollectionRegionAccessStrategy.get(Object key, long txTimestamp)
          Attempt to retrieve an object from the cache.
 Object NonStrictReadWriteEhcacheEntityRegionAccessStrategy.get(Object key, long txTimestamp)
          Attempt to retrieve an object from the cache.
 Object ReadOnlyEhcacheNaturalIdRegionAccessStrategy.get(Object key, long txTimestamp)
          Attempt to retrieve an object from the cache.
 boolean NonStrictReadWriteEhcacheNaturalIdRegionAccessStrategy.insert(Object key, Object value)
          Returns false since this is an asynchronous cache access strategy.
 boolean TransactionalEhcacheNaturalIdRegionAccessStrategy.insert(Object key, Object value)
          Called after an item has been inserted (before the transaction completes), instead of calling evict().
 boolean ReadWriteEhcacheNaturalIdRegionAccessStrategy.insert(Object key, Object value)
          A no-op since this is an asynchronous cache access strategy.
 boolean ReadOnlyEhcacheNaturalIdRegionAccessStrategy.insert(Object key, Object value)
          This cache is asynchronous hence a no-op
 boolean ReadOnlyEhcacheEntityRegionAccessStrategy.insert(Object key, Object value, Object version)
          This cache is asynchronous hence a no-op
 boolean TransactionalEhcacheEntityRegionAccessStrategy.insert(Object key, Object value, Object version)
          Called after an item has been inserted (before the transaction completes), instead of calling evict().
 boolean ReadWriteEhcacheEntityRegionAccessStrategy.insert(Object key, Object value, Object version)
          A no-op since this is an asynchronous cache access strategy.
 boolean NonStrictReadWriteEhcacheEntityRegionAccessStrategy.insert(Object key, Object value, Object version)
          Returns false since this is an asynchronous cache access strategy.
 SoftLock NonStrictReadWriteEhcacheCollectionRegionAccessStrategy.lockItem(Object key, Object version)
          Since this is a non-strict read/write strategy item locking is not used.
 SoftLock NonStrictReadWriteEhcacheNaturalIdRegionAccessStrategy.lockItem(Object key, Object version)
          Since this is a non-strict read/write strategy item locking is not used.
 SoftLock TransactionalEhcacheEntityRegionAccessStrategy.lockItem(Object key, Object version)
          We are going to attempt to update/delete the keyed object.
 SoftLock TransactionalEhcacheNaturalIdRegionAccessStrategy.lockItem(Object key, Object version)
          We are going to attempt to update/delete the keyed object.
 SoftLock TransactionalEhcacheCollectionRegionAccessStrategy.lockItem(Object key, Object version)
          We are going to attempt to update/delete the keyed object.
 SoftLock NonStrictReadWriteEhcacheEntityRegionAccessStrategy.lockItem(Object key, Object version)
          Since this is a non-strict read/write strategy item locking is not used.
 boolean ReadOnlyEhcacheCollectionRegionAccessStrategy.putFromLoad(Object key, Object value, long txTimestamp, Object version, boolean minimalPutOverride)
          This method is a placeholder for method signatures supplied by interfaces pulled in further down the class hierarchy.
 boolean ReadOnlyEhcacheEntityRegionAccessStrategy.putFromLoad(Object key, Object value, long txTimestamp, Object version, boolean minimalPutOverride)
          This method is a placeholder for method signatures supplied by interfaces pulled in further down the class hierarchy.
 boolean NonStrictReadWriteEhcacheCollectionRegionAccessStrategy.putFromLoad(Object key, Object value, long txTimestamp, Object version, boolean minimalPutOverride)
          This method is a placeholder for method signatures supplied by interfaces pulled in further down the class hierarchy.
 boolean NonStrictReadWriteEhcacheNaturalIdRegionAccessStrategy.putFromLoad(Object key, Object value, long txTimestamp, Object version, boolean minimalPutOverride)
          This method is a placeholder for method signatures supplied by interfaces pulled in further down the class hierarchy.
 boolean TransactionalEhcacheEntityRegionAccessStrategy.putFromLoad(Object key, Object value, long txTimestamp, Object version, boolean minimalPutOverride)
          This method is a placeholder for method signatures supplied by interfaces pulled in further down the class hierarchy.
 boolean TransactionalEhcacheNaturalIdRegionAccessStrategy.putFromLoad(Object key, Object value, long txTimestamp, Object version, boolean minimalPutOverride)
          This method is a placeholder for method signatures supplied by interfaces pulled in further down the class hierarchy.
