Interface SimpleBooleanPredicateClausesCollector<S extends SimpleBooleanPredicateClausesCollector<?>>

Type Parameters:
S - The "self" type (the actual exposed type of this collector).
All Known Subinterfaces:
GenericSimpleBooleanPredicateClausesStep<S,C>, NestedPredicateClausesCollector<S>, NestedPredicateClausesStep<S>, SimpleBooleanPredicateClausesStep<S>

public interface SimpleBooleanPredicateClausesCollector<S extends SimpleBooleanPredicateClausesCollector<?>>
An object where the clauses and options of a simple boolean predicate (and, or) can be set.


Depending on the outer predicate, documents will have to match either all clauses, or any clause:

  • For the and predicate, documents will have to match all clauses.
  • For the or predicate, documents will have to match any clauses (at least one).
  • For the nested predicate, documents will have to match all clauses.
  • For the root predicate defined through the second parameter of the lambda passed to SearchQueryWhereStep.where(BiConsumer), documents will have to match all clauses.
  • Method Details

    • add

      S add(PredicateFinalStep searchPredicate)
      Adds the specified predicate to the list of clauses.
      this, for method chaining.
    • add

      S add(SearchPredicate searchPredicate)
      Adds the specified previously-built SearchPredicate to the list of clauses.
      this, for method chaining.
    • add

      S add(Function<? super SearchPredicateFactory,? extends PredicateFinalStep> clauseContributor)
      Adds a clause to be defined by the given function.

      Best used with lambda expressions.

      clauseContributor - A function that will use the factory passed in parameter to create a predicate, returning the final step in the predicate DSL. Should generally be a lambda expression.
      this, for method chaining.
    • with

      S with(Consumer<? super S> contributor)
      Delegates setting clauses and options to a given consumer.

      Best used with lambda expressions.

      contributor - A consumer that will add clauses and options to the collector that it consumes. Should generally be a lambda expression.
      this, for method chaining.
    • hasClause

      boolean hasClause()
      Checks if this predicate contains at least one clause.
      true if any clauses were added, i.e. any of the add(..) methods were called at least once, false otherwise.