Interface Value

    • Method Detail

      • getColumnSpan

        int getColumnSpan()
        The number of columns and formulas in the mapping.
      • getSelectables

        List<Selectable> getSelectables()
        The mapping to columns and formulas.
      • getColumns

        List<Column> getColumns()
        If the mapping involves only columns, return them.
        AssertionFailure - if the mapping involves formulas
      • getVirtualSelectables

        default List<Selectable> getVirtualSelectables()
        Same as getSelectables() except it returns the PK for the non-owning side of a one-to-one association.
      • getConstraintColumns

        default List<Column> getConstraintColumns()
        Same as getColumns() except it returns the PK for the non-owning side of a one-to-one association.
        AssertionFailure - if the mapping involves formulas
      • getTable

        Table getTable()
      • hasFormula

        boolean hasFormula()
      • isAlternateUniqueKey

        boolean isAlternateUniqueKey()
      • isNullable

        boolean isNullable()
      • createForeignKey

        void createForeignKey()
      • isSimpleValue

        boolean isSimpleValue()
      • isSame

        boolean isSame​(Value other)
      • getColumnInsertability

        boolean[] getColumnInsertability()
      • hasAnyInsertableColumns

        boolean hasAnyInsertableColumns()
      • getColumnUpdateability

        boolean[] getColumnUpdateability()
      • hasAnyUpdatableColumns

        boolean hasAnyUpdatableColumns()
      • isColumnInsertable

        boolean isColumnInsertable​(int index)
      • isColumnUpdateable

        boolean isColumnUpdateable​(int index)
      • checkColumnDuplication

        default void checkColumnDuplication​(Set<String> distinctColumns,
                                            String owner)
        Checks if this value contains any duplicate column. A column is considered duplicate when its name is already contained in the distinctColumn set.

        If a duplicate column is found, a MappingException is thrown.

        distinctColumns - set containing the names of the columns to check
        owner - the owner of this value, used just for error reporting