 boolean TransactionalEhcacheCollectionRegionAccessStrategy.putFromLoad(Object key, Object value, long txTimestamp, Object version, boolean minimalPutOverride)
          This method is a placeholder for method signatures supplied by interfaces pulled in further down the class hierarchy.
 boolean NonStrictReadWriteEhcacheEntityRegionAccessStrategy.putFromLoad(Object key, Object value, long txTimestamp, Object version, boolean minimalPutOverride)
          This method is a placeholder for method signatures supplied by interfaces pulled in further down the class hierarchy.
 boolean ReadOnlyEhcacheNaturalIdRegionAccessStrategy.putFromLoad(Object key, Object value, long txTimestamp, Object version, boolean minimalPutOverride)
          This method is a placeholder for method signatures supplied by interfaces pulled in further down the class hierarchy.
 void NonStrictReadWriteEhcacheCollectionRegionAccessStrategy.remove(Object key)
          A no-op since this is an asynchronous cache access strategy.
 void NonStrictReadWriteEhcacheNaturalIdRegionAccessStrategy.remove(Object key)
          A no-op since this is an asynchronous cache access strategy.
 void TransactionalEhcacheEntityRegionAccessStrategy.remove(Object key)
          A no-op since this is an asynchronous cache access strategy.
 void TransactionalEhcacheNaturalIdRegionAccessStrategy.remove(Object key)
          A no-op since this is an asynchronous cache access strategy.
 void TransactionalEhcacheCollectionRegionAccessStrategy.remove(Object key)
          A no-op since this is an asynchronous cache access strategy.
 void NonStrictReadWriteEhcacheEntityRegionAccessStrategy.remove(Object key)
          A no-op since this is an asynchronous cache access strategy.
 void ReadOnlyEhcacheCollectionRegionAccessStrategy.unlockItem(Object key, SoftLock lock)
          A no-op since this cache is read-only
 void ReadOnlyEhcacheEntityRegionAccessStrategy.unlockItem(Object key, SoftLock lock)
          A no-op since this cache is read-only
 void NonStrictReadWriteEhcacheCollectionRegionAccessStrategy.unlockItem(Object key, SoftLock lock)
          Since this is a non-strict read/write strategy item locking is not used.
 void NonStrictReadWriteEhcacheNaturalIdRegionAccessStrategy.unlockItem(Object key, SoftLock lock)
          Since this is a non-strict read/write strategy item locking is not used.
 void TransactionalEhcacheEntityRegionAccessStrategy.unlockItem(Object key, SoftLock lock)
          Called when we have finished the attempted update/delete (which may or may not have been successful), after transaction completion.
 void TransactionalEhcacheNaturalIdRegionAccessStrategy.unlockItem(Object key, SoftLock lock)
          Called when we have finished the attempted update/delete (which may or may not have been successful), after transaction completion.
 void TransactionalEhcacheCollectionRegionAccessStrategy.unlockItem(Object key, SoftLock lock)
          Called when we have finished the attempted update/delete (which may or may not have been successful), after transaction completion.
 void NonStrictReadWriteEhcacheEntityRegionAccessStrategy.unlockItem(Object key, SoftLock lock)
          Since this is a non-strict read/write strategy item locking is not used.
 void ReadOnlyEhcacheNaturalIdRegionAccessStrategy.unlockItem(Object key, SoftLock lock)
          A no-op since this cache is read-only
 boolean NonStrictReadWriteEhcacheNaturalIdRegionAccessStrategy.update(Object key, Object value)
          Removes the entry since this is a non-strict read/write cache strategy.
 boolean TransactionalEhcacheNaturalIdRegionAccessStrategy.update(Object key, Object value)
          Called after an item has been updated (before the transaction completes), instead of calling evict().
 boolean ReadWriteEhcacheNaturalIdRegionAccessStrategy.update(Object key, Object value)
          A no-op since this is an asynchronous cache access strategy.
 boolean TransactionalEhcacheEntityRegionAccessStrategy.update(Object key, Object value, Object currentVersion, Object previousVersion)
          Called after an item has been updated (before the transaction completes), instead of calling evict().
 boolean ReadWriteEhcacheEntityRegionAccessStrategy.update(Object key, Object value, Object currentVersion, Object previousVersion)
          A no-op since this is an asynchronous cache access strategy.
 boolean NonStrictReadWriteEhcacheEntityRegionAccessStrategy.update(Object key, Object value, Object currentVersion, Object previousVersion)
          Removes the entry since this is a non-strict read/write cache strategy.

