Interface RowProcessingState
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public interface RowProcessingState extends ExecutionContext
State pertaining to the processing of a single "row" of a JdbcValuesSource
Method Summary
All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Default Methods Deprecated Methods Modifier and Type Method Description void
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.UsefinishRowProcessing(boolean)
insteaddefault void
finishRowProcessing(boolean wasAdded)
Callback at the end of processing the current "row"Object
getJdbcValue(int position)
Retrieve the value corresponding to the given index as part of the "current JDBC row".default Object
getJdbcValue(SqlSelection sqlSelection)
Retrieve the value corresponding to the given SqlSelection as part of the "current JDBC row".JdbcValuesSourceProcessingState
Access to the state related to the overall processing of the results.RowReader<?>
todo (6.0) : do we want this here? Depends how we handle caching assembler / result mementoboolean
registerNonExists(EntityFetch fetch)
resolveInitializer(@Nullable NavigablePath path)
Locate the Initializer registered for the given path-
Methods inherited from interface org.hibernate.sql.exec.spi.ExecutionContext
afterStatement, getCallback, getCollectionKey, getEntityId, getEntityInstance, getEntityUniqueKey, getEntityUniqueKeyAttributePath, getLoadQueryInfluencers, getQueryIdentifier, getQueryOptions, getQueryParameterBindings, getRootEntityDescriptor, getSession, hasCallbackActions, hasQueryExecutionToBeAddedToStatistics, isScrollResult, registerLoadingEntityHolder, upgradeLocks
Method Detail
JdbcValuesSourceProcessingState getJdbcValuesSourceProcessingState()
Access to the state related to the overall processing of the results.
default Object getJdbcValue(SqlSelection sqlSelection)
Retrieve the value corresponding to the given SqlSelection as part of the "current JDBC row".
RowReader<?> getRowReader()
todo (6.0) : do we want this here? Depends how we handle caching assembler / result memento
Object getJdbcValue(int position)
Retrieve the value corresponding to the given index as part of the "current JDBC row". We read all the ResultSet values for the given row one time and store them into an array internally based on the principle that multiple accesses to this array will be significantly faster than accessing them from the ResultSet potentially multiple times.
void registerNonExists(EntityFetch fetch)
boolean isQueryCacheHit()
@Deprecated(forRemoval=true) void finishRowProcessing()
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.UsefinishRowProcessing(boolean)
insteadCallback at the end of processing the current "row"
default void finishRowProcessing(boolean wasAdded)
Callback at the end of processing the current "row"
Initializer resolveInitializer(@Nullable NavigablePath path)
Locate the Initializer registered for the given path