Interface JdbcValues

    • Method Detail

      • next

        boolean next​(RowProcessingState rowProcessingState)
        Advances the "cursor position" and returns a boolean indicating whether there is a row available to read via getCurrentRowValue(int).
        true if there are results
      • previous

        boolean previous​(RowProcessingState rowProcessingState)
        Advances the "cursor position" in reverse and returns a boolean indicating whether there is a row available to read via getCurrentRowValue(int).
        true if there are results available
      • scroll

        boolean scroll​(int numberOfRows,
                       RowProcessingState rowProcessingState)
        Advances the "cursor position" the indicated number of rows and returns a boolean indicating whether there is a row available to read via getCurrentRowValue(int).
        numberOfRows - The number of rows to advance. This can also be negative meaning to move in reverse
        true if there are results available
      • position

        boolean position​(int position,
                         RowProcessingState rowProcessingState)
        Moves the "cursor position" to the specified position
      • getPosition

        int getPosition()
      • getCurrentRowValue

        Object getCurrentRowValue​(int valueIndex)
        Get the JDBC value at the given index for the row currently positioned at within this source.
        The current row's JDBC values, or null if the position is beyond the end of the available results.
      • finishRowProcessing

        default void finishRowProcessing​(RowProcessingState rowProcessingState,
                                         boolean wasAdded)
      • setFetchSize

        void setFetchSize​(int fetchSize)