Uses of CacheException in org.hibernate.cache.ehcache.internal.util

Methods in org.hibernate.cache.ehcache.internal.util that throw CacheException
static void HibernateUtil.validateEhcache(net.sf.ehcache.Ehcache cache)
          Validates that the supplied Ehcache instance is valid for use as a Hibernate cache.

Uses of CacheException in org.hibernate.cache.infinispan

Methods in org.hibernate.cache.infinispan that throw CacheException
 CollectionRegion InfinispanRegionFactory.buildCollectionRegion(String regionName, Properties properties, CacheDataDescription metadata)
          Build a cache region specialized for storing collection data.
 EntityRegion InfinispanRegionFactory.buildEntityRegion(String regionName, Properties properties, CacheDataDescription metadata)
          Build a cache region specialized for storing entity data.
 NaturalIdRegion InfinispanRegionFactory.buildNaturalIdRegion(String regionName, Properties properties, CacheDataDescription metadata)
 QueryResultsRegion InfinispanRegionFactory.buildQueryResultsRegion(String regionName, Properties properties)
          Build a cache region specialized for storing query results
 TimestampsRegion InfinispanRegionFactory.buildTimestampsRegion(String regionName, Properties properties)
          Build a cache region specialized for storing update-timestamps data.
protected  org.infinispan.manager.EmbeddedCacheManager InfinispanRegionFactory.createCacheManager(Properties properties)
protected  org.infinispan.manager.EmbeddedCacheManager JndiInfinispanRegionFactory.createCacheManager(Properties properties)
 void InfinispanRegionFactory.start(Settings settings, Properties properties)
          Lifecycle callback to perform any necessary initialization of the underlying cache implementation(s).
 void TypeOverrides.validateInfinispanConfiguration(org.infinispan.config.Configuration configuration)

Uses of CacheException in org.hibernate.cache.infinispan.access

Methods in org.hibernate.cache.infinispan.access that throw CacheException
 boolean TransactionalAccessDelegate.afterInsert(Object key, Object value, Object version)
 boolean TransactionalAccessDelegate.afterUpdate(Object key, Object value, Object currentVersion, Object previousVersion, SoftLock lock)
 void TransactionalAccessDelegate.evict(Object key)
 void TransactionalAccessDelegate.evictAll()
 Object TransactionalAccessDelegate.get(Object key, long txTimestamp)
 boolean TransactionalAccessDelegate.insert(Object key, Object value, Object version)
 SoftLock TransactionalAccessDelegate.lockItem(Object key, Object version)
 SoftLock TransactionalAccessDelegate.lockRegion()
 boolean TransactionalAccessDelegate.putFromLoad(Object key, Object value, long txTimestamp, Object version, boolean minimalPutOverride)
 void TransactionalAccessDelegate.remove(Object key)
 void TransactionalAccessDelegate.removeAll()
 void TransactionalAccessDelegate.unlockItem(Object key, SoftLock lock)
 void TransactionalAccessDelegate.unlockRegion(SoftLock lock)
 boolean TransactionalAccessDelegate.update(Object key, Object value, Object currentVersion, Object previousVersion)

