Class GenericContextAwarePojoGenericTypeModel<T>

All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class GenericContextAwarePojoGenericTypeModel<T> extends AbstractPojoGenericTypeModel<T> implements PojoTypeModel<T>
An implementation of PojoTypeModel that takes advantage of the context in which a given property appears to derive more precise type information.

Instances wrap a PojoRawTypeModel, and propagate generics information to properties and their type by wrapping the property models as well.

For instance, given the following model:

 class A<T extends C> {
   GenericType<T> propertyOfA;
 class B extends A<D> {
 class C {
 class D extends C {
 class GenericType<T> {
   T propertyOfGenericType;
... if an instance of this implementation was used to model the type of B.propertyOfA, then the property B.propertyOfA would appear to have type List<D> as one would expect, instead of type T extends C if we inferred the type solely based on generics information from type A. This will also be true for more deeply nested references to a type variable, for instance the type of property B.propertyOfA.propertyOfGenericType will correctly be inferred as D.
  • Method Details

    • name

      public String name()
      Specified by:
      name in interface PojoTypeModel<T>
      A human-readable name for this type.
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      Specified by:
      equals in interface PojoTypeModel<T>
      equals in class Object
      true if obj is a PojoTypeModel referencing the exact same type with the exact same exposed metadata.
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      Specified by:
      hashCode in interface PojoTypeModel<T>
      hashCode in class Object
    • property

      public PojoPropertyModel<?> property(String propertyName)
      Specified by:
      property in interface PojoTypeModel<T>
      property in class AbstractPojoGenericTypeModel<T>
      propertyName - The name of a property in this type.
      A representation of the property with the given name.
    • castTo

      public <U> Optional<PojoTypeModel<? extends U>> castTo(Class<U> target)
      Specified by:
      castTo in interface PojoTypeModel<T>
      Type Parameters:
      U - The type to cast to.
      target - The type to cast to.
      A new type model, representing the current type cast to the given type, or Optional.empty() if casting is not supported. The type model will retain as much contextual type information as possible (type arguments, ...), so casting List<Integer> to Collection for example would return Collection<Integer>.
    • typeArgument

      public Optional<PojoTypeModel<?>> typeArgument(Class<?> rawSuperType, int typeParameterIndex)
      Specified by:
      typeArgument in interface PojoTypeModel<T>
      rawSuperType - The supertype to resolve type parameters for
      typeParameterIndex - The index of the type parameter to resolve
      The model for the type argument for the type parameter defined in rawSuperType at index typeParameterIndex, or an empty optional if the current type does not extend rawSuperType. Implementations may decide to return a model of the raw type argument, or to retain generics information.
    • arrayElementType

      public Optional<PojoTypeModel<?>> arrayElementType()
      Specified by:
      arrayElementType in interface PojoTypeModel<T>
      The model for the array element type, or an empty optional if the current type is not an array type. Implementations may decide to return a model of the raw array element type, or to retain generics information.