Package org.hibernate.service.jdbc.connections.internal

Interface Summary
C3P0MessageLogger The jboss-logging MessageLogger for the hibernate-c3p0 module.
ProxoolMessageLogger The jboss-logging MessageLogger for the hibernate-proxool module.

Class Summary
C3P0ConnectionProvider A connection provider that uses a C3P0 connection pool.
C3P0MessageLogger_$logger Warning this class consists of generated code.
ConnectionProviderInitiator Instantiates and configures an appropriate ConnectionProvider.
DatasourceConnectionProviderImpl A ConnectionProvider that manages connections from an underlying DataSource.
DriverManagerConnectionProviderImpl A connection provider that uses the DriverManager directly to open connections and provides a very rudimentary connection pool.
ProxoolConnectionProvider A connection provider that uses a Proxool connection pool.
ProxoolMessageLogger_$logger Warning this class consists of generated code.
UserSuppliedConnectionProviderImpl An implementation of the ConnectionProvider interface that simply throws an exception when a connection is requested, the assumption being that the application is responsible for handing the connection to use to the session

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