Uses of CacheException in org.hibernate.cache.infinispan.collection

Methods in org.hibernate.cache.infinispan.collection that throw CacheException
 CollectionRegionAccessStrategy CollectionRegionImpl.buildAccessStrategy(AccessType accessType)

Uses of CacheException in org.hibernate.cache.infinispan.entity

Methods in org.hibernate.cache.infinispan.entity that throw CacheException
 EntityRegionAccessStrategy EntityRegionImpl.buildAccessStrategy(AccessType accessType)

Uses of CacheException in org.hibernate.cache.infinispan.impl

Methods in org.hibernate.cache.infinispan.impl that throw CacheException
 void BaseRegion.destroy()
 void BaseGeneralDataRegion.evict(Object key)
 void BaseGeneralDataRegion.evictAll()
 Object BaseGeneralDataRegion.get(Object key)
 void BaseGeneralDataRegion.put(Object key, Object value)

Uses of CacheException in org.hibernate.cache.infinispan.naturalid

Methods in org.hibernate.cache.infinispan.naturalid that throw CacheException
 NaturalIdRegionAccessStrategy NaturalIdRegionImpl.buildAccessStrategy(AccessType accessType)

Uses of CacheException in org.hibernate.cache.infinispan.query

Methods in org.hibernate.cache.infinispan.query that throw CacheException
 void QueryResultsRegionImpl.evict(Object key)
 void QueryResultsRegionImpl.evictAll()
 Object QueryResultsRegionImpl.get(Object key)
 void QueryResultsRegionImpl.put(Object key, Object value)

Uses of CacheException in org.hibernate.cache.infinispan.timestamp

Methods in org.hibernate.cache.infinispan.timestamp that throw CacheException
 void ClusteredTimestampsRegionImpl.destroy()
 void TimestampsRegionImpl.evict(Object key)
 void TimestampsRegionImpl.evictAll()
 void ClusteredTimestampsRegionImpl.evictAll()
 Object TimestampsRegionImpl.get(Object key)
 Object ClusteredTimestampsRegionImpl.get(Object key)
 void TimestampsRegionImpl.put(Object key, Object value)
 void TimestampTypeOverrides.validateInfinispanConfiguration(org.infinispan.config.Configuration configuration)

Uses of CacheException in org.hibernate.cache.internal

Methods in org.hibernate.cache.internal that throw CacheException
 CollectionRegion NoCachingRegionFactory.buildCollectionRegion(String regionName, Properties properties, CacheDataDescription metadata)
 EntityRegion NoCachingRegionFactory.buildEntityRegion(String regionName, Properties properties, CacheDataDescription metadata)
 NaturalIdRegion NoCachingRegionFactory.buildNaturalIdRegion(String regionName, Properties properties, CacheDataDescription metadata)
 QueryResultsRegion NoCachingRegionFactory.buildQueryResultsRegion(String regionName, Properties properties)
 TimestampsRegion NoCachingRegionFactory.buildTimestampsRegion(String regionName, Properties properties)
 void StandardQueryCache.clear()
 void NoCachingRegionFactory.start(Settings settings, Properties properties)

Uses of CacheException in org.hibernate.cache.spi

Methods in org.hibernate.cache.spi that throw CacheException
 NaturalIdRegionAccessStrategy NaturalIdRegion.buildAccessStrategy(AccessType accessType)
          Build an access strategy for the requested access type.
 EntityRegionAccessStrategy EntityRegion.buildAccessStrategy(AccessType accessType)
          Build an access strategy for the requested access type.
 CollectionRegionAccessStrategy CollectionRegion.buildAccessStrategy(AccessType accessType)
          Build an access strategy for the requested access type.
 CollectionRegion RegionFactory.buildCollectionRegion(String regionName, Properties properties, CacheDataDescription metadata)
          Build a cache region specialized for storing collection data.
 EntityRegion RegionFactory.buildEntityRegion(String regionName, Properties properties, CacheDataDescription metadata)
          Build a cache region specialized for storing entity data.
 NaturalIdRegion RegionFactory.buildNaturalIdRegion(String regionName, Properties properties, CacheDataDescription metadata)
          Build a cache region specialized for storing NaturalId to Primary Key mappings.
 QueryResultsRegion RegionFactory.buildQueryResultsRegion(String regionName, Properties properties)
          Build a cache region specialized for storing query results
 TimestampsRegion RegionFactory.buildTimestampsRegion(String regionName, Properties properties)
          Build a cache region specialized for storing update-timestamps data.
 void UpdateTimestampsCache.clear()
 void QueryCache.clear()
 void Region.destroy()
          The "end state" contract of the region's lifecycle.
 void GeneralDataRegion.evict(Object key)
          Evict an item from the cache immediately (without regard for transaction isolation).
 void GeneralDataRegion.evictAll()
          Evict all contents of this particular cache region (without regard for transaction isolation).
 Object GeneralDataRegion.get(Object key)
          Get an item from the cache.
 void UpdateTimestampsCache.invalidate(Serializable[] spaces, SessionImplementor session)
          Perform invalidation.
 boolean UpdateTimestampsCache.isUpToDate(Set<Serializable> spaces, Long timestamp, SessionImplementor session)
          Perform an up-to-date check for the given set of query spaces.
 void UpdateTimestampsCache.preInvalidate(Serializable[] spaces, SessionImplementor session)
          Perform pre-invalidation.
 void GeneralDataRegion.put(Object key, Object value)
          Put an item into the cache.
 void RegionFactory.start(Settings settings, Properties properties)
          Lifecycle callback to perform any necessary initialization of the underlying cache implementation(s).

Uses of CacheException in org.hibernate.cache.spi.access

Methods in org.hibernate.cache.spi.access that throw CacheException
 boolean NaturalIdRegionAccessStrategy.afterInsert(Object key, Object value)
          Called after an item has been inserted (after the transaction completes), instead of calling release().
 boolean EntityRegionAccessStrategy.afterInsert(Object key, Object value, Object version)
          Called after an item has been inserted (after the transaction completes), instead of calling release().
 boolean EntityRegionAccessStrategy.afterUpdate(Object key, Object value, Object currentVersion, Object previousVersion, SoftLock lock)
          Called after an item has been updated (after the transaction completes), instead of calling release().
 boolean NaturalIdRegionAccessStrategy.afterUpdate(Object key, Object value, SoftLock lock)
          Called after an item has been updated (after the transaction completes), instead of calling release().
 void RegionAccessStrategy.evict(Object key)
          Forcibly evict an item from the cache immediately without regard for transaction isolation.
 void RegionAccessStrategy.evictAll()
          Forcibly evict all items from the cache immediately without regard for transaction isolation.
 Object RegionAccessStrategy.get(Object key, long txTimestamp)
          Attempt to retrieve an object from the cache.
 boolean NaturalIdRegionAccessStrategy.insert(Object key, Object value)
          Called after an item has been inserted (before the transaction completes), instead of calling evict().
 boolean EntityRegionAccessStrategy.insert(Object key, Object value, Object version)
          Called after an item has been inserted (before the transaction completes), instead of calling evict().
 SoftLock RegionAccessStrategy.lockItem(Object key, Object version)
          We are going to attempt to update/delete the keyed object.
 SoftLock RegionAccessStrategy.lockRegion()
          Lock the entire region
 boolean RegionAccessStrategy.putFromLoad(Object key, Object value, long txTimestamp, Object version)
          Attempt to cache an object, after loading from the database.
 boolean RegionAccessStrategy.putFromLoad(Object key, Object value, long txTimestamp, Object version, boolean minimalPutOverride)
          Attempt to cache an object, after loading from the database, explicitly specifying the minimalPut behavior.
 void RegionAccessStrategy.remove(Object key)
          Called after an item has become stale (before the transaction completes).
 void RegionAccessStrategy.removeAll()
          Called to evict data from the entire region
 void RegionAccessStrategy.unlockItem(Object key, SoftLock lock)
          Called when we have finished the attempted update/delete (which may or may not have been successful), after transaction completion.
 void RegionAccessStrategy.unlockRegion(SoftLock lock)
          Called after we have finished the attempted invalidation of the entire region
 boolean NaturalIdRegionAccessStrategy.update(Object key, Object value)
          Called after an item has been updated (before the transaction completes), instead of calling evict().
 boolean EntityRegionAccessStrategy.update(Object key, Object value, Object currentVersion, Object previousVersion)
          Called after an item has been updated (before the transaction completes), instead of calling evict().

Uses of CacheException in org.hibernate.ejb.internal

Methods in org.hibernate.ejb.internal with parameters of type CacheException
 void EntityManagerMessageLogger_$logger.unableToReleaseCacheLock(CacheException arg0)

Uses of CacheException in org.hibernate.envers.internal

Methods in org.hibernate.envers.internal with parameters of type CacheException
 void EnversMessageLogger_$logger.unableToReleaseCacheLock(CacheException arg0)

Uses of CacheException in org.hibernate.internal

Methods in org.hibernate.internal with parameters of type CacheException
 void CoreMessageLogger.unableToReleaseCacheLock(CacheException ce)
 void CoreMessageLogger_$logger.unableToReleaseCacheLock(CacheException ce)

Uses of CacheException in org.hibernate.persister.collection

Constructors in org.hibernate.persister.collection that throw CacheException
AbstractCollectionPersister(Collection collection, CollectionRegionAccessStrategy cacheAccessStrategy, Configuration cfg, SessionFactoryImplementor factory)
BasicCollectionPersister(Collection collection, CollectionRegionAccessStrategy cacheAccessStrategy, Configuration cfg, SessionFactoryImplementor factory)
OneToManyPersister(Collection collection, CollectionRegionAccessStrategy cacheAccessStrategy, Configuration cfg, SessionFactoryImplementor factory)

Uses of CacheException in org.hibernate.service.jdbc.connections.internal

Methods in org.hibernate.service.jdbc.connections.internal with parameters of type CacheException
 void C3P0MessageLogger_$logger.unableToReleaseCacheLock(CacheException arg0)
 void ProxoolMessageLogger_$logger.unableToReleaseCacheLock(CacheException arg0)

Uses of CacheException in org.hibernate.testing.cache

Methods in org.hibernate.testing.cache that throw CacheException
 CollectionRegion CachingRegionFactory.buildCollectionRegion(String regionName, Properties properties, CacheDataDescription metadata)
 EntityRegion CachingRegionFactory.buildEntityRegion(String regionName, Properties properties, CacheDataDescription metadata)
 NaturalIdRegion CachingRegionFactory.buildNaturalIdRegion(String regionName, Properties properties, CacheDataDescription metadata)
 QueryResultsRegion CachingRegionFactory.buildQueryResultsRegion(String regionName, Properties properties)
 TimestampsRegion CachingRegionFactory.buildTimestampsRegion(String regionName, Properties properties)
 void CachingRegionFactory.start(Settings settings, Properties properties)

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